International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Research Technology (IJEART) ISSN: 2454-9290, Volume-1, Issue-4, October 2015
Some properties of ( , ) -interval valued fuzzy ideals in BF-algebras M. Idrees, A. Rehman, M. Zulfiqar, S. Muhammad
subalgebras/ideals in BCK/BCI-algebras. The concept of ( , ) -fuzzy positive implicative ideal in BCK-algebras was initiated by Zulfiqar in [31]. In [14], Jun defined (, q ) -fuzzy subalgebras in BCK/BCI-algebras. In [32], Zulfiqar introduced the notion of sub-implicative ( , ) -fuzzy ideals in BCH-algebras. Currently, Zulfiqar and Shabir defined the concept of positive implicative (, q ) -fuzzy ideals ( ( , q ) -fuzzy ideals, fuzzy ideals with thresholds) in BCK-algebras in [33]. The theory of interval valued fuzzy sets was proposed forty year ago as a natural extension of fuzzy sets. Interval valued fuzzy set was introduced by Zadeh [28], where the value of the membership function is interval of numbers instead of the number. The theory was further enriched by many authors [4, 7-8, 10, 15-19, 23, 29-30]. In [4], Biswas defined interval valued fuzzy subgroups of Rosenfeld’s nature, and investigated some elementary properties. Jun, introduced the concept of interval valued fuzzy subalgebras/ideals in BCK-algebras [10]. In [15], Latha et al. initiated the notion of interval valued ( , ) -fuzzy subgroups. In [16], Ma et al.
Abstract. In this paper, we introduce the concept of
( , ) -interval valued fuzzy ideals in BF-algebra, where , are any one of , q , q , q and investigate some
( q, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal of a BF-algebra X is an (, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal of X. We show that when an (, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal of a BF-algebra X is an (, ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal of X. We also prove that the intersection and union of any family of (, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideals of a BF-algebra X is an
(, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal of X. Key words: BF-algebra;
( , )
-interval valued fuzzy
(, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal. I. INTRODUCTION
The concept of BF-algebra was first initiated by Walendziak [25] in 2007. The theory BF-algebra was further enriched by many authors [5, 9, 24]. The fuzzy sets, proposed by Zadeh [22] in 1965, has provided a useful mathematical tool for describing the behavior of systems that are too complex or ill defined to admit precise mathematical analysis by classical methods and tools. Extensive applications of fuzzy set theory have been found in various fields, for example, artificial intelligence, computer science, control engineering, expert system, management science, operation research and many others. The concept was applied to the theory of groupoids and groups by Rosenfeld [22], where he introduced the fuzzy subgroup of a group. A new type of fuzzy subgroup, which is, the (, q ) -fuzzy subgroup, was introduced by Bhakat and Das [3] by using the combined notions of “belongingness” and “quasi-coincidence” of fuzzy points and fuzzy sets, which was introduced by Pu and Liu [21]. Murali [20] proposed the definition of fuzzy point belonging to a fuzzy subset under a natural equivalence on fuzzy subsets. It was found that the most viable generalization of Rosenfeld’s fuzzy subgroup is (, q ) -fuzzy subgroup. Bhakat [1-2] initiated the
defined the concept of interval valued (, q ) -fuzzy ideals of pseudo MV-algebras. In [17-18], Ma et al. studied (, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideals in BCI-algebras. Mostafa et al. initiated the notion of interval valued fuzzy KU-ideals in KU-algebras [19]. In [23], Saeid defined the concept of interval valued fuzzy BG-algebras. Zhan et al. [30] initiated the notion of interval valued (, q ) -fuzzy filters of pseudo BL-algebras. In the present paper, we define the concept of ( , ) -interval valued fuzzy ideals in BF-algebra, where
, are any one of , q , q , q
BF-algebra X is an (, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal of X. We show that when an (, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal of a BF-algebra X is an (, ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal of X. We also prove that the intersection and union of any family of (, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideals of a BF-algebra X is an (, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal
concepts of ( q ) -level subsets, (, q ) -fuzzy normal, quasi-normal and maximal subgroups. Many researchers utilized these concepts to generalize some concepts of algebra (see [4, 7, 8, 26, 31-33]). In [6], Davvaz studied (, q ) -fuzzy subnearrings and ideals. In [11-13], Jun defined the notion of ( ,
investigate some of their related properties. We prove that every ( q, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal of a
Throughout this paper X always denote a BF-algebra without any specification. We also include some basic aspects that are necessary for this paper.
