Animal Defender Magazine UK Winter 2013

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ISSN: 2041-3653

Autumn 2013 Magazine of Animal Defenders International and the National Anti-Vivisection Society


● Cosmetic testing banned in Europe ● Vivisection secrecy reviewed after 27 years ● Colombia & El Salvador ban wild animals in circuses ● UK unveils Bill to ban wild animal acts

Editorial This year has been one of particularly extreme highs and lows for our campaigns to end animal cruelty. The conclusion of the campaign to end all animal testing of cosmetic products in Europe arrived with the final phase of the ban in March; the bans on animal circuses in Colombia and El Salvador and the UK’s Wild Animals in Circuses Bill certainly showed how years of hard work is saving animals. Yet we are at once reminded that there is so much more to be done. The Government’s downright disregard for both the evidence against the killing of badgers and the public’s opposition to this slaughter, is shocking.

Where there’s a WILL there’s a WAY to help suffering animals

It also serves to remind us why it takes so long to get legal protection for animals, even when governments are faced with overwhelming evidence. Our first investigations of cruelty to circus animals in the 1990s stunned the world, but it has taken fifteen years to get a Bill in the UK. Meanwhile, many other countries have taken action on first sight of the evidence.

HELP the National Anti-Vivisection Society

And after 27 years the new EU Directive on animal experiments has forced the UK to review the notorious secrecy clause, Section 24 of the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 as it does not comply with the Directive’s transparency objectives.

© Animal Defenders International

Every year, millions of animals suffer and die in laboratories for experiments that have been shown to be unreliable. We investigate inside the laboratories; research through the scientific literature to highlight the failings of animal research; we fund non-animal scientific and medical research through our Lord Dowding Fund, Please help, make a bequest today.

Successive governments have operated a regime of absolute secrecy on animal experiments; there has always been a great deal to hide. The first undercover investigation of animal experiments was in 1903 by students Leisa Schartau and Louise Lind-af-Hageby at University College London. They recorded the sickening cruelty to a little brown dog and brought their evidence to the NAVS. The story resulted in a libel trial, was later published as a book, ‘The Shambles of Science’ and the Brown Dog Memorial became the focus of riots between UCL students and antivivisectionists (full story on our website).

For a free guide to making a Will, call us on 020 7630 3340 ANIMAL DEFENDER ISSN: 2041-3653 Published by Animal Defenders International and the National Anti-Vivisection Society inc.The Campaigner pub.NAVS ©2013 ADI. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced for commercial purposes by any means whatsoever without the written permission of ADI/NAVS. Editors: Jan Creamer & Tim Phillips


Since then, the NAVS has conducted many investigations of the use of animals in research; we’ve shown cruelty, neglect, duplication and repetition of animal tests, researchers using animals when they were aware of alternatives or other sources of data. Only complete transparency of the licensing process will make researchers and governments fully accountable to the public. The Government plans a public consultation, then a decision next year. We will need every single supporter take at least one action every week, to end the secrecy of vivisection so that we can challenge it.

© Animal Defenders International

Since 1990, ADI has worked all over the world to expose the suffering of animals in entertainment, in films, advertising and television; we lobby on wildlife trade issues and promote non-animal research. We have rescued animals from circuses, pet dealers and more. We have emptied a whole country of its circus animals, following a ban. Over 20 countries have now ended the use of animals in circuses.You can make a difference, make a bequest to ADI today.

© Animal Defenders International

YOU can HELP Animal Defenders International

Now is a good time to act. For the animals.

Millbank Tower, Millbank, LoNDoN, SW1P 4QP, UK Tel: +44 (0)20 7630 3340 Fax: +44 (0)20 7828 2179 e-mail: web: Board: Mr N. Brice Ms A. Brice Ms D. Cooper Ms J.Creamer Ms P. Dibley Mr T. Phillips Ms M. Windebank

The Animal Defender & Campaigner


Autumn 2013

USA: 6100 Wilshire Blvd., #1150, LoS ANgELES, CA 90048, USA Tel: +1 323-935-2234 Fax: +1 323-935-9234 e-mail: web:

South America: Apartado Postal 359888 BogoTÁ, Colombia. e-mail: web:

ANIMAL DEFENDERS INTERNATIONAL: Founded 1990. To educate, create awareness, and promote the interest of humanity in the cause of justice, and the suppression of all forms of cruelty to animals; wherever possible, to alleviate suffering, and to conserve and protect animals and their environment. NATIONAL ANTI-VIVISECTION SOCIETY: Founded 1875; the world’s premier anti-vivisection group. The NAVS advocates the total prohibition of all animal experiments, and, pending the achievement of this aim, we may support partial measures which would provide steps towards reform. LORD DOWDING FUND: Founded 1974; a department of the NAVS; sponsors non-animal scientific and medical research.



