Discover English Level 4 Student's Book

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Discover Words ▼

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1 1.46 Match the words with pictures. Then listen, check and repeat. budgie cat chicken cow dog duck fly fox giraffe goldfish guinea pig hamster hippo horse lamb lion lizard monkey mouse parrot pig sheep snake spider tiger zebra 1 2 Work in pairs. Use the words in the box to describe the pictures.

In picture A, there are monkeys on a car. A child is feeding a giraffe. There’s … Discover


extra words. Go to the inside back cover.

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IN THIS UNIT: animals plants weather zero, first and second conditional • giving advice • • • •

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3 a Look at the pictures again. Which picture shows: • mainly pets? • mainly farm animals?

• mainly wild animals? • an insect?

b Work in pairs. Think of more examples for each of the categories in Exercise 3a.

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rt 4 The Game: Part Adam I looked up ‘Fish’ in the phone book last night. There are only two – I wrote down the numbers. Shall I try them both? Jack OK, but what will you do if she answers? Adam I’ll just say I’ve dialled the wrong number. Honestly, you worry too much. Chloe And what will you say if she doesn’t answer? I mean, if someone else answers? Adam I’ll ask to speak to Priscilla. If they say ‘yes’, or ‘she’s out’, we’ll know it’s the right place. Then I’ll hang up. Jack OK, then. Good luck. Adam Hello? Um, can I speak to Priscilla, please? … Oh, really? Well, never mind. I’ll call back later. Goodbye … OK, now we know her address. It must be a big place. I could hear lots of dogs barking. Chloe So, what shall we do now? Adam Let’s go and watch the house. We need to find out more about her. Later Chloe We’ve already learned one thing. They don’t feed their dogs. Look at them – they’re starving. And they need more space. If you treat dogs like that, they go crazy. It’s no wonder they’re snarling at us. Poor things! Jack Yes, I’m sure it’s not their fault, but I’m still scared of them. If we go any closer, they’ll bite us. Adam No, they won’t. Come on. Be brave. Let’s have a look through the window. Jack I don’t think you should go any nearer … Come back! Adam OK, maybe you’re right. Chloe Come on. Let’s forget the whole thing. It isn’t worth it. Adam Wait a minute, listen … Guess what I saw when I looked through the window? Jack Go on then, what? Adam There are three computers in there, and piles and piles of CDs. I think they’re pirating games. Jack Right. Let’s call the police! Chloe Yes, and the RSPCA.

1 1.47 Listen and read. What does Adam see through the window? 2 1 2 3 4 5

Answer the questions. How do the friends know Priscilla’s address? Why does Adam say, ‘It must be a big place’? Why is Chloe sorry for the dogs? What does Adam change his mind about? What do you think ‘pirating games’ means?

Talking Tips! 3 1.48 Use the phrases to complete the sentences. Then listen, check and repeat. Shall I


It’s no wonder

1 You haven’t had any breakfast. __________ you’re hungry! 2 You’ve got a lot to carry! ___________ carry something for you? 3 Don’t worry about me. __________ , I’m fine!


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We use the zero conditional to talk about actions or situations that always have the same results. If you treat dogs like that, they go crazy. We use the first conditional to talk about possible future events that depend on other future events.

Discover Skills Reading ▼

Grammar zero and first conditional

looking for information

Before you read a factual text, think about what you want to find out. Note down some general questions about the subject.

If we go any closer, they’ll bite us. What will you do if she answers / doesn’t answer?

7 Work in pairs. The RSPCA is a British animal charity. You are going to read about it. First, read the questions and add one more.


1 What do the letters RSPCA stand for? 2 What kind of animals does it work with? 3 __________________________________ ?

Complete the dialogue. Use the first conditional.

A What 1will happen (happen) if Priscilla 2hears (hear) the dogs? B If the dogs 3_________ (bark), she 4_________ (come) out. A What 5_________ (the friends / do) if she 6_________ (see) them? B Don’t worry. She 7_________ (not see) them if she 8 _________ (come) out. A Why not? B Because if the front door 9_________ (open), they 10 _________ (hide).