) -fuzzy
Some properties of ( ,
) -interval valued fuzzy ideals in BF-algebras
A BF-algebra X [25] is a general algebra (X, , 0) of type (2, 0) satisfying the following conditions: (BF-1) x x=0 (BF-2) x 0=x (BF-3) 0 (x y) = (y x) for all x, y X. We can define a partial order “ ” on X by x y if and only if x y = 0.
BF-algebra X is a pair of fuzzy sets ( ,
(x) ≤ (x), for all x X. If C , D are two interval-valued fuzzy sets of a BF-algebra X, then we define
C ≤ D if and only if for all x X, C (x) ≤ D (x) and C (x) ≤ D (x), C = D if and only if for all x X, C (x) = D (x) and C (x) = D (x).
Definition 2.1. [25] A nonempty subset S of a BF-algebra X is called a subalgebra of X if it satisfies x y S, for all x, y S.
Also, the union and intersection are defined as follows: If C and D are two interval-valued fuzzy sets of a BF-algebra X, where
Definition 2.2. [5] A non-empty subset I of a BF-algebra X is called an ideal of X if it satisfies the conditions (I1) and (I2), where (I1) 0 I, (I2) x y I and y I imply x I, for all x, y X.
C (x) = [ C (x), C (x)], D (x) = [ D (x), D (x)], for all x X, then
We now review some interval-valued fuzzy logic concepts. First, we denote by c = [c-, c+] a closed interval of [0, 1], where 0 ≤ c- ≤ c+ ≤ 1 and denote by H[0, 1] the set of all such closed intervals of [0, 1]. Define on H[0, 1] an order relation “≤” by (2)
c1 ≤ c2 c1 = c2
c1 ≤ c 2 and
c =c
c1 ≤ c 2 1
c =c
C (x) ˅ D (x) = [max{ C (x), D (x)}] C (x) ˄ D (x) = [max{ C (x), D (x)}] C c (x) = [1 - C (x), 1 - C (x)]
D )(x) = D (x)}, max{ C (x), ( C D )(x) = D (x)}, max{ C (x), (C
) of X such that
where the operation “c” is the complement of interval-valued fuzzy set of X.
c1 ˂ c2 c 1 ≤ c 2 and c 1 c 2 + p c = [pc , pc ], whenever 0 ≤ p ≤ 1 rmax{ c i , d i } = [max{ c i , d i }, max{ c i , d i }]
rmin{ c i , d i } = [min{ c i , d i }, min{ c i , d i }]
rinf c i = [ iI c i , iI c i ]
rsup c i = [ iI c i , iI c i ]
Definition 2.3. An interval valued fuzzy set of a BF-algebra X is called an interval valued fuzzy ideal of X if it satisfies the conditions (F1) and (F2), where
(3) (4)
By the join of two interval-valued fuzzy sets, we know
C C c (x) = [max{ C (x), 1- C (x)}, max{ C (x), 1- C (x)}].
c i = [ c i , c i ], d i = [ d i , d i ] H[0, 1], i I.
Then, H[0, 1] with ≤ is a complete lattice, with ˄ = rmin, = rmax, 0 = [0, 0] and 1 = [1, 1] being its least element and the greatest element, respectively. An interval valued fuzzy set
~ (x) H[0, 1], where for each x X ~ ( x) [ ( x), ( x)] H[0, 1].
