Brand Standards Manual Version 1.0 April 2010
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual
Table of Contents Licensing Notice
II Master Logo
18 Description
IV O ther Logos & Branding Needs
19 Logo with Tagline
44 Pairings
20 Color
45 Email Signatures
22 Execution
46 Specialty Items, Clothing, and Other
26 Font Assets
47 Signage
28 Applications
48 New Brand Assets
4 Use of Manual
5 Definitions
7 Legal Considerations
I The Cincinnati State Brand
11 The Cincinnati State Brand
12 Brand Identity
13 Customer Promise
14 Key Messages
15 Tagline
16 Brand Architecture
III Sub-Brand Logos
V For Assistance
33 Description
34 Logos
35 Color
38 Execution
40 Font Assets
41 Applications
50 Contact
Licensing Notice Strategic Marketing Affiliates, Inc. (“SMA”) is the exclusive trademark licensing agency for Cincinnati State Technical and Community College. SMA manages and implements the College’s comprehensive licensing program in order to accomplish College goals of brand building, brand protection, and revenue generation. On behalf of the College, SMA handles all licensing applications and grants license agreements, provides marks and logos to licensees, administers artwork approvals, and provides compliance reviews and enforcement services in the retail marketplace and at campus and athletic events as needed. SMA licensing services extend to all items produced for general resale. Items for internal consumption within the College are not included, except gifts or tokens given by the College.
Licensing Without exception, every vendor producing apparel, non-apparel, or headwear products bearing a College mark or logo must hold a valid license, which may be obtained through application to SMA and approval by the College.
Logos SMA provides a logo access website (“logos on demand” or LOD) to ensure that all College marks and logos are accurate and of the highest standards. All licensed vendors must obtain marks and logos from this site only. College personnel are not permitted to provide College marks, logos, or other trademarks directly to any vendor.
Approvals SMA provides an online artwork approval service (“approvals on demand” or AOD). All licensed vendors must have College approval of artwork via the online artwork approval service before production can begin. College faculty, staff, and administration should continue to work with the Marketing Communications Department regarding any Cincinnati State marks, logos, or design elements, as detailed in this manual.
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Introduction
Use of the Manual This manual presents a summary of the Cincinnati State brand. It also provides visual brand and identity standards, including the use of visual elements of identification when portraying Cincinnati State graphically. The manual includes guidelines concerning the use of the College’s identity, trademarks, color, size, and other information to protect brand integrity and meet federal registration requirements. This manual is a tool for anyone who produces electronic, print, or other materials that incorporate the Cincinnati State identity: marketing professionals, graphic designers, printers, web developers, sign makers, and others. Direct questions regarding correct use of the Cincinnati State visual brand or any of its design elements to the Marketing Communications Department (phone: 513.569.4998; email: (Vendors: Contact SMA.) They will provide timely answers to meet your needs, as well as to protect Cincinnati State’s investment and important corporate assets.
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Introduction
Definitions Brand The Cincinnati State brand packages the College’s meaning as an organization so that it is a strategic asset and competitive advantage. It is the distinctive, one-of-a-kind expression of Cincinnati State’s promise of quality, style, and a way of doing business. The brand is a “mark” that sticks in the audience’s brain and heart. The Cincinnati State logo is NOT its brand, but a visual expression of it.
Logo The logo is a key visual expression of the Cincinnati State brand. It is the core Cincinnati State-branded element of the visual identity that presents the College with its tagline in a distinctive, graphic treatment.
Logo Mark (also Mark, Symbol) Also referred to as the action mark when speaking about the Cincinnati State logo. (See page 18.) The logo mark is the graphic element or elements that make the Cincinnati State logo unique. The logo mark sometimes is referred to as the “mark” or “symbol.”
Logotype The logotype is the officially registered typography or font, as well as the specific way in which it is typeset and applied to the logo.
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Introduction
Tagline The tagline is a word, phrase, or expression that communicates the brand’s position or brand benefits in a memorable way. A tagline is often a verbal symbol for the brand. It is always expressed in a consistent way, and always carries the symbol of a trademark (TM) or servicemark (SM). The Cincinnati State tagline is: “Go Ahead. Get There.SM”
Trademark (also Service Mark, Mark) The trademark is a legal designation. (See page 7.)
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Introduction
Legal Considerations What is a trademark? According to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, “a trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, or design, or a combination of words, phrases, symbols, or designs, that identifies and distinguishes the source of the goods of one party from those of others. A service mark is the same as a trademark, except that it identifies and distinguishes the source of a service rather than a product.” TM
A trademark is denoted with a (the symbol of a trademark); a service mark is denoted with an SM provides services, trademarked Cincinnati State brands and services should bear the symbol.
(the symbol of a service mark). Because it
In this manual, the terms “trademark” and “mark” refer to both trademarks and service marks. The terms “trademark” and “service mark” may be used interchangeably in the manual.
