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Figure 3 grouping of plants (source-google images
5 7 2 .
P e r c e n t a g e Percentage
2 5
I m p rov i n g i n d o o r e nv i ro n m e nt H o b by 5 2 . O t h e r re a s o n s
Table 1 reasons to purchasing indoor plants- Ramzan et al., (2007) lead a study and deduced the reasons for plantscaping.
Some other purposes of plantscaping in office buildings can be identified as-
• Maintain a sense of connectivity with nature. • Mentally and emotionally carry a person to a naturalistic environment. • Mood enlightener. • Sounds, odour and senses are stimulated, enhanced and gratified leading to freshness and creativity.
ARCHITECTURAL • Provide privacy and help to screen unpleasant views. • Provide new vistas and define space. ENGINEERING • Glare reduction. • Acoustical control.
• Aesthetic Table 2 purpose of indoor plants (source- www.crupb.com)