~ ~ t ≤ [1, 1], ~t is an ideal of X. ~ Proof. Assume that is an interval valued fuzzy ideal of X ~ ~ and let t H[0, 1] be such that x ~t . Then ~ ~ (0) ( x ) ~t , ~ we have 0 ~t . Let x, y X be such that ~ ~ x y ~t and y ~t .
if, for every [0, 0] <
in a BF-algebra
~ X and [0, 0] < t ≤ [1, 1], the crisp set ~ ~ ~t = {x X | (x) ~t } ~ is called the level subset of
~ (x y) ~t
~ (y) ~t .
It follows from F2 that
We also note that, since every c [0, 1] is in correspondence with the interval [c, c] H[0, 1], it follows that a fuzzy set is a particular case of interval-valued fuzzy set. First we note that an interval-valued fuzzy set
~ (y), ~
: X → H[0, 1],
For an interval valued fuzzy set
for all x, y X.
y) ˄
Theorem 2.4. An interval valued fuzzy set of a BF-algebra X is an interval valued fuzzy ideal of X if and only
of a universe X is a
function from X into the unit closed interval [0, 1], that is
~ ~ (0) (x), ~ ~ (x) (x
~ ~ ~ (x) ≥ (x y) ˄ (y) ~ ~ t ˄t ~ = t
of a
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Research Technology (IJEART) ISSN: 2454-9290, Volume-1, Issue-4, October 2015 Thus x Hence
~ (b) = [ (b), (b)] > ~
~t .
which implies that ab
is an ideal of X. Conversely, suppose that
X such that ~ ~
(0) < (a).
~ (0) = [ (0), (0) ]
~ ~
~ ~ ~ (x) ≥ (x y) ˄ (y).
is an interval valued fuzzy ideal of X.
( , ) -INTERVAL VALUED FUZZY IDEALS IN BF-ALGEBRA In this section, we define the concept of
( , ) -interval valued fuzzy ideals in a BF-algebra and
~ (a) = [ (a), (a) ]
(0) < (a) and (0) < (a).
investigate some of their properties. Throughout this paper X will denote a BF-algebra and , are any one of , q , q , q unless otherwise specified.
An interval valued fuzzy set having the form
Then If we take
1 ~ ~ = [ , ] = ( (0) (a )) , 2
Hence This implies that
~ (0) = [ (0), (0) ] < [ , ] < [ (a), (a) ]. ~ This shows that 0 ~ , which is contradiction. Therefore ~ ~ (0) (x)
interval valued fuzzy set
~ (a) = [ (a), (a)], ~ (a b) = [ (a b), (a b)]
~ ~ ~ x ~t1 , y ~t2 ( x y) ~t1 ~t2 ~ ~ for all [0, 0] < t1 , t2 ≤ [1, 1] and x, y X.
(a) < < (a b) ˄ (b)
(a) < < (a b) ˄ (b) Let
Then we will have
(a) = [ (a), (a)] < [ , ] < [ (a b) ˄ (b), (a b) ˄ (b)]. a
be an interval valued fuzzy set of a
BF-algebra X such that
~ (x) ≤
[0.5, 0.5] for all x X. Let
~ x X and [0, 0] < t ≤ [1, 1] be such that ~ x ~t q .
~ ~ .
(a b) = [ (a b),
1 ~ ~ ~ ( (a) + ( (a b) ˄ (b))) 2
Definition 3.1. An interval valued fuzzy set of a BF-algebra X is called an ( , ) -fuzzy subalgebra of X, where q , if it satisfies the condition
written as x ~t
not hold.
~ (b) = [ (b), (b)]
~ ,
~ ~ x ~t q ) if (x) ≥ ~ t (resp. (x) + t > [1, 1]). By x ~t ~ ~ ~ q ( x ~t q ) we mean that x ~t or ~ ~ ~ x ~t q ( x ~t and x ~t q ). In what follows let and denote any one of , q , q , q and q unless otherwise ~ ~ specified. To say that x ~t means that x ~t does
~ ~ ~ (a) < (a b) ˄ (b).
if y x
point x ~t is said to belong to (resp., quasi-coincident with) an
for all x X. Now, let us suppose there are a, b X such that
~ = [ , ] =
if y x
is said to be an interval valued fuzzy point with support x and ~ value t and is denoted by x ~t . An interval valued fuzzy
(0) < < (a) and (0) < < (a).