Campaign News

Animal tested cosmetics On 11th March 2013, history was made when the sale of cosmetics products tested on animals was prohibited across the European Union (EU). The testing of cosmetics on animals has been banned in the EU since 2009 but manufacturers could still test their cosmetics abroad and import into the EU where they were sold to unwitting consumers. This confusing situation is now a thing of the past. Although some products sold in the EU may have been tested on animals prior to 11th March 2013, no products animal tested after this date can be marketed. The ban marks the conclusion of an historic campaign which has seen an end to the use of thousands of animals in cosmetic testing across Europe. The NAVS has campaigned on this issue for over three decades, during which we obtained photographic evidence of the horrors of cosmetic testing, promoted the introduction of alternative methods for cosmetic safety testing and lobbied in both the European and UK Parliaments. In other parts of the world – including China and the US – animals continue to be used in cosmetics testing. This means that some multinational companies can be selling non-animal tested products in Europe, whilst at the same time, their branches in countries where animal testing is the norm, are selling animal tested products outside of the EU. It is hoped that the pressure of the huge European market will encourage these companies to change their testing methods worldwide. Further good news from India and Israel is that both countries have banned cosmetic testing on animals. In Israel a prohibition came into effect on 1st January 2013, after regulations were passed and following a 2007 ban on domestic animal cosmetics tests. In India in June, the Bureau of Indian Standards approved the removal of any mention of animal tests from the country's cosmetics standard. Change is happening worldwide and we hope that countries such as the United States will follow and animals will continued to be saved from pointless cosmetics tests.

Fight the badger cull The day we had hoped would never arrive finally came at the end of August when the first of the two pilot badger culls began in Somerset, and just a week later in West Gloucestershire. Ignoring the science and huge opposition from the public – thousands took to the streets of London in June and over 330,000 people signed Dr Brian May’s petition before it closed in September – the government has pressed ahead with the needless slaughter of our wildlife. ADI has opposed both the pilot culls and plans for a nationwide cull, and has joined forces with Team Badger to support the campaign. Find out how you can help at:


European Court of Justice upholds EU ban on the import of seal products, with the exception of products sold by Inuit populations.

© Animal Defenders International

Thank you: Everyone who took to the streets for Lab Animal Week! Over 100 collectors raised almost £4,000. If you would like to take part next year, please call our supporter relations team 020 7630 3340. The primate labs at Harvard Medical School will “largely shut” by 2015. The university cites economics and a strategy change. Four primates reportedly died due to staff oversights between 2010 and 2012.

Europe’s chimp show from the dark ages

On International Primate Day, 1st September, (founded by ADI) we revealed primate suffering and exploitation at Schwaben Park in Germany. ADI witnessed first-hand how chimpanzees were turned into figures of derision during the park’s twice-daily shows. These intelligent, emotional creatures were made to ride a tricycle, balance on a ball and jump over hurdles whilst chained and collared. Chimpanzees naturally live in complex societies but when used in entertainment they suffer terribly, with infants torn from their mothers, spending their lives enduring social isolation and deprived conditions. ADI has called on Schwaben Park and launched an online campaign urging the Park to end these shows and retire the chimpanzees. Please help – email: – today.

one of 25 dolphins en route from the Philippines to Resorts World Sentosa’s, Singapore, died during the three hour flight.

Farewell to a dear friend: Pat Derby

During 5 days at Los Angeles International Airport, authorities intercepted nearly a half-pound of elephant meat, a dead stuffed primate and almost 400 snake, lizard and crocodile skin handbags. "We will not allow dolphinariums" states India’s Environment and Forest Minister after call from ADI and 60 other organisations, and scientists.

© Animal Defenders International

A tiger survey by forest and nature protection officers from Nepal and India is identifying the number of Bengal tigers living across wildlife reserves.


The Animal Defender & Campaigner

Pat Derby, co-founder with Ed Stewart of the wonderful PAWS and the ARK2000 sanctuary in California, passed away peacefully on February 15th after a two year battle with cancer. A kindred spirit and pioneer in the campaign against the use of animals in entertainment, Pat was both friend and colleague . ADI’s Jan Creamer and Tim Phillips were with Pat in January and to the end she continued to speak with excitement about the next important developments in the campaigns. Tim and Jan were honoured to speak at her memorial service in Sacramento paying tribute to Pat’s legacy alongside Kim Basinger and Bob Barker. We first joined forces with Pat and Ed for a press conference in the U.S. in 1998 about the abuse of circus animals, and so began a relationship that continues to this day. The animals have lost a great champion and our hearts go out to Ed and all at PAWS.


Autumn 2013


© Animal Defenders International

Validation and alternative methods of safety testing cosmetics were presented at an EU training and information exchange organised by the Joint Research Centre Institute for Health and Consumer Protection for a delegation from the Chinese regulatory authorities.

© Animal Defenders International

© Animal Defenders International

Campaign News

Campaign News

© National Anti-Vivisection Society

Iran and Russia send animals into Space

World Day for Laboratory Animals, Downing St. On 24th April the NAVS was joined by MPs and actors Annette Crosbie and Brian Blessed to present a giant postcard to the Prime Minister to end the secrecy on animal research (see p12). Alexei Sayle, Benjamin Zephaniah, Eddie Izzard, Jenny Seagrove, Joanna Lumley, Julian Clary, Prunella Scales, Rick Wakeman, Samantha Womack, Twiggy, Gary Webster and Wendy Turner-Webster also backed the call. Pictured (LtoR): Tim Phillips, Tessa Munt MP, Kerry McCarthy MP, Brian Blessed, Caroline Lucas MP, Annette Crosbie, Jan Creamer, Adrian Sanders MP, Jim Dowd MP.