Why is a trademark or service mark important? Cincinnati State’s service marks are invaluable assets. They require the concerted efforts of professionals in many disciplines, including marketing, graphic design, marketing research, and law. The worth of a trademark can far outweigh the talent, financial, and other investment required. A good mark helps to protect Cincinnati State’s brand as it distinguishes the College from its competition. It also helps guarantee consistency of verbal and visual messages in communication about and promotion of Cincinnati State services. Cincinnati State service marks are legally registered with the U.S. Patent Trademark Office (USPTO). If new service marks or trademarks are identified, the College must register these as well.
How do we protect Cincinnati State’s trademark investment? Cincinnati State’s trademark investment cannot be adequately protected simply through standard trademark. Every Cincinnati State faculty member, staff member, and service partner must contribute by assuring that the usage of the Cincinnati State logo and trademark is consistent and proper. Following the guidelines in this design manual will help protect Cincinnati State’s trademark investment while enabling its use to Cincinnati State’s advantage.
How should you use the Cincinnati State trademark? Legal rights to a trademark are based on the use of the mark. Therefore, if you misuse the trademark, you may lose your right to the trademark. To prevent this, it is critical that the standards in this manual for the use of the Cincinnati State trademark are followed consistently.
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Introduction
Legal Considerations
Some basic trademark rules Here are some basic rules about protecting Cincinnati State trademarks:
1. Always spell the words “Cincinnati State” and “Cincinnati State Technical and Community College,” as well as Cincinnati State’s taglines and product or service names, accurately and consistently.
2. Always apply the visual identity consistently, in accordance with this manual.
3. Always distinguish a Cincinnati State trademark or service mark from graphics and type around it by following the guidelines in this manual.
4. Whenever practical, a trademark notice should follow the marks. At minimum, the or symbol should be used the first time the trademark appears within a document. Do not use the ® or “registered” symbol, as Cincinnati State trademarks are not eligible for its use.
It may be easiest to think of any Cincinnati State trademark as a signature that doesn’t change. It has only one spelling and graphic identity and distinguishes the organization, its brand, and its services.
Use of the trademark in text SM
You will find more details about when and how to use the symbol graphically in this standards manual. However, for purposes of legal protection, it also is important to apply the service mark appropriately in text. For example: The “Dream Job Planner” is a distinctive and distinguishing trademark identifying a Cincinnati State product/service. Therefore, when the expression “Dream Job Planner” is used in published text (print or electronic), it should be service marked the first time it is used. No service mark is required for subsequent uses in the same text, no matter the length. For example: SM
Dream Job Planner
Dream Job Planner submission
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Introduction
Legal Considerations
The same guidelines apply to Midwest Culinary InstituteSM and Get ThereSM sessions, as well as other Cincinnati State service marks.
Sample Here is an example of an acceptable textual application of the service mark, in which the service mark appears in the headline. Therefore, it is not necessary for the service mark to appear in the body copy.
Midwest Culinary InstituteSM introduces new cooking series
Brush up your culinary skills with Creations cooking classes at the Midwest Culinary Institute. Our classes are a great way to spend time with friends and family in our state of the art facility.
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Introduction
Section One
The Cincinnati State Brand
The Cincinnati State Brand The Cincinnati State brand is much more than a name, logo, or color. It is not the services or products that Cincinnati State offers, but much more than that. The Cincinnati State brand is a powerful, strategic asset: the packaging of Cincinnati State’s meaning as an organization so that it is a distinct competitive advantage. Cincinnati State’s brand encompasses its unique “customer promise” for quality, style, and its way of doing business. It expresses the relationship between Cincinnati State and its internal and external audiences — a collection of experiences and impressions that live in the minds of Cincinnati State’s internal and external customers.
What is the Cincinnati State brand identity? The brand identity answers such questions as: What does Cincinnati State stand for? How does it want to be perceived? What are its most important functional and emotional benefits? These answers provide direction and meaning for Cincinnati State branding activities. Here is a high-level summary of the Cincinnati State brand identity, uncovered through a brand discovery process that included interviews with students, faculty, staff, and administration, as well as other primary and secondary marketing research. At its core, Cincinnati State actualizes student development that identifies, creates, and sustains lifelong career advantage. Students feel confident, energized, and well supported, knowing that they can count on Cincinnati State to help them succeed in their chosen careers.
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: The Cincinnati State Brand
Brand Identity Attributes and benefits Cincinnati State “is”:
• Readiness, whether for workplace, career, or further education
• Relevance that responds to student and community needs
• Excellence, particularly in academics and in its strong support systems for academics, the workplace, and life balance
• Placement via cooperative education, employment, or further education
• Affordability, with extremely reasonable cost for the high value received
• Practicality, with “real life” learning
• Actualization, specifically providing directive energy and power to its students and other internal and external customers and making their success real
Cincinnati State stands for:
• Opportunity
• Direction
• Support
• Achievement
• Advancement
It is marked by friendly, enthusiastic care and attention. Diversity is an important Cincinnati State attribute. It is manifested through the presence of both traditional and non-traditional students, as well as through diversity of culture, gender, race, economic status, and the many different philosophical and lifestyle perspectives represented at the College.