of a BF-algebra X
1 1 [ , ] = [ ( (0) (a )) , ( (0) (0)) ]. 2 2
~ t ( [0, 0]) (y) = [0, 0]
and b
This leads to a contradiction. Hence
is an ideal of X for
all [0, 0] < t [1, 1]. Assume that there exist a Let
~ ~
~ (x) ≥ ~t
It follows that
(a b)] > ~
2 (x) =
~ (x) + ~t
> [1, 1].
~ ~ ~ (x) + (x) ≥ (x) + ~t > [1, 1].
Some properties of ( ,
) -interval valued fuzzy ideals in BF-algebras
~ (x) > [0.5, 0.5]. This means that ~ { x ~t | x ~t q } = . case = q in the above definition
~ ~ ( x y) ~ ( x y ) and y~ ( y ) .
This implies that Therefore, the omitted.
Hence by hypothesis
~ x~ ( x y ) ~ ( y ) .
is This implies that
~ ~ ~ (x) (x y) ˄ (y).
Definition 3.2. An interval valued fuzzy set of a BF-algebra X is called an ( , ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal of X, where q , if it satisfies the conditions (A) and (B), where
Theorem 3.4. Every ( q, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal of a BF-algebra X is an (, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal of X.
~ 0 ~t , ~ ~ ~ (B) ( x y ) ~t , y ~t , ~ ~ x t t 1 2 1 2 ~ ~ ~ for all [0, 0] < t , t1 , t2 ≤ [1, 1] and x, y X. (A) x ~t
Proof. Let
be an ( q, q ) -interval valued fuzzy
ideal of X. Let x X and [0, 0] <
~ x ~t . Then
~ x ~t q
Theorem 3.3. For any interval valued fuzzy set of a BF-algebra X, the condition (F1) and (F3) are equivalent to the conditions:
and so
~ 0 ~t q . ~ ~ Let x, y X and [0, 0] < t1 , t2 ≤ [1, 1] be such that ~ ~ ( x y) ~t1 and y ~t2 .
~ 0 ~t , ~ ~ ~ (D) ( x y ) ~t , y ~t x ~t1 ~t2 , 1 2 ~ ~ ~ for all [0, 0] < t , t1 , t2 ≤ [1, 1] and x, y, z X. Proof. (F1) (C) ~ Let x X and [0, 0] < t ≤ [1, 1] be such ~ that x ~t , that is ~ (x) ~t . (C) x ~t
Then by (F1)
~ .
and so 0 ~t (C)
(F1) Since
Therefore of X.
~ x~ ( x ) , for x X. Thus by hypothesis
By (F2)
Proof. Suppose is an (, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal of X. Let x X be such that
~ ~ (0) ˂ (x) ˄ [0.5, 0.5].
~ (x) ˂ [0.5, 0.5], then ~ ~ (0) ˂ (x).
Select [0, 0] <
~ (y) ~t2 .
~ ~ (x) (x y) ˄ (y) ~ ~ t1 ˄ t2 .
~ ≤ [0.5, 0.5] such that t ~ ~ (0) ˂ ~t ≤ (x).
~ ~ x ~t but 0 ~t q ,
for all x, y X.
~ ~ ( x y) ~t1 and y ~t2 . ~ (x y) ~t1
~ ~ (0) (x) ˄ [0.5, 0.5], ~ ~ ~ (x) (x y) ˄ (y) ˄ [0.5, 0.5],
~ ~ Let x, y X and [0, 0] < t1 , t2 ≤ [1, 1] be such
is an (, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal
~ x ~t1 ~t2 q .
Theorem 3.5. An interval valued fuzzy set of a BF-algebra X is an (, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal of X if and only if it satisfies the conditions (E) and (F), where
(0) (x).
~ ~ ( x y) ~t1 q and y ~t2 q .
