How to Clean Pure Gold Jewelry Overview One of the most coveted precious metals on planet earth is pure gold. It is prized for its durability and luster. Although, platinum is a more expensive metal than gold, gold still remains the king of metals. It has always been used as a symbol of opulence and wealth. This is why it becomes imperative to understand the fundamental aspects of maintaining pure gold jewellery.
Gold Jewelry Considerations
Pure gold jewellery is extremely precious and soft and requires special attention while it is being cleaned. There are some jewellery manufacturers that mix silver and copper with gold while manufacturing jewelry in an attempt to make the jewellery softer than it is. This is done to make the gold jewelry fit and strong enough to be worn on an everyday basis. However, the added metals can react to the moisture and impurities present in the environment and can lend the gold jewelry a tarnished appearance that requires cleaning in order to be removed from the surface. While cleaning the gold jewelry, any precious or semiprecious gemstones that may have been used in the jewellery should also be considered and the impact of the cleaning on their surface should also be taken into account. Care should be taken that the gold jewellery does not damage or dislodge these stones.
Cleaning Methods While cleaning the gold jewellery, one must be extremely cautious of the use of abrasive cleaners or harsh chemicals as they can harm the surface of the gemstones used in the jewellery or the surface of the metal.
Dish Soap One of the most conventional and simple methods of cleaning gold jewellery is by using soap mixed with warm water. Dish washing soap is a harmless cleaner and can be used to clean this jewellery. It is largely nonabrasive and is used to clean stubborn particles and oils from the surface of the jewellery. Mixing carbonated water to the soap enhances its ability to remove any dirt that may have accumulated on the surface.
Polishing Cloth There are many people who use a brush with soft bristles to clean the gold jewellery, however, pure gold jewellery is one that can scratch easily and should therefore be handled with great care. It should be cleaned with the use of a polishing cloth which is specially made for the purpose of cleaning jewellery. These cloths are extremely soft and nonabrasive in nature and do not harm the gold jewellery in any way or mar the luster of its surface.
Steam Cleaner
These utilize the heat of the stem in cleaning the dirt off the surface of the jewellery. These cleaners make use of steaming in order to remove the debris and dirt build up by boiling it off the surface of the water. Sometimes, the jewellery is held in a strainer and a jet of hot water is sprayed on the jewellery from an external nozzle of a jewellery cleaning machine. The steam is used to clean the surface of the jewellery effectively and quickly since the moisture and the heat do not affect the jewellery in any way. However, the jewellery which has set gemstones should not be cleaned using this technique as it can destroy the glue that holds the gemstones in their place and can loosen the gemstones.
Cleaning Solution Jewelry cleaning solutions is a specialized liquid that concentrates nontoxic and jewelryfriendly cleaning agents together to wash away builtup debris on gold jewelry. The solution works to break down the stains on jewelry without scrubbing, so it guarantees no marks or damage to the surface. It is not for use on jewelry with gemstone settings.
Conclusion The popularity of gold jewellery has stood the test of time and it is also the reason for the immense
demand of gold jewelry manufacturers . There are a number of unique jewellery designs in gold for the modern day consumers to choose from.