© Animal Defenders International

Campaign to save the AstraZeneca beagles continues In February, the NAVS supported a campaign by our Swedish friends at Djurrättsalliansen (Animal Rights Alliance) calling on AstraZeneca to release for rehoming hundreds of beagles that were destined to be sent to laboratories in Sweden and the UK. The company stated that the dogs would be used “Primarily, in research related to the cardiovascular area (e.g. atherosclerosis and diabetes), respiratory diseases (e.g. asthma and COPD), plus inflammatory diseases (e.g. rheumatism).” During a frenzy of activity, the NAVS spearheaded a letter signed by twenty organisations from around the world urging the senior management of AstraZeneca to free the beagles. We also called on the Prime Ministers of Sweden and the UK to intervene. Sadly, despite the efforts of everyone who was working to save these gentle animals from a life in the lab, our pleas fell on deaf ears. The fight to save dogs and other animals from painful tests however continues. Thank you to everyone who took action.

In January, the Iranian Space Agency (ISA) reportedly sent a monkey into space. Press reports stated that the monkey – shown heavily restrained and clearly traumatised – “returned safely”. An ISA executive stated the primate programme would “aid our agency in launching a man into space”. In September, Iran dropped plans to launch a second primate, saying it would use a Persian cat instead. In April, a Russian space mission launched with 45 mice, 8 gerbils, 15 geckos, cichlid fish and snails on board. During the month-long mission, the health of the animals was monitored from the ground. The craft later returned to Earth but, although the animals were expected to return alive, 39 of the mice, all of the gerbils and cichlid fish died during the mission.

Sad day for democracy as ADI loses advertising case In April, the European Court of Human Rights finally ruled on the test case concerning our My Mate’s A Primate advert highlighting the plight of performing apes in advertising. The advert, produced in 2005, was banned under the Communications Act 2003 as ADI was deemed to be a “political” group. On a sad day for democracy, the court found in favour of the UK government, effectively gagging ADI and similar groups in broadcast media. Current UK laws effectively ban the broadcast of any advertisement on a matter of controversy. So, although primates and other animals can be used to sell products or services, such adverts cannot be challenged over their treatment of animals nor claims about conservation.

The Animal Defender & Campaigner


Autumn 2013


© Animal Defenders International © Animal Defenders International © Animal Defenders International

News New UK law on animal experiments At the start of the year, the Coalition Government incorporated Directive 2010/63/EU on animal experiments, into law. The Directive was simply transposed into British law using the European Communities Act and therefore goes no further than existing legislation or the demands of the Directive. Whereas the Italian Parliament has taken the more ambitious step of overhauling their legislation altogether. This is the first major revision of animal experimentation regulations in 27 years; much is the same, some is taken from the UK’s practices, but there are improvements secured in our European Parliament campaign – such as the phase out of wild-caught monkeys; retrospective reviews of animal experiments; public access; restrictions on primate research and formal reviews of specific animal experiments. It is not over yet however, with one of the most critical areas under discussion: transparency. Increased transparency is demanded under the Directive but the precise mechanisms are not. It does mean the notorious secrecy clause, Section 24 of the Animals Scientific Procedures Act, must be reviewed. Whatever is decided will define for the next decade or so, what the public will be allowed to know and how animal experiments will be critically assessed, challenged and replaced (see p.12).

Italy presents bold law In August the Italian parliament approved a bill to dramatically limit the use of animals in research. It was reported that “Among other things, the law bans breeding dogs, cats, and nonhuman primates for research purposes, or using them for any other purpose than health research; studies without pain killers or anesthesia, if the animal may experience pain (unless these are themselves the subject of the study); and using animals in studies of addiction, xenotransplantation, and for training purposes (except in higher education for veterinarians and physicians).” Importantly, the bill also highlights the need for research into alternatives to animal use. The Bill must succeed or Italy will be forced to implement the new EU Directive.

Lung on a chip An exciting development awarded a grant by the National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs) is the “lung-on-a-chip”, developed by Professor Donald Ingber of the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University in the US. The device, about the size of a memory stick, contains hollow channels lined with living human cells. It can recreate the way that our tissues expand and contract as we breathe. The Wyss Institute say, “Combining microfabrication techniques with modern tissue engineering, the lung-on-a-chip offers an in vitro approach to drug screening by mimicking the complicated mechanical and biochemical behaviours of a human lung”. This enables researchers to conduct real-time imaging as the cells are functioning. When tested the device replicated the conditions which occur when fluid builds up in the lungs. “We believe that our human breathing Lung-on-a-Chip, and other organ chips we have in development, represent a first wave of exciting new alternative approaches to animal testing that hopefully will change how drug development is carried out in the future".

Reject Real Fur!

Suffering assessment Assessing the actual suffering experienced by animals is a requirement under the new EU Directive. So, the European Commission established an Expert Working Group (EWG) to discuss a framework for assessing the severity of animal procedures. The EWG anticipate that their review “should provide greater transparency and understanding of the impact of scientific procedures on animal welfare”. The EWG has stated that those responsible for monitoring, using or caring for animals should have a sound understanding of animal behaviour as well as the health of the species observed to enable them to detect any welfare issues. A set of overarching indicators are in place to assist with assessment and the appearance of the animal, its body functions, environment, behaviours and procedurespecific indicators were identified as a starting point for a more comprehensive list of indicators. NAVS and ADI argued for this requirement during the Directive campaign and are pressing to ensure that the procedure, species, refinement and whole-life experience and other factors are taken into account. The NAVS/LDF science research team has submitted evidence to the working group. We can only hope that this initiative will provide a better understanding of exactly what animals in laboratories endure. If combined with greater transparency this could transform how experiments are percieved and challenged - see p12.