This implies that
~ ~ (0) (x) ~t
~ 0 ~ ( x ) , so we have ~
~ ≤ [1, 1] be such that t
which is a contradiction.
If (x) that
~ x ~t1 ~t2 .
~ [0.5, 0.5], then (0) ˂ [0.5, 0.5]. This implies ~
x[0.5, 0.5] but 0[0.5, 0.5] q Again a contradiction. Hence
(F2) Note that for every x, y X, we have
for all x X.
~ .
~ ~ (0) (x) ˄ [0.5, 0.5],
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Research Technology (IJEART) ISSN: 2454-9290, Volume-1, Issue-4, October 2015
is an (, q ) -interval valued fuzzy
Now we show that condition (F) holds. On the contrary assume that there exist x, y X such that
This shows that ideal of X.
Theorem 3.6. An interval valued fuzzy set of a BF-algebra X is an interval valued fuzzy ideal of X if and only
~ ~ ~ (x) ˂ (x y) ˄ (y) ˄ [0.5, 0.5]. ~ ~ (x y) ˄ (y) ˂ [0.5, 0.5], then ~ ~ ~ (x) ˂ (x y) ˄ (y).
~ ≤ [0.5, 0.5] such that t ~ ~ ~ (x) ˂ ~t ≤ (x y) ˄ (y).
Select [0, 0] < Then
~ ~ (x y) ˄ (y) [0.5, 0.5], then ~ (x) ˂ [0.5, 0.5]. ~
(x y)[0.5, 0.5] and y[0.5, 0.5] Again a contradiction. Hence
but x [0.5, 0.5] q
~ 0 ~t . ~ r ≤ [1, 1] be such that Let x, y X and [0, 0] < t , ~ ~ ~ ( x y ) ~t and y ~r .
~ .
~ ≤ [1, 1] be such that t
~ (x y) ~t1
This implies that
This shows that of X.
~ ~ (0) (x), for all x X.
Now suppose there exist x, y X such that
~ ~ ~ (x) ˂ (x y) ˄ (y).
~ t ≤ [1, 1] such that ~ ~ ~ (x) ˂ ~t ≤ (x y) ˄ (y). ~ ~ ~ Then ( x y ) ~t and y ~t but x ~t , which Select [0, 0] <
~. t2
is a contradiction. Hence
~ ~ ~ (x) (x y) ˄ (y). ~ This shows that is an interval valued fuzzy ideal of X. Theorem 3.7. Every (, ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal of a
This implies i.e.,
is an (, ) -interval
~ ≤ [1, 1] such that t ~ ~ (0) ˂ ~t ≤ (x). ~ ~ Then x ~t but 0 ~t , which is a contradiction.
~ x ~t1 ~t2 .
Select [0, 0] <
~ ˄ ~ > [0.5, 0.5], then t1 t2 ~ (x) [0.5, 0.5]. ~ (x) + ~t1
is an (, ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal
~ ~ (0) ˂ (x).
~ ~ (x) (x y) ˄ (y) ˄ [0.5, 0.5] ~ ~ t1 ˄ t2 ˄ [0.5, 0.5].
This implies
valued fuzzy ideal of X. Suppose there exists x X such that
~ (y) ~t2 .
~ r. (y) ~
~ x ~t ~r .
Conversely, assume that
(x) ~t1
~ ~ ~ (x) (x y) ˄ (y) ~ r. t ˄~
By condition (F), we have
~ ~ If t1 ˄ t2 ≤ [0.5, 0.5], then ~
~ (x y) ~t
By Definition 2.3, we have
x ~t . Then (x) ~ t . By condition (E), we have ~ ~ (0) (x) ˄ [0.5, 0.5] ~ t ˄ [0.5, 0.5]. ~ ~ ~ ~ If t ≤ [0.5, 0.5], then (0) t . This implies 0 ~t . ~ ~ If t > [0.5, 0.5], then (0) [0.5, 0.5]. This implies ~ (0) + ~t > [0.5, 0.5] + [0.5, 0.5] = [1, 1], ~ that is, 0 ~t q . Hence ~ 0 ~t q . ~ ~ Let x, y X and [0, 0] < t1 , t2 ≤ [1, 1] be such that ~ ~ ( x y) ~t1 and y ~t2 . Then
is an interval valued fuzzy ideal of X and
that is
~ ~ ~ (x) (x y) ˄ (y) ˄ [0.5, 0.5]. ~ Conversely, assume that satisfies the conditions
(E) and (F). Let x X and [0, 0] <
~ ~ x ~t for x X and [0, 0] < ~ t ≤ [1, 1]. Then (x) t . ~ ~ By Definition 2.3, (0) (x), we have ~ (0) ~t ,
which is a contradiction.