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: The Cincinnati State Brand
Customer Promise What is the Cincinnati State “customer promise”? Cincinnati State makes this promise to its customers: Cincinnati State is your partner, helping you identify, achieve, and sustain your lifelong career advantage through relevant learning that is the region’s best higher-education value. Our real-world, real-time, real-people knowledge, experience, and resources will support you every step of the way. This is our promise.
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: The Cincinnati State Brand
Key Messages What key messages does the Cincinnati State brand communicate?
• “You” are important and individual, and Cincinnati State works with and for you. We tailor our help to your specific needs.
• Cincinnati State is your committed partner, encouraging you and supporting you in your lifelong learning process.
• You can count on Cincinnati State to help you achieve your educational, workplace, and career goals.
• Cincinnati State provides a lifelong career advantage, whether you are entering a career path, refreshing your career, or re-starting with a different career.
• Cincinnati State is the region’s best higher-education value. At Cincinnati State, your education is affordable and reasonably priced for the value received.
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: The Cincinnati State Brand
Tagline The Cincinnati State tagline has been developed to verbally represent the Cincinnati State brand in an easily identifiable and memorable way. Its primary function is to help Cincinnati State communicate its brand with its target audiences. The Cincinnati State tagline: Go ahead. Get there.SM The tagline communicates a strong “you” message that reinforces actualization and transformation. It encourages and motivates, and emphasizes direction, goals, and achievement. This tagline is verbally simple, yet strong and firm. Like Cincinnati State, it is practical, down-to-earth, and energizing. Here are some guidelines for tagline usage: • Always use the complete tagline in conjunction with the logo only. Do not use it alone, except in instances that have been pre-approved by the Marketing Communications Department. Never use part of the tagline without the other. Do not use the tagline as a headline. • Do not alter the tagline in any way. Do not add or subtract words or change punctuation. Do not substitute words. • The tagline is a Cincinnati State service mark, so the SM symbol is integral to the tagline in all uses. Do not apply the tagline without the SM service mark.
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: The Cincinnati State Brand
Brand Architecture The Cincinnati State brand architecture is a system that leverages the equity of the Cincinnati State brand name and enables efficient, effective management of the Cincinnati State master brand, sub-brands, and brand extensions. The system has been developed to synergize the brand and sub-brands in order to lead to clarity, effective communication, and the ability to manage the College’s brand assets effectively. The Cincinnati State master brand, sub-brands, and brand extensions are carefully developed and coordinated for greatest effectiveness in the marketplace. None of them is a silo, independent of the others; all require the guidance and discipline of effective brand and policy standards. The system has been designed to accommodate change and adaptation when necessary.
Master Brand Cincinnati State Technical and Community College
Sub-Brands Divisions, Centers, Institutes Business Technologies
Center for Innovative Technologies
Humanities & Sciences
Health & Public Safety
Midwest Culinary Institute
Workforce Development Center
Energy & Environment Center
Brand Extensions, Descriptors, Product Features, & Services* Tagline
Dream Job PlannerSM
Get ThereSM Sessions
* Please note this is only a sample of these items.
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: The Cincinnati State Brand
Section Two
Master Logo
Master Logo Description The visual identity for Cincinnati State is a master logo that includes the words “Cincinnati State Technical and Community College” in a specific type style (logotype) and a distinctive graphic element — the action mark (Figure 1). These two elements have a carefully designed relationship that reinforces the brand. The action mark is a distinctive Cincinnati State logomark that conveys the supportive dynamics of movement toward a goal and the many paths leading to success. It reinforces the interactive, supportive relationships that the College fosters and builds with its students and the community it serves. The action mark is positioned near the “S” in Cincinnati State. Do not relocate or reposition the action mark. It should always appear in this position. The logo color palette is black and carefully chosen shades of gray and green, selected largely for their suitability in conveying and reinforcing the Cincinnati State brand. More details about the specific application of these colors, as well as presenting the logo in black and white, follow. When the Cincinnati State logo stands alone, the
designation should be applied as shown below.
The Cincinnati State logo must appear prominently on all Cincinnati State materials published in print and electronic format, except in those situations where a sub-brand logo is more suitable.
Action mark
Figure 1
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Master Logo
Logo with Tagline Depending on how it is being used, the master logo (with logotype and action mark) may appear with or without the tagline “Go ahead. Get there.SM� The correct placement of the tagline is presented below. When utilizing the Cincinnati State logo with tagline, do not attempt to manually add the tagline to a logo-only design. Always use the version of the logotype and action mark in which the tagline has been properly positioned. Do not alter the tagline in any way. Do not alter its wording or punctuation. Do not alter its placement in relation to the logotype or action mark (see below) in any way. Do not apply the tagline without the SM service mark. Do not use the tagline with a sub-brand logo.