Listening 6 1.49 Adam, Chloe and Jack are talking to a detective. Listen, then complete the missing words in the summary. Priscilla and her husband pirated computer games and DVDs. 2_________ worked for the magazine, Geek Games. The magazine often had competitions to 3_________ , but 4_________ stole the best games. Priscilla really is a 5 _________ , and she used to work for 6_________ . When she saw Adam’s 7_________ , she recognised his name and remembered the 8_________ . She still had 9_________ , so she went in and looked for 10_________ . She thought Adam had more designs – but she was wrong. 1

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8 Now read the leaflet. Can you answer the questions in Exercise 7? If not, where can you find the answers?



If dogs eat chocolate, it makes them ill. (eat / make) If my cat ______ cold, it ______ in my bed. (be / sleep) Pets ______ fat if they ______ exercise. (get / not have) If cows ______ down, it ______ rain. (lie / mean) ______ black cats ______ good luck if they ______ in front of you? (bring / walk)


lty to Animals is The Royal Society for the Prevention of Crue world. It has in the the oldest and largest charity for animals Its aim is to protect 4. 182 e sinc als anim in’s looked after Brita t all kinds of animals – people contact the RSPCA abou or a farm horse. bird creatures, e.g. a neighbour’s cat, a wild es for them. hom new find If it is necessar y, RSPCA inspectors ers. own Sometimes the police arrest the How can I support the RSPCA? clean the animals. ➧ You could volunteer and help feed or a sponsored dog ➧ You could raise money, by organising walk with friends in the park. se you need to ➧ You could adopt an animal, but of cour first! ly fami discuss this with your For more information, visit us at



1 2 3 4 5

Write zero conditional sentences.

Work in pairs. Answer the questions. • “A boy at school has got a pet lizard. I don’t think he feeds it properly. Can I tell the RSPCA?” • “What do the RSPCA do when they find animals in danger?” • “Do the RSPCA arrest cruel owners?” • “I’ve got some free time on Saturdays. What could I do to help?” • “I’d like a puppy. Can I get one from the RSPCA?” • “Where do I find the RSPCA’s phone num ber?”


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d Without Bees rld A Worl

No more bees

What would the world be like if there weren’t any bees?


t first, everything would seem just the same, or perhaps even a bit better – there would be no more annoying little insects, and no more stings. Then we would start to notice some effects – for example, the shops would stop selling honey. Perhaps that doesn’t sound too bad – we could all live without honey. But it wouldn’t stop there. It would get a lot, lot worse. There’s a famous quotation, which some say is from Albert Einstein: “If bees disappeared … man would have only four years of life left.” It sounds crazy – but is it? We all know that bees carry pollen from flower to flower (they pollinate the flowers).


These flowers are not just the flowers we see in florists’ shops. They are also flowers on many other kinds of plants. Lots of our food comes from plants that depend on bees, including many types of fruit, vegetables, nuts

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and beans. If we didn’t have bees, we wouldn’t have cotton either – so no jeans or T-shirts. A lot of animals would also disappear – because bees pollinate their food. So there would be

So the Einstein ‘quotation’ might be close to the truth. ‘A World without Bees’ would make a great horror film. Unfortunately, it’s not just science fiction. Bees are dying in great numbers. Some scientists think it’s because of the chemicals that farmers spray on their plants. Others think it’s because of a virus – and some even believe it’s because of mobile phones. So next time a bee is annoying you, think twice before you try to kill it. Perhaps it would be better to open the window.

far less meat, and no milk or cheese. Imagine a cheeseburger – there would be nothing left except the bread. Even worse, we’d have no chocolate! All over the world, people would be hungry and that would lead to a global war. But that’s not all. It would actually become harder for us to breathe. That’s because green plants produce oxygen. If they disappeared, there would be less oxygen.

1 Describe the pictures. How are they connected? Discuss your ideas with the class. 2


Listen and read. Were you right?

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3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

5 Match the beginnings (1–6) with the endings (a–f). Then write sentences in the second conditional.

True, false or doesn’t say? The writer doesn’t like honey. doesn’t say Einstein was worried about bees. Bees are necessary for a lot of our food. We need bees to make bread. Bees help in the production of oxygen. ‘A World without Bees’ is a horror film. Mobile phones could be dangerous to bees. The writer thinks bees are annoying.