The Animal Defender & Campaigner


Autumn 2013

Iconic model Twiggy backed ADI’s campaign highlighting fur cruelty during London Fashion Week.Twiggy, “Fur looks beautiful on animals, but ugly on humans. Fur is literally ripped off animals backs and it can take many animals to make just one coat. The UK prides itself as a nation of animal lovers, so I am asking London Fashion Week to make an ethical choice and reject real fur.” NAVS & ADI

Battle for UK circus ban continues

Campaign News © Animal Defenders International

Thanks! Bill and Sue Lees for

© Animal Defenders International

organising a fantastic fundraising event starring Jimmy Cricket, raising a whopping £2,168.40 for ADI! EU votes to close a major loop hole in the ban on shark finning which has allowed fishermen with permits to remove shark fins on board and land them separately from the bodies.

Parliament will soon vote on the Wild Animals in Circuses Bill, drafted earlier this year, which outlines an end to the use of wild animals in circuses from December 2015. ADI broadly supports the bill but has urged the Department of Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) to bring forward the date of implementation. There is however a problem. The bill could be in jeopardy following the publication of a report by the Parliamentary Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee (EFRA), which examines and comments on draft legislation proposed by Defra. ADI was shocked that the EFRA recommendations would change the scope of the bill, including that the ban should only apply to big cats and elephants. Other wild animal species, it stated, could be protected by the current licensing scheme. This cannot be allowed to happen – as we have shown, regulations cannot protect circus animals. The public’s abhorrence to the use of wild animals in circuses, regardless of species, is in no doubt. Public opinion polls over the years have consistently shown overwhelming support for a full ban and this was reaffirmed yet again in a recent YouGov poll. ADI has urged Defra to ignore EFRA’s report and is lobbying MPs to secure their ongoing support for a ban on ALL wild animals. We are also calling for closure of a loophole in the current draft bill, which could permit circuses to continue to travel with wild animals, provided the animals do not perform. The delay in introducing the ban has resulted, as we cautioned, in new wild animal acts coming into the country ahead of the ban. In August, Thomas Chipperfield brought two lions and four tigers from Duffy’s Circus in Ireland to Jolly’s Circus (pictured above). At the same circus, ADI had condemned the owners for tethering a mule without food or water during scorching weather. Jolly’s is now the only circus to perform with big cats in the UK. The six tigers formerly at the Great British Circus – not touring this year – were shipped off to Ireland to perform with Courtney’s Brothers Circus, now the only circus with big cats there.

Help us win the ban once and for all! Please write to your MP and urge them to write to Defra to support a ban on ALL wild animals in travelling circuses; and then vote for a ban when the Bill is introduced. If you’d like help, a sample letter is available – call 020 7630 3340. Please make a donation. We urgently need funds to secure the ban, monitor circus cruelty until the ban is in place and, afterwards, to monitor non-exotic animals who also suffer in circuses.


Raffle winners: 1st Prize Miss Elstob, 2nd Prize Ms Davies, Runners up: Ms Reeves, Ms Campbell, Miss Smith, Ms Levy-So, Ms Stirling, Mr Reed, Mrs Brewer, Mrs Hughes, Mr Jewell, Mrs McNaughton, Mrs J Watters, Mrs Correa, Mrs Davis, Ms Wainwright, Mrs Door, Mrs Meusz, Mrs Harris, Ms Davies, Mrs Mackintosh. Our raffles are vital for our work to protect animals - please support them. Competition! Sonia Waddell and her family have, over several years, raised money for the LDF in memory of daughter Andrea who was a talented poet. The Waddell family have had Andrea’s poems published, and you can win a copy of this wonderful work. Write to us, or email and tell us where the “lung on a chip” was developed! Scientists in the UK have grown skin from human cells which rapidly identifies drugs likely to cause problems or be ineffective in humans. The lead scientist says her model would have predicted the terrible consequence for volunteers in the trial of TGN1412, which caused organ failure in six men, but despite higher doses caused no such effects in monkeys.

If you see a charity collecting money and

© Animal Defenders International

An end to the use of wild animals in UK circuses is finally within our grasp but the coming months are crucial as we fight to ensure that the British ban is not watered down.

they are not in the NAVS Good Charities Guide let us know! We will ask for their testing policy.

The Animal Defender & Campaigner


Autumn 2013




Causing the elephant to suffer unnecessarily, by requiring her to be chained to the ground at all times, contrary to section 4(1) of the UK Animal Welfare Act 2006.

Failing to take reasonable steps to prevent an employee from causing unnecessary suffering to the elephant, by repeatedly beating it, contrary to section 4(2) of the Animal Welfare Act 2006.

Circus owner goes unpunished despite conviction

© J. Korotoga / Animal Defenders International

Pictured: ADI’s Tim Phillips and Jan Creamer addressing the media outside the court.