Vertical Option: ONLY use when spacing is limited and a vertical option is needed.
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Master Logo pms 363
Color Primary Color Palette The master Cincinnati State logo can appear only in Cincinnati State green, black, and gray, all black or all white (reversed out of color; see next page). Cincinnati State green, black, and gray must be the primary colors of the logo in print and electronic materials that:
• Promote the College externally;
• Target students, prospective students, alumni, or the external community;
• Reach a general / wide audience. T he exception is one-color or two-color advertising, when none of the available colors are Cincinnati State green, black, and gray. The resolution of such exceptions will be addressed by the Marketing Communications Department on an individual basis.
Cincinnati State green PMS 363
C=78, M=5, Y=98, K=24 R=60, G=138, B=46 Web=3C8A2E
Cincinnati State black
C=0, M=0, Y=0, K=100 R=0, G=0, B=0 Web=000000
Cincinnati State gray
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Master Logo
C=47, M=39, Y=40, K=3 R=140, G=140, B=140 Web=8C8C8C
Color Options The Cincinnati State logo may appear ONLY in the following color options. These representations illustrate reversing the logo out of large fields of color; they allow for sufficient “safe area� around the logotype and logomark. Do NOT frame the logo in any way. It is not acceptable to frame the logo with a graphic of any kind or with any geometric form, including but not limited to a box, circle, oval, rectangle, triangle, or square. Full color logos can only be used on a white or black background; on other background colors, use black or white version. The use of a full-color logo on a background other than white or black requires approval by the Marketing Communications Department. Cincinnati State green, black, and gray Cincinnati State green
* This manual is instructional. These representations illustrate reversing the logo out of a large field of color; they are for illustration only. Do not frame the logo in any way.
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Master Logo
Execution Safe Area Around the Logo A safe area around the Cincinnati State logo must be preserved at all times to allow for maximum legibility of the logo and to reinforce its integrity as an important corporate asset. No elements, including typography, other logos, graphics or photos, may intrude upon this safe area. Placing the logo too close to a cut or folded edge also violates the safe area. This is the minimum amount of safe area that is required. It is strongly encouraged that a larger safe area (or “whitespace”) be applied whenever possible. Unit of measure
Note: The unit of measure is an uppercase “C” from the Master Cincinnati State Logo. The size of this “C” is determined by the size of the Cincinnati State logo being applied.
Note: The gray “frame” is for demonstration only. The safe area is NOT gray. It is a blank area, free of any elements.
Animated Logo and Action Mark Animated versions of the logo or action mark are developed under the direction of and approved by the Marketing Communications Department. The use of an animated version of a Cincinnati State logo or action mark for any purpose requires the approval of the Marketing Communications Department. This also applies to sub-brand logos.
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Master Logo
Size restrictions The Cincinnati State logo should always be used at a width of at least one inch, never smaller. Horizontal and vertical formats have different guidelines based on logo width, as detailed below.
Horizontal Logo Usage When using a horizontal format for the Cincinnati State logo, adhere to these guidelines: • At 1 inch, up to 1.5 inches: Neither the tagline nor “Technical and Community College” should be used. • At 1.5 inches, up to 2 inches: The tagline and “Technical and Community College” may be used at this size. “Technical and Community College” should be printed in black. If the logo is being used in one color, the tagline should be that color. • At 2 inches and larger: Full color printing may be used, and the tagline “Technical and Community College” may be used.
Vertical Logo Usage When using a vertical format for the Cincinnati State logo, adhere to these guidelines: • At 1 inch, up to 1.5 inches: The tagline and “Technical and Community College” may be used, but “Technical and Community College” should be printed in black. • At 1.5 inches and larger: The logo may be printed in full color, and both the tagline and “Technical and Community College” may be used.
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Master Logo
Using the Action Mark Under most circumstances, the Cincinnati State action action mark should not be used alone. Please consult the Marketing Communications Department for further guidance and approval. If the Cincinnati State action action mark is used alone, be sure to follow these guidelines. Apply the safe area as indicated. Use only the colors indicated below. In some instances, it may be acceptable to apply the mark using a screen of the assigned colors; consult the Marketing Communications Department for guidance. Do NOT frame the action mark in any way. It is not acceptable to frame the action mark with a graphic of any kind or with any geometric form, including but not limited to a box, circle, oval, rectangle, triangle, or square. Note: Do not use the action mark alone on a web page. The action mark may not be used as wallpaper or background in print or digital applications, including web pages.
* 1C
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Master Logo
* This manual is instructional. These representations illustrate reversing the logo out of a large field of color; they are for illustration only. Do not frame the logo in any way.