This implies
is an (, ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal of X.
Proof. Suppose
( x y ) ~t and y ~t but x ~t q , If
BF-algebra X is an (, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal of X. Proof. Straightforward.
~ > [0.5, 0.5] + [0.5, 0.5] = [1, 1], t2 ~ x ~t1 ~t2 q .
Corollary 3.8. Every interval valued fuzzy ideal of a BF-algebra X is an (, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal of X.
x ~t1 ~t2 q .
Some properties of ( ,
) -interval valued fuzzy ideals in BF-algebras Proof. Let I be an ideal of X. Let x X and [0, 0] <
Proof. By Theorem 3.6, every interval valued fuzzy ideal of a BF-algebra X is an (, ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal of X. Hence by above Theorem 3.7, every interval valued fuzzy ideal of X is an (, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal of X.
~ (x) ~t
valued fuzzy ideal of a BF-algebra X is an (, ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal of X. be an (, q ) -interval valued
fuzzy ideal of a BF-algebra X such that
~ (x) ˂ [0.5, 0.5] for
~ ~ (0) (x) ˄ [0.5, 0.5] ~ = (x) ~ t
0 ~t . ~ ~ Now let x, y X and [0, 0] < t1 , t2 ≤ [1, 1] be such that ~ ~ ( x y) ~t1 and y ~t2 .
~ (x)
~ ~ ~ (x) (x y) ˄ (y) ˄ [0.5, 0.5] ~ ~ = (x y) ˄ (y) ~ ~ t1 ˄ t2 .
~ (y)
> [0, 0].
[0.5, 0.5].
[0.5, 0.5].
~ r ≤ [0.5, 0.5], then If t ˄ ~ ~ r. (x) [0.5, 0.5] ~t ˄ ~
It follows from Theorem 3.5(F) that
[0.5, 0.5] and
~ r (y) ~
(x y) I and y I. Since I is an ideal of X. So x I. Hence
~ (x y) ~t1 and (y) ~t2 .
~ (x y)
> [0, 0] and
This implies that
~ (x y) ~t
(0) [0.5, 0.5] ~t . ~ 0 ~t .
~ > [0.5, 0.5], then t ~ (0) + ~t [0.5, 0.5] + [0.5, 0.5] > [1, 1] ~ and so 0 ~t q . This implies that ~ 0 ~t q . ~ r ≤ [1, 1] be such that Let x, y X and [0, 0] < t , ~ ~ ~ ( x y ) ~t and y ~r .
~ (x) ~t .
we have
[0.5, 0.5].
~ x ~t .
~ ≤ [0.5, 0.5], then t ~
This implies that
all x X. Then is an (, ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal of X. ~ Proof. Let x X and [0, 0] < t ≤ [1, 1] be such that Then
~ (x)
~ (0)
> [0, 0].
[0.5, 0.5]. This implies that x I. Since I is an ideal of X. So 0 I. Hence
Next we show that when an (, q ) -interval
Theorem 3.9. Let
~ . Then
1] be such that x ~t
~ ≤ [1, t
This implies that
~ x ~t1 ~t2 .
~ ˄~ r > [0.5, 0.5], then t ~ r [0.5, 0.5] + [0.5, 0.5] > [1, 1] (x) + ~t ˄ ~
and so
~ x ~t ~r q .
is an (, ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal of X. Thus
Corollary 3.10. Let be an (, q ) -interval valued ~ fuzzy ideal of a BF-algebra X such that (x) ˂ [0.5, 0.5] for ~ all x X. Then is an interval valued fuzzy ideal of X.