Last November, ADI secured the first ever conviction for cruelty of a British circus owner under the Animal Welfare Act 2006. However, despite being convicted on all counts Bobby Roberts was given a conditional discharge – no punishment whatsoever. The abuse of Anne caught on camera by ADI was not noticed in repeated official inspections. This failure clearly demonstrates that an inspection regime cannot protect circus animals – it was the fact that the cameras were rolling when Anne was alone in the barn with her captors, that secured the evidence.

We have shown repeatedly that abusers do not beat their animals in public or in front of inspectors. In 2011 ADI investigators placed a covert video camera at a barn at Bobby Roberts Super Circus. The shocking footage shows a staggeringly high level of violence. Incidents included Anne, an elderly and severely arthritic elephant, being hit with a metal pitchfork and kicked around the face and body 48 times by workers, who were also seen beating and spitting on a camel and beating miniature ponies and horses. ADI brought charges against circus owners Bobby and Moira Roberts. Moira Roberts was found not guilty on the basis she did not own Anne (despite claiming ownership in the media).

This was the first test of the provision in the Animal Welfare Act which holds owners responsible for the way their animals are treated – even when they are not present. These were also the first ever charges over excessive chaining. Expert witness Prof Donald Broom of Cambridge University told the Court that Anne probably suffered more from the chaining and isolation than the physical abuse she endured. Bobby Roberts was filmed watching the groom move the chains from one leg to another, without Anne getting a single step of exercise. In court, he claimed it was his intention for Anne to be chained for 13½ hours a day; a level of immobilisation that is both cruel and contravenes zoo elephant guidelines.

GUILTY Failing to take reasonable steps to ensure that the needs of the elephant were met to the extent required by good practice, contrary to section 9 of the Animal Welfare Act 2006.

© J. Korotoga / Animal Defenders International

Roberts was also convicted of failure to take reasonable steps to ensure that Anne was protected from abuse by staff. The judge’s decision not to punish Roberts was based on his belief that Roberts had suffered enough in the media, that he had a previously clean record (previous complaints about him were not put forward), and the forceful argument put forward by Roberts’ lawyer that the adverse publicity had collapsed their business, although no financial evidence was supplied to support this claim. The sentence was disappointing, but importantly, the reaction of the judge highlights the vital role of the media in saving these animals. With no ruling to prevent Roberts from working with animals in the future, Anne would have remained his property at the end of the trial. It was only the public outcry that

forced him to give her up. Anne had been moved to a safari amusement park shortly after the investigation was launched, over a year before the trial. This landmark conviction came at a high cost to ADI. Our legal costs for preparing the evidence for the Crown Prosecution Service exceeded £90,000. Having followed Anne’s sad life since the 1980s and failed in our previous attempts to rescue her from her plight (including when she appeared seriously ill in 2002), we resolved to pursue this. Ending the brutal circus life that Anne had endured for half a century would also pave the way to end the silent hell for animals, that is the circus industry. The high profile case proved conclusively that the only thing that will protect wild animals in circuses is a ban and so we were pleased when the Government finally put forward their

SAFE Anne a few days before the trial started. The verdict indicates that if it had been left to the courts, then Anne would be back with the circus now. proposals for the Wild Animals in Circuses Bill. ADI’s evidence of animal suffering in circuses is not restricted to wild animals. The brutal treatment and deprived environments affect domesticated species such as horses, dogs and others as well. We continue to collect evidence on the suffering of these animals.

Anne remains alone After decades of suffering in the circus, Anne is thankfully free but it has now been over two years since she was handed to the safari park by Mr Roberts and she is still alone. Progress on the promised elephant sanctuary has been slow. Hundreds of thousands of pounds have been donated by the public for Anne’s new life, so we hope that she will not have to wait too much longer for a friend.

Enjoying the good life

Saved from terrible suffering in circuses and laboratories ADI rescued animals now enjoy the life they deserve. Please hel us continue to care for these animals for life with a donation, an adoption, or buy a framed print (below) of these lucky animals. Here’s just a few of our rescued animal family.

) (Code SFA048 Bam Bam

Tina and Tilin

Hercules and Kiara

Toto & Friend

(Code SFA053)

(Code SFA049)

(Code SFA050)

Colo Colo

Images of Freedom - framed prints £60 All of the images on this page are available as framed prints (use the code below each picture). Beautiful pictures that are extra special because of what these animals endured before ADI saved them. Poignant and uplifting, these images are beautifully presented on a cream card mount, in an elegant 400x500mm/16x20” dark wood frame (European Ash stained to resemble African Wengé). Each image is signed by a rescuer or photographer and is accompanied by a letter describing the story behind the photograph. More pictures are available on the ADI website –

Look to the future Saved from a circus in Bolivia, Hercules now lives a life of freedom in the USA. SAF044 £60

(Code SFA051)

I’s lp ,



(Code SFA056 )

(Code SFA054)

Lulu, Colo Colo, Muneca

(Code SFA052)

Help us care for them with an adoption Christmas Gift Adoption Pack You can help us care for these beautiful animals for life and provide the perfect gift for someone special. An ADI Animal Adoption Pack contains: ● Adoption certificate ● Adoption newsletter, Toto News three times a year ● Animal Defender magazine twice a year ● Animal Rescue DVD or framed print (178x127mm/7x5 inch) of your adopted animal ● A Christmas card from your adopted animal.