Unacceptable Executions Shown are examples of unacceptable executions of the Cincinnati State logo. These rules also apply to the execution of the Cincinnati State sub-brand logos. Do not use any version or elements of the Cincinnati State master logo or sub-brand logos as wallpaper or background in print or digital applications, including web pages. Do NOT alter or change the logo colors.
Do NOT distort the logo by stretching it when resizing.
Do NOT rotate the logo.
Do NOT repeat the logo or action mark more than once per page*.
Do NOT distort the action mark. Do NOT move or scale the action mark when it is used with the logotype.
Do NOT place the logo over colors that make it difficult to read.
Do NOT place the logo over textures or photos.
Do NOT alter any elements of the logo. Do NOT mix symbols. Do NOT change the typeface.
* This manual is instructional. These representations are for illustration only. Do not frame the logo in any way. The logo and symbol appear more than once per page for illustration purposes only.
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Master Logo
Font Assets Typeface: Serif The primary serif typeface for the Cincinnati State logo system is Garamond. Garamond should be used for the professional production of print or electronic materials. Garamond (True Type) is available as a font in Microsoft Office applications. Garamond (True Type) should be used for Cincinnati State marketing materials, including proposals, PowerPoint presentations, websites, and other print and electronic material. Standard size for letter text in Garamond is 11 point. All Cincinnati State general business documents, including letters, reports, and related items (excluding marketing materials) should be created using Garamond, 11-point type. In the event Garamond is not available, Times Roman, can be used.
Garamond Garamond Italic Garamond Garamond Semibold Garamond Bold Garamond Bold Italic
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Master Logo
Times Roman Times Times Italic Times Bold
Font Assets
Typeface: Sans Serif The sans serif typeface for the Cincinnati State logo system is Frutiger Condensed. Frutiger Condensed should be used for the professional production of print and electronic materials, including websites, for Cincinnati State. Arial or Helvetica are available as fonts in Microsoft Office applications. Use Arial or Helvetica for general business purposes to complement the Cincinnati State logo.
Frutiger Condensed Frutiger Condensed 47 Light Frutiger Condensed 57 Regular Frutiger Condensed 67 Bold Frutiger Condensed 77 Black Frutiger Condensed 87 Extra Black
Helvetica 45 Light
Helvetica 75 Bold
Helvetica 46 Light Italic
Helvetica 76 Bold Italic
Arial Narrow
Helvetica 55 Roman
Helvetica 85 Heavy
Arial Black
Helvetica 56 Roman Italic
Helvetica 86 Heavy Italic
Helvetica 65 Medium
Helvetica 95 Black
Helvetica 65 Medium Italic
Helvetica 96 Black Italic
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Master Logo
Coffeehouse Collisions An evening of coffeehouse improv theatre and selected plays by Dale Doerman. Checkers, Zebra, Crosswords and Compound Fracture featuring students of THEeatre 1670-20. Directed by Thomas Reese
When: May 19th & 20th, 20XX 8:00pm Where: ATLC Theatre at Cincinnati State
Brand Workshop
3520 Central Parkway Reception immediately following
Admission: $2.00 ($1.00 with Surge Card) Brought to you in co-operation with the Humanities Department & Student Activities Office
ROOM 100 Flyer Signage
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Master Logo
Applications of Master Logo
Business Card
Letterhead and Envelope
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Master Logo
Applications of Master Logo
Cincinnati State offers the nation’s largest co-op program among two-year colleges, affordable tuition and over 90% job placement success. So are you thinking what we’re thinking? Just call us at 513-861-7700 or visit today.
SELF-MADE MEN AND WOMEN MADE HERE. Cincinnati State offers the nation’s largest co-op program among two-year colleges, affordable tuition and over 90% job placement success. The rest is up to you. Call 513-861-7700 or just visit today.
2:55 PM
Page 1
MAKING THE GRADE. (And then some.) Congratulations to Dr. Monica Posey, VP of Academics at Cincinnati State, for being named a YWCA Career Woman of Achievement.
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Master Logo
Applications of Master Logo
SELF-MADE MEN AND WOMEN MADE HERE. Cincinnati State offers the nation’s largest co-op program among two-year colleges, affordable tuition and over 90% job placement success. The rest is up to you. Call 513-861-7700 or just visit today.
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Master Logo
Section Three
Sub-Brand Logos
Sub-Brand Logos Description Each of the Cincinnati State sub-brand logos includes the name of the division or center as the dominant logotype, with the words “Cincinnati State� and the action mark above a rule that runs the length of the sub-brand logotype. Use of the same typeface for both the sub-brand logo and the master brand logo helps to communicate that there is a special relationship between them. The larger font size gives prominence to the division or center, while the Cincinnati State identifier reinforces its tight association with the master brand. The color palette is different for each sub-brand logo. Each palette has been determined based on the characteristics and benefits of the division or center and how well the selected color palette complements the Cincinnati State master brand palette. A sub-brand logo is used when print or electronic material originates from the sub-branded division or center, or in other situations when it is more suitable to use than the Cincinnati State logo.