Discover Words plants

4 1.51 Match the words in the box with the pictures. Listen and check. branch flower leaf (leaves) seeds stem tree 1 trunk

1 2 3 4 5 6

If there / not be / any insects If it never / rain If bees / not sting If there / not be / any cows If flowers / have / no colour or smell If a bee / land / on my nose

a b c d e f

I / sit / very still people / like / them more birds / be / hungry there / not be / any burgers plants / not grow they / not attract / bees

1– c If there weren’t any insects, birds would be hungry.


6 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the second conditional. 5



7 2

3 4


Grammar second conditional We use the second conditional to talk about imagined, unlikely or impossible events. If bees disappeared, man would have only four years of life left. If we didn’t have bees, we wouldn’t have cotton. What would the world be like if there weren’t any bees? NOTE: we often use just the would part of the second conditional.

1 If you had (have) a ‘round the world’ ticket, where would you go (you / go) first? 2 If I _______ (find) a lost dog, I _______ (take) it home with me. 3 If you _______ (be) a vegetarian, _______ (you eat) fish? 4 I _______ (not go) into a shop if it _______ (look) too expensive. 5 What _______ (people / think) if you _______ (dye) your hair green? 6 Jack _______ (get) the bus if his dad _______ (not drive) him to school.

Speaking 7 Work in pairs. Imagine a world without EITHER birds OR trees. What would it be like? Make notes, then tell the class. If there weren’t any trees, we wouldn’t have any wood. If we didn’t have any wood, …

The shops would stop selling honey. (we are already imagining a world without bees) 39

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rt 2 The Show: Part It was the day of the first performance, and Lucy and Mike were arranging the seats in a semi circle in front of the outdoor stage. Lucy looked up at the sky. ‘No clouds,’ she said. ‘Let’s hope the weather forecast was right. If it rains, it’ll be a real shame.’ ‘It’ll be fine,’ said Mike, ‘I’m sure of it. And anyway, if it rained, they wouldn’t stop the performance. Plus, if it was wet, the ghost would stay away!’ ‘Don’t joke!’ said Lucy. ‘If I think about that face, I get the creeps.’ ‘Well, if I were you, I wouldn’t think about it!’ said Mike. ‘I don’t really believe in ghosts – do you?’ ‘I’m not sure. You know, there was something about her face … I think I’ve seen her before.’ ‘Yes,’ said Mike, ‘me too. And I think I know where … Come on, I’ve got an idea.’

Two hours later, the audience arrived and the play began. Chris stood at the back with the video camera. Before she went on stage, Kirstie spoke to Lucy and Mike. ‘Please watch out for that girl,’ she said. ‘It’s so scary.’ ‘You mustn’t worry,’ said Mike. ‘If you think about it, you’ll get nervous and forget your lines. We’ll watch the video tomorrow. If she’s there again, we’ll have proof.’ ‘OK. Thanks.’ Kirstie smiled and ran out on to the stage. Lucy looked at Mike, and they both grinned.  The next afternoon, the four friends met once again in the computer room. ‘I’ve already watched it,’ said Chris, ‘I uploaded it this morning. She isn’t there this time. You’ll see.’ He pressed ‘play’ and they started watching. ‘There’s Kirstie. See, she’s started her dance, and there’s nothing, nobody behind her. No ghost this time,’ said Chris. ‘Wait, wait … what’s that?’ shouted Mike, ‘Look … there … pause it, Chris, pause it right there!’ Chris’s face went white. He stared at the screen. ‘I wouldn’t believe it if I couldn’t see it with my own eyes,’ he gasped. At the back of the stage was the girl. This time, they could see her properly. She was wearing Victorian clothes, and she was standing perfectly still in the sunshine, just like before. ‘Look closer, Chris,’ said Lucy.

1 show? 2


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1 2 3 4 5 6


Listen and read. What was the weather like during the

Write the correct names. Who … … wasn’t worried about the weather? Mike … thought the girl’s face was familiar? … had an idea? … asked friends for help? … was amazed? … was wearing old-fashioned clothes?

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4 1.53 Now listen and complete the summary. Were you right? What was the ‘bit extra’ that Mike and Lucy added? The ‘ghost’ was a 1picture in their 2________ . Chris 3________ it and added it to the 4________ , as a joke. Mike and Lucy found the picture and they 5 ________ it too. Then they added ‘a bit extra’. They put it into the 6________ . Kirstie thinks they’re 7 ________ because they didn’t 8________ .