~ x ~t ~r .
Hence X.
~ x ~t ~r q . ~
is an (, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal of
Theorem 3.11. Let I be an ideal of a BF-algebra X. Then the interval valued fuzzy set
[0.5, 0.5] ~ (x) =
Theorem 3.12. Let I be a non-empty subset of a BF-algebra
of X defined by
[0, 0]
X. Then I is an ideal of X if the interval valued fuzzy set X defined by
if x I otherwise,
[0.5, 0.5] ~ (x) =
if x I
otherwise, [0, 0] is an ( q, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal of X.
is an (, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal of X.
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Research Technology (IJEART) ISSN: 2454-9290, Volume-1, Issue-4, October 2015 Proof. Let I be an ideal of X. Let x X and [0, 0] < 1] be such that
~ ≤ [1, t
~ x ~t q . This implies that
~ x ~t q .
If x ~t q
> [1, 1]. This implies that x I. Since I is an ideal of X. So 0 I. Hence
~ ≤ [0.5, 0.5], then t ~
[0.5, 0.5].
> [1, 1] and
~ r (y) + ~
This implies that 0 ~t
[0.5, 0.5].
~ [0.5, 0.5] t . ~
~ If t > [0.5, 0.5], then ~ (0) + ~t [0.5, 0.5] + [0.5, 0.5] > [1, 1] ~ and so 0 ~t q . This implies that ~ 0 ~t q . ~ r ≤ [1, 1] be such that Let x, y X and [0, 0] < t , ~ ~ ~ ( x y ) ~t q and y ~r q .
> [1, 1].
This implies that
~ ~ ( x y ) ~t or ( x y ) ~t q
(x y) I and y I. Since I is an ideal of X. So x I. Thus
~ (x)
~ ~ y ~r or y ~r q . ~ ~ If ( x y ) ~t q and y ~r q . This implies that ~ ~ r > [1, 1]. (x y) + ~t > [1, 1] and (y) + ~
[0.5, 0.5].
~ r ≤ [0.5, 0.5], then If t ˄ ~ ~ r. (x) [0.5, 0.5] ~t ˄ ~ So
~ ≤ [0.5, 0.5], then t ~
~ If t > [0.5, 0.5], then ~ (0) + ~t [0.5, 0.5] + [0.5, 0.5] > [1, 1] ~ and so 0 ~t q . This implies that ~ 0 ~t q . ~ r ≤ [1, 1] be such that Let x, y X and [0, 0] < t , ~ ~ ~ ( x y ) ~t q and y ~r q .
~ (x y) + ~t
~ (x) + ~t
~ (0)
~. t
[0.5, 0.5]
This implies that 0 ~t λ.
~ . This implies that
~ (x) + ~t
> [1, 1] So x I. Since I is an ideal of X. So 0 I. Hence If
~ ~ x ~t or x ~t q .
(x y) I and y I. Since I is an ideal of X. So x I. Thus
~ x ~t ~r . ~ ˄~ r > 0.5, then t ~ r [0.5, 0.5] + [0.5, 0.5] > [1, 1] (x) + ~t ˄ ~
and so
~ (x)
~ x ~t ~r q .
Hence X.
~ x ~t ~r .
x ~t ~r q .
If is an ( q, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal of
~ ~ t ˄ r > [0.5, 0.5], then ~ r [0.5, 0.5] + [0.5, 0.5] > [1, 1] (x) + ~t ˄ ~
and so
Theorem 3.13. Let I be a non-empty subset of a BF-algebra X. Then I is an ideal of X if the interval valued fuzzy set X defined by
[0.5, 0.5] ~ (x) =
[0, 0]
[0.5, 0.5].
~ ˄~ r ≤ [0.5, 0.5], then t ~ r. (x) [0.5, 0.5] ~t ˄ ~
~ x ~t ~r q .
~ x ~t ~r q .