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Sub-Brand Logos
Sub-Brand Logos
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Sub-Brand Logos
Color Primary Color Palette A sub-brand logo can appear only in Cincinnati State gray plus the corresponding color below, all black, or all white. It may also appear reversed out of color (see page 37).
Cincinnati State gray
C=47, M=39, Y=40, K=3
R=140, G=140, B=140
R=0, G=91, B=187
Business Technologies (blue) PMS 2935
C=100, M=52, Y=0, K=0
Center for Innovative Technologies (purple) PMS 2592
C=61, M=88, Y=0, K=0
R=143, G=35, B=179
R=240, G=171, B=0
Humanities and Sciences (yellow) PMS 130
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Sub-Brand Logos
C=0, M=30, Y=100, K=0
Health and Public Safety (cyan) PMS 632
C=93, M=2, Y=13, K=6
R=0, G=155, B=187
R=226, G=73, B=18
Midwest Culinary Institute (orange) PMS 1665
C=6, M=86, Y=100, K=1
Workforce Development Center (brown) PMS 168
C=0, M=57, Y=100, K=59
R=127, G=67, B=0
Energy & Environment Center (green) PMS 340
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Sub-Brand Logos
C=100, M=0, Y=66, K=9
R=0, G=155, B=123
Color Options The Cincinnati State sub-brand logos may appear in the following color options. The logos may also be placed on a solid colored background other than black. These representations illustrate reversing the logo out of large fields of color. Do NOT frame the logos in any way. It is not acceptable to frame the logos with a graphic of any kind or with any geometric form, including but not limited to a box, circle, oval, rectangle, triangle, or square. Full color logos can only be used on a white or black background; for other background colors, use black or white version. The use of a full-color logo on a background other than white or black requires approval by the Marketing Communications Department.
* This manual is instructional. These representations illustrate reversing the logo out of a large field of color; they are for illustration only. Do not frame the logo in any way. The logo and symbol appear more than once per page for illustration purposes only.
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Sub-Brand Logos
Execution Safe Area Around Sub-Brand Logos A safe area around a sub-brand logo must be preserved at all times to allow for maximum legibility of the logo and to reinforce its integrity as an important corporate asset. No elements, including typography, other logos, graphics, or photos, may intrude upon this safe area. Placing the logo too close to a cut or folded edge also violates the safe area. This is the minimum amount of safe area that is required. It is strongly encouraged that a larger safe area (or “whitespace”) be applied whenever possible. These rules apply to all sub-brand logos. Unit of measure 1C Note: The unit of measure is an uppercase “C” from the Gray (in a 4-color logo) Cincinnati State element of the Division logos. The size of this “C” is determined by the size of the Division logo being applied.
1C Note: The gray “frame” is for demonstration only. The safe area is NOT gray. It is a blank area, free of any elements.
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Sub-Brand Logos
Unacceptable Executions Shown are examples of unacceptable executions of the Cincinnati State sub-brand logos. These rules apply to all Cincinnati State sub-brand logos. Never use the name of a sub-brand without the Cincinnati State header. Do not use any version or elements of the Cincinnati State sub-brand logos as wallpaper or background in print or digital applications, including web pages. Do NOT change the typeface.
Do NOT move any element of the logo.
Business Technologies
Do NOT place the logo over colors that make it difficult to read. Do NOT place the logo over textures or photos.
Do NOT alter the color of the sub-brand logo. Do NOT replace color with the logo color of another sub-brand.
Do NOT alter any elements of the logo. Do NOT mix symbols. Do NOT stretch when resizing the logo. Do NOT rotate the logo.
* This manual is instructional. These representations illustrate reversing the logo out of a large field of color; they are for illustration only. Do not frame the logo in any way. The logo and symbol appear more than once per page for illustration purposes only.
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Sub-Brand Logos
Font Assets The same typefaces are used for both the Cincinnati State master and sub-brand logos. The type system for both is also the same. For details, please see pages 26 and 27.
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Sub-Brand Logos
Coffeehouse Collisions
News & Notes
October 18, 20XX
Headline goes here
nibh. Aenean luctus tellus sed justo. Nam leo odio, congue at, facilisis ac, gravida at, justo. Donec pellentesque, felis eget venenatis lacinia, sapien urna pellentesque sem, vitae suscipit nisi ipsum ut risus. Integer nisi. Maecenas ultricies.