Grammar zero, first and second conditional Write second, first or zero in the gaps. ___________ conditional: If I think about that face, I get the creeps. ___________ conditional: If it rains, it’ll be a real shame. ___________ conditional: If it rained, they wouldn’t stop the performance. NOTE: in the second conditional can changes to could after if.

Discover Functions ▼

3 Look at the picture of the ghost and guess what happened.

Kirstie Help! I’m nervous! I’m sure I’ll forget my lines. Mike You 1_______ relax. You’ll be fine. Kirstie Relax! How can I relax? Mike Well, 2_______ , I’d do some exercise – that usually helps. Kirstie Do you think so? Well, maybe I will … Mike And you 3_______ think about it so much. Try to think about something else. 7 Work in pairs. Look at the prompts and give each other advice. Use should, shouldn’t and if I were you. • worried about exams (not panic; study with a friend; make a revision plan) • tired in the morning (go to bed earlier; not study late at night; relax before you go to bed)

Discover Words

I wouldn’t believe it if I couldn’t see it. We can say if + was or were. Was is more informal and more usual.

giving advice

6 1.54 Complete the dialogue with should, shouldn’t or if I were you. Then listen and check.



8 1.55 Listen and repeat. Then work in pairs. Take turns to describe the weather in pictures 1–4.

If it was (were) wet, the ghost would stay away.

chilly cloudy foggy freezing cold rainy snowy stormy sunny warm windy

When we give advice, we can say if I were you. If I were you, I’d / I wouldn’t … 5 Complete the sentences in the correct form of the conditional. Then write Z (zero), F (first) or S (second). 1 If I had (have) £1 million, I’d live in a palace. S 2 Ben doesn’t like it if we ____ (laugh) at him. 3 You won’t eat your dinner if you ____ (eat) all those biscuits. 4 If it snows next week, we _____ (go) skiing. 5 What ______ (you / do) if you saw a UFO? 6 Water freezes if the temperature ____ (fall) to zero degrees.





A What’s the weather like in picture 1? B It’s stormy, cloudy and rainy. 41

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s Revise! Let’ t’s Words 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Pronunciation contractions I’d and you’d

Complete the animal and plant words. It’s a colourful bird. It’s an insect that flies. It’s a young sheep. It’s a large animal that likes being wet. It’s a wild, yellow and black animal. They hold a plant in the ground. It’s the base of a tree. Plants and flowers grow from these.

par rot _l_ __m_ _i___ ___e_ __o__ _r___ ___d_

2 Write the correct weather words. Choose from the words in the box. There are two extra words. cloudy foggy freezing cold rainy warm snowy stormy sunny windy chilly 1 It was –10°, and white everywhere. → It was freezing cold and ________ . 2 My dog hated the noise, and he got very wet. → It was ________ and ________ . 3 The sky was grey at first but then it was blue. → It was ________ and then ________ . 4 I needed a scarf and a hat, but my hat blew away. → It was ________ and ________ .

Grammar 3 Read the situations. Then complete the sentences in the zero, first or second conditional. 1 I never water my cactuses and they always die. If I don’t water (water) plants, they die. (die) 2 Jack’s at home because he has a headache. If he (have) a headache, he (go) out. 3 Harry wants to watch TV, but he has a lot of homework. If he (finish) it fast, he (watch)TV. 4 Joe is worried about the weather. He’s going to a picnic. There (be) a picnic if it (rain). 5 I don’t feel well, because I missed lunch. I always (feel) ill if I (have) lunch. 6 I dream of being a pop star but I can’t sing. If I (can) sing, I (be) a pop star.



a Listen and repeat. I’d



b Listen and repeat.

If I were you, I’d try to hide inside. You’d be rude to leave the food.

Functions 5 Complete the advice. Use the expressions in the box. eat more fresh fruit not eat it now study more not go out every night switch it off and on again tell her, and apologise a hundred times 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B

Oh no! My computer’s crashed. If I were you, I’d switch it off and on again. Jenny eats a lot of fast food. She ______________________ . My brother always borrows money from me. He ______________________ . I’ve dropped my cake on the floor. If ______________________ . I’ve broken my mum’s favourite vase. You ______________________ . I failed the test again. If ______________________ .

