Fewest maternal deaths recorded in states ranked highest in health index States that invested in improving health infrastructure, quality and access to services, human resources and health outcomes, reduced the number of maternal deaths
Fewer Indian mothers died in states that improved their overall “health performance”, according to an IndiaSpend analysis of the latest maternal mortality data.Seven of 10 Indian states with the lowest maternal mortality ratio (MMR) ranked highest in a 2015 health index produced by the government think tank NITI Aayog, our analysis showed.The health index, which ranked states by “health performance”, considers infant and under-five mortality, sex ratio at birth, immunisation, institutional deliveries, healthmonitoring and governance indicators such as occupancy of hospital beds, infrastructure and human resources.Kerala, Punjab and Tamil Nadu are the top three states in the
health index, while Uttar Pradesh (UP), Jammu and Kashmir and Jharkhand improved quickest from the base year (2014-15), according to the NITI Aayog index. Mizoram and Manipur topped the list of eight smaller states. The conclusion: States that invested in improving health infrastructure, quality and access of services, human resources and health outcomes, reduced the number of maternal deaths.Only 3 Indian states have met global MMR goal.India’s maternal mortality ratio–maternal deaths per 100,000 live births–dropped from 167 to 130 over three years to 2014-16, according to a special bulletin on maternal mortality issued by the Sample Registration Survey issued by the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India.However, India’s current MMR is still higher than the sustainable development goal (SDG) target–a set of globally agreed goals that India has signed on to–of 70 deaths per 100,000 live births for the world by 2030.The best improvement in MMR was registered by UP (nearly 30 per cent), from 285 in 2011-13 to 201 in 201416, followed by Kerala (24 per cent). Only three states have an MMR below the SDG target of 70: Kerala (46), Maharashtra (61) and Tamil Nadu (66). Source: Sample Registration Survey (2014-16) States with the lowest MMR are also the ones performing the best on the NITI Aayog’shealth index. While India’s MMR is better than some of its neighbours–such as Pakistan (178), Bangladesh (176) and Nepal (258)–and the global (216) and South Asian average (182), it is substantially behind Sri Lanka (30), according to 2015 World Bank data, FactChecker.in reported on June 19, 2018.India’s 2015 millennium development goal was to reduce MMR by three quarters from 1990: From 556 deaths per 100,000 live births to MMR of 139. India bettered that target by reaching an MMR of 130 by 2015.The maternal mortality rate decline was most pronounced in India’s poorest states, officially called the Empowered Action Group (EAG)–Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Rajasthan, Uttaranchal and Uttar Pradesh–where the collective rate came down from 246 to 188.With an average MMR of 77, India’s southern states are not far from the sustainable development goal of 70 or below. Source: Sample Registration Survey (2014-16) Most maternal deaths are preventable India accounts for 17 per cent of the global burden of maternal deaths. The leading causes of such deaths in India are haemorrhage (38 per cent), sepsis (11 per cent) and abortion (8 per cent).Most maternal deaths are preventable. At least four antenatal-care visits during pregnancy and delivery in the presence of a skilled birth attendant can help detect conditions that can lead to birth complications, according to the World Health Organization.India’s mother-care services need improvement: While institutional deliveries have doubled in a decade to 2015-16, from 38.7 per cent to 78.9 per cent, interstate variability runs from 99 per cent in Tamil Nadu to 32 per cent in Nagaland,
according to National Family Health Survey (2015-16).Only 21 per cent of pregnant women aged 15-45 received full antenatal care, 51 per cent received four antenatal visits during pregnancy and 30 per cent consumed iron-folic tablets for 100 days during pregnancy.Access to family planning can also prevent maternal deaths: Almost 30 per cent of maternal deaths can be saved if contraceptive needs are met and another 13 per cent could be saved through access to safe abortion.India’s “unmet need� for family planning remained almost unchanged in a decade to 2015: It was 13.9 per cent in 200506 and 12.9 per cent in 2015-16.While the use of modern contraceptives fell from 48.5 per cent in 2005-06 to 47.8 per cent, male sterilisation fell from 1 per cent to 0.3 per cent in 2015-16.