nibh. Aenean luctus tellus sed justo. Nam leo odio, congue at, facilisis ac, gravida at, justo. Donec pellentesque, felis eget venenatis lacinia, sapien urna pellentesque sem, vitae suscipit nisi ipsum ut risus. Integer nisi. Maecenas ultricies. Subhead
facilisis ac, gravida at, justo. Donec pellentesque, felis eget
nibh. Aenean luctus tellus sed justo. Nam leo odio, congue at, facilisis ac, gravida at, justo. Donec pellentesque, felis eget venenatis lacinia, sapien urna pellentesque sem, vitae suscipit nisi ipsum ut risus. Integer nisi. Maecenas ultricies.
venenatis lacinia, sapien urna pellentesque sem, vitae suscipit
nisi ipsum ut risus. Integer nisi. Maecenas ultricies.
nibh. Aenean luctus tellus sed justo. Nam leo odio, congue at, facilisis ac, gravida at, justo. Donec pellentesque, felis eget venenatis lacinia, sapien urna pellentesque sem, vitae suscipit nisi ipsum ut risus. Integer nisi. Maecenas ultricies.s ac, gravida at, justo. Donec pellentesque, felis eget venenatis lacinia, sapien urna ultricies.
An evening of coffeehouse improv theatre and selected plays by Dale Doerman. Checkers, Zebra, Crosswords and Compound Fracture featuring students of THEeatre 1670-20. Directed by Thomas Reese
Headline goes here
When: May 19th & 20th, 20XX 8:00pm Where: ATLC Theatre at Cincinnati State
Headline goes here
nibh. Aenean luctus tellus sed justo. Nam leo odio, congue at,
nibh. Aenean luctus tellus sed justo. Nam leo odio, congue at, facilisis ac, gravida at, justo. Donec ut risus. Integer nisi. Maecenas ultricies.
3520 Central Parkway Reception immediately following
Admission: $2.00 ($1.00 with Surge Card) Brought to you in co-operation with the Humanities Department & Student Activities Office
Headline goes here nibh. Aenean luctus tellus sed justo. Nam leo odio, congue at, facilisis ac, gravida at, justo. Donec ut risus. Integer nisi. Maecenas ultricies. nibh. Aenean luctus tellus sed justo. Nam leo odio, congue at, facilisis ac, gravida at, justo. Donec ut risus. Integer nisi. Maecenas ultricies.
Š20XX Cincinnati State Technical and Community College. All rights reserved.
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Sub-Brand Logos
Applications of Sub-Brand Logos
News & Notes
October 18, 20XX
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Praesent ornare ullamcorper massa. Sed rutrum massa vulputate neque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam est justo, elementum sed, lacinia sit amet, lacinia ut, lectus. Aenean turpis. Cras aliquam nonummy augue. Etiam blandit nunc vel tellus. Sed sit amet arcu nec metus.
Subhead Pellentesque viverra. Nulla sollicitudin. In leo mauris, luctus vitae, blandit sed, dignissim sit amet, nunc. Nam euismod augue. Etiam dui. Nulla odio nunc, facilisis a, viverra eu, dignissim nec, nibh. Suspendisse lacinia, diam vitae condimentum mollis, risus metus consectetuer tellus, quis volutpat velit lectus quam.
Subhead Nulla tincidunt, erat aliquam fermentum pulvinar, dui arcu pharetra arcu, eu viverra neque sapien ut metus. Vestibulum blandit libero in nibh. Aenean luctus tellus sed justo. Nam leo odio,
congue at, facilisis ac, gravida at, justo.
Donec pellentesque, felis eget venenatis lacinia, sapien urna pellentesque sem, vitae suscipit nisi ipsum ut risus. Integer nisi. Maecenas ultricie
s. Quisque dolor sapien, elementum in, placerat nec, interdum
Subhead vel, dui. Morbi nec sapien. Phasellus metus. Pellentesque magna sem, pretium et, commodo non, faucibus ut, quam. Donec dapibus mauris sed leo. Vivamus facilisis nunc vel magna. Nulla eu urna. Integer a purus eget neque convallis auctor. Praesent non libero vel libero ultrices dapibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce pede erat, bibendum nec, posuere ut, dapibus ut, lorem. Quisque urna magna, accumsan sed, sodales vel, fringilla porttitor, lorem. Ut lobortis. Nulla odio. Aenean porta, nunc eget consectetuer pellentesque, tellus enim vehicula velit, at scelerisque leo eros viverra enim. Duis sed neque at nisl pellentesque volutpat.
©20XX Cincinnati State Technical and Community College. All rights reserved.
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Sub-Brand Logos
Section Four
Other Logos and Branding Needs
Pairings It may sometimes be necessary to display a Cincinnati State master or sub-brand logo with another unit, such as a department. This may be done in rare instances — with merchandise or displays, for example. Pairings may not be needed for some Cincinnati State divisions or centers. The need for a pairing is determined on a case-by-case basis by the Marketing Communications Department. If it is agreed that a pairing is appropriate, the design is executed by a design professional, directed by the Marketing Communications Department. Do not attempt to create a pairing on your own. There are specific standards for pairings that must be followed, along with the College branding standards for size, colors, and other parameters. For assistance, consult the Marketing Communications Department.