Checklist ✓ I can name animals. I can name parts of plants. I can talk about the weather. ditional. I can use the zero, first and second con I can give advice.


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ng rittiin Disco cover Wri using headings: an article

• When you write an article, headings are useful because they summarise the paragraphs. They help you organise your ideas, and they tell the reader what to expect. • Always write an introduction and conclusion.

Y A D T S MY FiR L O O H C S T A b Y I VA N I started this school last year. I can still remember my first day. I was quite nervous because I didn’t know anybody. After two or three weeks I started to relax and enjoy it. These are the things I remember most about that first day.

The school / Getting lost / Classrooms This was my first problem! This school is much bigger than my last one, and I couldn’t find the right classrooms at first. They gave me a map but I still needed help.

The teachers / The lessons / The students My class teacher, Mr Dvorak, was very friendly, and most of the other teachers were OK too, but they seemed quite strict. For example, at my old school

the students didn’t have to stand up when a teacher came into the room at the start of a lesson.

The canteen / Lunch / Sandwiches I was surprised because the food here is really good! I used to take sandwiches to my old school because the school food was awful. I enjoy lunch time but it isn’t long enough – we only get three quarters of an hour.

Science lessons / A party / Friends It was difficult because people already had their groups of friends. I was lonely at first. Then the person next to me in science invited me to her birthday party. After that, I started making friends.

It wasn’t easy at first, but now I’m really happy at this school.

1 Read the article and choose the best heading for each paragraph.

3 You are going to write one of the articles in Exercise 2.

2 Work in pairs. Look at the titles of three articles. Decide on four headings for each article.

• Note down your ideas. • Organise your notes under four different headings. • Look at the beginning and ending of the article in Exercise 1. Then prepare a short introduction and conclusion for your own article.


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Now write your article. 43

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lte r n at A r o f e r t n e C The Te c h n o lo g y

i ve


What is the C


lternative The Centre for A e biggest ecoTechnology is th up . Situated high centre in Europe e tr yside, on th in beautiful coun ry ales, CAT is a ve west coast of W s it’ t bu attraction, and popular tourist re for education nt ce also a ,000 people go research. Over 63 to learn how to 2 there ever y year rs life. Some visito live a ‘greener ’ eco cabins. Each stay overnight in own energy eco cabin has its g solar panels in system (includin sts ater supply. Gue the roof) and w w much energy can measure ho w use, and learn ho and water they them. to be careful with

see and do?

at works by water on a cliff railway th re nt ce e th to up and one ◗ Ride es – one at the top ag rri ca o tw e ar e er the power! Th at the top flows into ke la a m fro er at W . at the bottom avy and goes e, so it becomes he ag rri ca p to e th of bottom base me time, it pulls the sa e th At . pe slo e down th p. carriage up to the to out the power in action. Tr y er at w d an d in w r, ◗ See sola one, and the 3 solar-powered teleph . TV ed er ow -p cle cy bi ay to build a ◗ Learn the green w arm. house and keep it w kids in the eco◗ Have fun with the . friendly playground l gardens, full ◗ Relax in the tropica es that don’t of fruit and vegetabl es! usually grow in Wal us home grown ◗ Tr y out the delicio café. food in the popular

es it cost?

When is it open and how much do

Reading 1 Work in pairs. Match the pictures with the words in the box. What do you think the CAT is? solar power

What is there to

cliff railway 1

wind power

eco cabins

2 1.58 Listen and read the leaflet about the CAT. Were you right? 3 Work in pairs. Read the questions and complete the answers with information from the leaflet and your own ideas. 1 A B 2 B A 3 A

Is it like a theme park? Not really. It’s fun, and there’s a playground, but … Do people go there for their holidays? Not exactly. Most people … Is it true that the cliff railway doesn’t have an engine? 4 B Why are the tickets cheaper if you travel by public transport?

It’s open seven days a week from 10 to 6 (earlier in winter). Tickets cost £8.50 for adults and £4 for under 15s (under 5s get in free). If you travel there by public transport, tickets are half price.


ct je o Pr Eco-Project 4 Work in pairs. Find out about a similar eco-project in your country. Produce a leaflet explaining where it is and what happens there.


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