(Code SFA055)

ADI is currently caring for monkeys, horses, baboons, a chimpanzee and over 30 lions. All animals are available to adopt as individuals or as family groups. Here are those pictured here – there are many more in the adoption section of our website. Price is for a year’s adoption! Bam Bam £24 Bam Bam’s Pride of eight lions £60 Hercules & Kiara’s Pride of seven lions £60 Toto the chimpanzee £24 Loving baboons Tina and Tilin £30 Colo Colo £24 Colo Colo, Lulu, Muneca (Colo Colo’s pride) £36 Nancy £24 India £24 Baloo the macaque monkey £24

An End to 150 Years of Right back to the 1876 Cruelty to Animals Act, the licensing of animal experiments has bars to public access to the details of animal experiments were actually strengthened. There has never been true public accountability. The information we receive is what the Now, following the implementation of the new European Directive on animal experiments policies of the new Directive – and also bring the industry into line with the Freedom of

© National Anti-Vivisection Society

Following the UK government’s adoption of the European directive on the use of animals in research – which calls for greater openness in animal experiments – the UK is obliged to review the notorious secrecy clause, Section 24 of the Animals Scientific Procedures Act (ASPA) 1986, to be compliant with the new directive. For more than 150 years, there has been complete secrecy surrounding the UK’s animal experiments. And since the introduction of the ASPA 27 years ago, in response to industry


The Animal Defender & Campaigner

lobbying, the Home Office has used Section 24 to pursue a policy of blanket confidentiality. It is this lack of accountability which has led to the highest number of animal procedures in the UK in over 25 years – over 4 million in 2012, an increase of 8% from 2011 – despite a Coalition Government promise to reduce the number of animals used. An upcoming public consultation (anticipated to be early next year) provides an opportunity to have your say and make the industry accountable for animal suffering. Before the consultation gets underway, however, we need your help in pressing MPs to support openness and transparency. As if the hidden suffering of millions of animals every year were not justification enough to lift the secrecy clause, it also contradicts the UK’s right to freedom of information that is enshrined in law. In the coming months, we will be working to convince the government and MPs that the key objections to transparency put forward by industry are already adequately protected by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA):


Autumn 2013

● The FOIA already provides protection

for health and safety, personal details, intellectual property and commercial confidentiality. ● Removal of Section 24 of ASPA will not endanger work or individuals. ● Public access and wider scientific and ethical scrutiny of animal research proposals, allows for alternatives or other sources to be considered. ● There must be transparency in government and the public should be allowed to examine the reports and decisions of Home Office officials. ● Personal, intellectual and

commercially sensitive information is not required in order for public access and transparency to take place. . ● There are working examples of

successful public access to licensing information with no compromise of confidential information. We cannot achieve this alone, though, and need to convince as many MPs as possible to fight the secrecy, especially if there is no parliamentary debate, which is a distinct possibility.


Government Secrecy? alway been secret. When the 1986 Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act was passed, Section 24, which includes a two year prison sentence for release of information. animal experimenters and government decides we should know. Section 24 must be changed to comply with the transparency and public accountability Information Act 2000. Writing to your MP will help us to end the secrecy on animal experiments and stop tests before they take place. This may be the only opportunity for many years to change the rules and potentially end the suffering of millions of animals in UK laboratories.

Help us stop the secrecy! Please write to your MP. To request a sample letter – call us on 0207 630 3340 or email Please make a donation to help with printing and publicity for the huge public, media and parliamentary awareness campaign to win change and end the secret suffering of animals in labs. Donate now on 0207 630 3340 or


1997 – The NAVS publish ‘Accountability’ report detailing the stonewalling by successive Home Office administrations on the issue of animal experiments. 1999 – We take Home Office to the High Court over blanket confidentiality on project licence applications; win agreement to change the policy; granted legal costs. Then HO advise researchers how to get around it. 2000 – Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) becomes UK law. NAVS lobbies for animal experiments to be covered, but they are excluded. 2001-2002 – House of Lords Select Committee; NAVS gives written and oral evidence. Lords support call for Freedom of Information Act to apply to animal experiments. 2002–2010 – EU Directive campaign, we pubish roadmap for EU Commission & Parliament on revision of EU Directive; present scientific evidence; lobby with materials in 23 languages; attend committees. 2003 – Government concedes call for freedom of information on animal

experiments but launches another consultation. 2004 – Government agrees FOIA applies to animal experiments but retains Section 24 of ASPA to stop access to HO licensing decisions. 2008-2009 – House of Lords EU scrutiny committee; NAVS gives written and oral evidence. Lords support calls for transparency, accountability; non-human primate restrictions; phase-out of wildcaught primates. 2009 – Our ‘Save The Primates’ report demonstrates how Section 24 is used to overrule FOIA. 2010 – Directive 2010/63/EU passed. EU Member States must incorporate into national legislation. 2013-14 – The new EU Directive forces review of Section 24.