Hence is an ( q, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal of X.
if x I otherwise,
Theorem 3.14. The intersection of any family of (, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideals of a BF-algebra X
is an ( q, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal of X. Proof. Let I be an ideal of X. Let x X and [0, 0] < 1] be such that
is an (, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal of X.
~ t ≤ [1,
Some properties of ( ,
) -interval valued fuzzy ideals in BF-algebras
~ ~ ( i (x y) ˄ i (y) ˄ [0.5, 0.5]) iI ~ ~ = ( i )(x y) ˄ ( i )(y) ˄ [0.5, 0.5]
Proof. Let { i }i I be a family of (, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideals of a BF-algebra X and x X. So
i (0) i (x) ˄ [0.5, 0.5]
for all i I. Thus (
~ ~ ~ i )(x) ( i )(x y) ˄ ( i )(y) ˄ [0.5, 0.5]. iI iI iI ~ Hence, i is an (, q ) -interval valued fuzzy
~ ~ i )(0) = ( i (0))
~ ( i (x) ˄ [0.5, 0.5]) iI ~ = ( i )(x) ˄ [0.5, 0.5].
ideal of X. 6. CONCLUSION
To investigate the structure of an algebraic system, we see that the interval valued fuzzy ideals with special properties always play a fundamental role. In this paper, we introduce the concept of ( , ) -interval valued fuzzy ideals in BF-algebra, where
~ ~ i )(0) ( i )(x) ˄ [0.5, 0.5]. iI iI ~ Let x, y X. Since each i is an (, q ) -interval (
valued fuzzy ideal of X. So
, are any one of , q , q , q and investigate some of their related properties. We prove that every ( q, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal of a
i (x) i (x y) ˄ i (y) ˄ [0.5, 0.5]
for all i I. Thus
BF-algebra X is an (, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal
i )(x) = ( i (x))
of X. We show that when an (, q ) -interval valued
~ ~ ( i (x y) ˄ i (y) ˄ [0.5, 0.5]) iI ~ ~ = ( i )(x y) ˄ ( i )(y) ˄ [0.5, 0.5]. iI
i )(x)
fuzzy ideal of a BF-algebra X is an (, ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal of X. We also prove that the intersection and union of any family of (, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideals of
Therefore (
a BF-algebra X is an (, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal of X. We believe that the research along this direction can be continued, and in fact, some results in this paper have already constituted a foundation for further investigation concerning the further development of interval valued fuzzy BF-algebras and their applications in other branches of algebra. In the future study of interval valued fuzzy BF-algebras, perhaps the following topics are worth to be considered:
i )(x y) ˄ ( i )(y) ˄ [0.5, 0.5]. iI
Hence, i is an (, q ) -interval valued fuzzy iI
ideal of X. Theorem
3.15. The union of any family of (, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideals of a BF-algebra X
is an (, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideal of X.
(1) To characterize other classes of BF-algebras by using this notion; (2) To apply this notion to some other algebraic structures; (3) To consider these results to some possible applications in computer sciences and information systems in the future.
Proof. Let { i }i I be a family of (, q ) -interval valued fuzzy ideals of a BF-algebra X and x X. So
i (0) i (x) ˄ [0.5, 0.5]
for all i I. Thus (
~ ~ i )(0) = ( i (0))
~ ( i (x) ˄ [0.5, 0.5]) iI ~ = ( i )(x) ˄ [0.5, 0.5].
[1] [2]
~ ~ i )(0) ( i )(x) ˄ [0.5, 0.5]. iI iI ~ Let x, y X. Since each i is an (, q ) -interval
valued fuzzy p-ideal of X. So
i (x) i (x y) ˄ i (y) ˄ [0.5, 0.5]
for all i I. Thus (
i )(x) = ( i (x))
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Muhammad Idrees Email: Abdul Rehman Email: Muhammad Zulfiqar Email: Sardar Muhammad Email: Department of Mathematics1 University of Balochistan Quetta Pakistan & Department of Mathematics2 GC University Lahore Pakistan