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Other Logos and Branding Needs
Email Signatures The required standard Cincinnati State email signature enables faculty and staff members to convey a consistent verbal and visual Cincinnati State brand in email communications. Download the email signature file from the college intranet. (Go to Brand Resources>Email Signature.) Please follow these steps to create your own customized Cincinnati State email signatures for both original emails and for follow-up replies. If you encounter any questions or problems, please contact the Marketing Communications Department (phone 513.569.4998; email Your College email signature should include your personal information in the format shown below. This signature should identify and close all emails you send as a member of the College faculty, staff, or administration. The College logo should be used — not sub-brand logos. Do not include other web addresses, proverbs, quotations, or promotions of any kind following your College email signature.
Email signature:
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Other Logos and Branding Needs
Email Reply:
Specialty Items, Clothing, and Other Merchandise The College licensing program protects the names, logos, taglines, and other identifying marks of the College and prohibits their unauthorized use for any purpose, including internal, non-commercial, and commercial use. See Licensing Notice on page two for licensing program details. Specialty items, clothing, merchandise, and other goods bearing Cincinnati State logos, sub-brand logos, and other trademarks or service marks must be produced by a licensed vendor and may be produced only with the authorization of the Marketing Communications Department. Unauthorized production is strictly prohibited. Any items, including clothing, bearing the Cincinnati State master logo or sub-brand logos must apply the logos consistent with the College’s branding efforts and this brand standards manual. The items themselves must be consistent with the Cincinnati State brand, and must be of good quality and in good taste. Sometimes, there may be production limitations that require flexibility in one or more aspects of applying a Cincinnati State logo. In such cases, consult the Marketing Communications Department for guidance and approval before proceeding with the production of any item. On occasion, it may be necessary for the Marketing Communications Department to allow flexibility in the application of the brand standards for an item. These cases are exceptions, and are not precedents or changes to the guidelines set forth in this brand standards manual.
Cincinnati State t-shirt FRONT
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Other Logos and Branding Needs
Environmental Graphics and Signage All permanent internal and external signage must comply with College regulations and must be approved by the College Sign Committee.
Banners and vinyl signs Banners and signs that include names, logos, taglines, or any other other identifying marks of the College are subject to the College licensing program and may be produced only with the authorization of Marketing Communications.
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Other Logos and Branding Needs
New Sub-Brands, Brand Extensions and Other Brand Assets As brand champion for Cincinnati State, the Marketing Communications Department is responsible for the protection of Cincinnati State brand assets, as well as the branding of new Cincinnati State-related activities, services, and materials, whether related to the master brand, a subbrand, or otherwise. In addition to oversight of the guidelines presented in this manual, these responsibilities include, but are not limited to, oversight of such activities as: • Brand concepting (in alignment with and supportive of the Cincinnati State brand) • Name development and approval • Logo development and approval • Tagline development and approval • Applications (print and electronic) • Identification and acquisition of suitable URLs • Trademark or service mark filings and acquisitions for all new College-related sub-brands, as well as brand extensions, descriptors, product features, and services. The goal: to assure that all Cincinnati State brands and brand extensions convey clear, consistent, brand-aligned messages that advance the College’s reputation and positioning and protect its assets. Contact the Marketing Communications Department if there may be a need for any aspect of brand development—from concept and naming through logo development and applications — for potential new sub-brands and/or brand extensions, descriptors, product features, and services.
Cincinnati State Brand Standards Manual: Other Logos and Branding Needs
Section Five
For Assistance
Contact The Cincinnati State visual brand identity program requires consistency and continuity. Do not attempt to recreate the logo or any aspect of the corporate identity yourself. Obtain reproduction quality files from the contact below and apply according to these design standards.
Exceptions On occasion, it may be necessary to allow flexibility in the application of the brand standards. These cases are exceptions, and are not precedents or changes to the guidelines set forth in this brand standards manual. For evaluation of possible exceptions to these design standards and for assistance in applying the Cincinnati State brand system, contact the Marketing Communications Department.
Electronic Art Access digital files via the intranet. Various versions of the master and sub-brand logos can be downloaded from the college intranet. (Go to Brand Resources>Logos.) Contact the Marketing Department to request an any special versions of the logo. Do NOT attempt to create original art from this manual or on your own.
Working with Vendors Without exception, every vendor producing apparel, non-apparel, or headwear products bearing a College mark or logo must hold a valid license, which may be obtained through application to SMA and approval by the College. See Licensing Notice on page two for licensing program details.
Address questions regarding the Cincinnati State brand and the use and reproduction of Cincinnati State logos, taglines, and other brand assets to: Marketing Communications Department phone: 513.569.4998 email:
3520 Central Parkway Cincinnati, OH 45223 1.513.569.4998 • Š 2010 Cincinnati State Technical and Community College All rights reserved.