© National Anti-Vivisection Society

Jan Creamer, Andrew Tyler of Animal Aid, Jessamy Korotoga NAVS Research Director leave Home Office consultation meeting

Key events in the battle to end Section 24

A mouse is killed at John Radcliffe Hospital

The Animal Defender & Campaigner


Autumn 2013


Victory: Colombia bans wild animals in circuses

Main picture: A sea of ADI banners as animal protection groups unite in a massive protest in Bogota. Above: ADI South America Campaigns Co-ordinator Eduardo Peña addresses the media in Congress following the ban. Opposite: The abuse of Karla the chimpanzee in a Colombian circus sent shockwaves through the country when it was caught on film by ADI.

on 12 June 2013, June members of the Colombian Congress were greeted with a huge ADI banner saying “Circus without animals” and below, an ADI photographic exhibition. Then, six years of intensive campaigning ended as the Colombian Congress voted overwhelmingly to ban the use of wild animals in circuses. Colombia is one of seven countries in Latin America, and the most populous and powerful to date, to introduce an animal circus ban. We worked hard to document the abuse and convince the Colombian public and politicians that animals do not belong in circuses. ADI investigators catalogued the deprived cages, psychological suffering and the violent and brutal treatment of animals when being handled and trained. We exposed the abuse of elephants, tigers, horses, llamas, and an elderly female chimpanzee. Unfortunately, the original bill to ban all animals was amended by the Senate to exclude domestic animals and the transition period for implementing the law was also increased to two years. However, wild animals in the many circuses across Colombia will soon finally be saved from further abuse and suffering. House Representative Augusto Posada, author of the Bill, said: “This is good news for the country because with the prohibition of the use of animals in circuses we are taking a significant step in the conservation of wildlife, awareness to preserve nature and to demonstrate that as humans we can respect the status and dignity of other species.” Now the really hard work begins – ensuring that the new law is actually enforced across this vast country of 45 million people. The local circus industry, perhaps the most powerful in the region, has already tried legal challenges to existing local bans, without success. So we must defend this national ban at all costs. We need your support to ensure that, once the ban has been enforced, we can seize and relocate the animals!

El Salvador bans wild animals in circuses Opposite: Heroes, every one! Campaigners and supporting members of Congress on voting day.

In August, El Salvador became the seventh Latin American country, and the second in Central America, to ban wild animals in circuses. The prohibition is part of a reform of the country’s wildlife conservation law banning shows featuring wild animals. This victory follows a campaign led by Circus Sin Animals in El Salvador, supported by ADI South America and local politicians Francis Zablah and Lourdes Palacios, as well as a number of key political parties including RENA, FMLN, GANA, PDC and PCN. Congratulations, everyone!


The Animal Defender & Campaigner


Autumn 2013

Countdown to Colombia circus ban: 2007 – ADI release shocking footage of cruelty at Colombian circuses, with support of local group Mentes Verdes. 2007– We take legal action against one of the worst perpetrators of circus cruelty, resulting in the surrender of abused chimpanzee. 2008 – ADI awareness campaign on circus cruelty achieves massive political, media, celebrity and public support, assisted by our partner groups. 2010 – We present Stop Circus Suffering campaign in Colombian Senate. Colombian authorities prosecute worst offenders of circus abuse. 2011 – Thousands march alongside ADI in capital, Bogota, as animal groups unite to demand a ban on animals in circuses. Bill introduced in lower chamber of Colombian congress to ban all animals in circuses. 2012 – Bill to ban all animals in circuses finally passes with unanimous final vote in the lower house. Moves to Senate for approval. Capital city Bogota bans all animals in circuses. ADI releases new evidence to congress, of cruelty in Colombian circuses. 2013 – ADI launches a nationwide tour to raise support and awareness for ban. Senate committee amends draft bill to ban wild animals in circuses. Bill submitted to congress for vote. Congress votes.



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© Animal Defenders International

Help ADI make Peru’s circus ban a reality Although Peru banned the use of wild animals in circuses two years ago, we are still pressing for the law to be enforced. once regulations are in place, we can step in and rescue the country’s circus animals in what will be our biggest and most challenging rescue operation yet. President Alan garcia outlawed the use of wild animals in circuses in this South American nation of 30 million in July 2011, following the example of neighbour Bolivia. The ban was secured following an ADI investigation and campaign which exposed lions being whipped and beaten, and monkeys, bears and other animals kept in deprived and appalling conditions. While we press for the ban to be enforced, ADI has been tracking down circuses and documenting violations of the law during which our team have been subjected to physical abuse. Recently, an ADI field officer in Peru was left with a broken leg after being attacked by circus workers. The incident was reported to the police. However our South American team refuse to be intimidated and continue to conduct a census of all wild animals kept in Peruvian circuses. Peru is five times the size of the UK with 24 regional governments which all need to enforce the ban. In an encouraging step towards implementation, the Peruvian ministry of agriculture recently issued an edict preventing circuses with wild animal acts from visiting and travelling within the country. ADI urgently needs funds to ensure that the ban is enforced and to undertake the rescue and relocation of the animals. In Bolivia ADI raided 8 different circuses, whilst one voluntarily handed over their animals. We saved every animal. The story is told in the film Lion Ark see p18. But now we need our rescue teams back on the ground in Peru. Enforcement of the ban and rescue of animals will take huge resources. WE CANNoT Do IT WITHoUT YoU. DoNATE NoW on 020 7630 3340 or visit


Stop Circus Suffering Campaign Global round-up Croatia has introduced a nationwide ban on the use of wild animals in circuses. Belgium: A Bill introduced by the Deputy Prime Minister to ban wild animals in circuses awaits parliamentary approval. Ireland/Northern Ireland: The Great British Circus tigers went to Ireland to join Courtney Brothers Circus whilst the Duffy’s Circus lions and tigers have joined Jolly’s Circus in England. Duffy’s owner said it was “the end of an era”, admitting “one wrong move…can be fatal”. ADI and campaign partner ARAN have welcomed news that Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland will “investigate the possibility of an “AllIsland” approach to the issue of wild animals in travelling circuses”. The ADI/ARAN Stop Circus Suffering campaign now has secured several local bans and is turning public opinion. Estonia: A horrific video in June 2013 shows Medi, an elephant, dying of heart failure whilst bathing in a lake in Narva

The Animal Defender & Campaigner


Autumn 2013


Stop Circus Suffering


Stop Circus Suffering after a circus performance. Concerns about her health had previously been raised. The video shows a circus worker standing on Medi seemingly unaware that she is in trouble. ADI is supporting the Estonian Society for the Protection of Animals and In the Name of the Animals’ campaign to win justice for Medi and a ban on animals in circuses in Estonia. germany: Footage from ADI investigations is proving vital for German campaigners. PETA Germany have used clips from our Bobby Roberts and Great British Circus exposés in two new campaign videos. A German version of ADI’s Stop Circus Suffering video has been provided to "Initiative wildtierfreier Zirkus Halle" who are trying secure a ban in the city of Halle on the Saale. Malta: ADI made a detailed submission to a government consultation on animals in circuses. 94% of respondents backed a ban and, with our friends at WEAAC Malta, we await a Bill supporting a ban. Norway: There has been little progress advancing the elephant ban, proposed in 2009, and the government is now looking into a regulatory system, which we have shown cannot safeguard animal welfare. Our campaign partner NOAH is calling for Baba the elephant – captured from the wild over 40 years ago – and Norway’s circus elephants to be freed. Australia: Congratulations to Hobsons Bay Council, Victoria banning circuses with exotic animals on their land. Sadly, despite a strong campaign, a similar ban was overturned by Gold Coast Council. South Africa: ADI is working with the National Council of SPCAs and “No to Animals in Circuses and Captivity” who are actively campaigning against the use of wild animals in circuses at a local and national level. India: The Animal Welfare Board of India has announced plans to end the use of all animals in circuses. In 1998 the government prohibited the use of lions, tigers, panthers, monkeys and bears and ADI provided funding for cages to relocate some of the animals.


The Animal Defender & Campaigner

No Fun for Elephants campaign making an impact

Bob Barker with Tim and Jan during the recording of the No Fun for Elephants video.

ADI launched a nationwide initiative in the U.S. about the use of elephants for rides, performances or appearances at public events. At the heart of the campaign is a new DVD narrated by Emmy award-winning TV host Bob Barker entitled ‘No Fun For Elephants’ which includes our undercover footage showing elephants from Have Trunk Will Travel of California and Trunks & Humps of Texas being beaten and electric shocked during training and handling, behind the scenes. Our ‘No Fun For Elephants’ DVD is being mailed to event organizers across the U.S. urging them to adopt a humane ‘no elephant rides or performances’ policy, in light of the suffering these animals endure.


As we contact decision makers of fairs, events and festivals, we’re achieving results! Fair organizers who have agreed that rides are ‘No Fun for Elephants’ include the Bristol Renaissance Faire, Grays Harbor County Fair, Jaycees Gregg County Fair, Lake Renaissance Festival, Upland Lemon Festival, Los Angeles County Fair, Orange County Fair, Fountain Valley Easter event, Santa Ana Zoo, and the Sierre Madre Independence Day parade.

Baby elephant in custody battle ADI sprang to action when we found out a baby elephant named Lily born at the Oregon Zoo was, by contract, the property of notorious elephant abusers Have Trunk Will Travel (HTWT). ADI released video of HTWT owners and trainers beating their elephants and shocking them with electric stun guns and Jan Creamer appeared live nationwide on the Jane Vellez Mitchell TV show with the footage. We wrote to the director of the zoo to rescind the agreement and released our demand to the media. Bob Barker supported our efforts and a storm of protest erupted with hundreds of ADI supporters contacting the zoo. All the hard work paid off when the Oregon Zoo announced they had purchased Lily and her father Tusko from HTWT confirming that the calf, her father and future offspring would never end up at HTWT.

Spotlight on circus cruelty ADI supporters in the US have been helping in their droves to shine a light on circus cruelty! Volunteers in North Dakota, Florida, Massachusetts and California took to the streets when the circus came to town. Armed with our leaflets and posters, thousands of circus goers were informed and many pledged never to attend the animal circus again. In California, Stephanie Elsa and her family generously donated funds for a month-long ADI billboard campaign in Bakersfield (right). l

Autumn 2013


For up to an hour a day, they are dressed up in clothes, have muzzles strapped around their mouths and are made to dance and perform demeaning tricks – the rest of their time is spent caged in tiny cells in a prison truck. This is life for a group of bears, owned and trained by Texas-based James and Tepa Hall, currently touring the U.S. as ‘Bear Mountain’, ‘Hall’s Bears’ or ‘Castle’s Bears’, in circuses and at county fairs. In September ADI released video shot inside the bear transporter, showing a bear desperately circling a small steel cage measuring about 3½ft wide, by 6ft deep and about 8ft high. The steel floor of this barren cage is covered in just a scattering of sawdust. ADI investigators monitored the daily life of the bears at circuses and county shows in five states – South Carolina, Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois and Iowa – and found that the bears spend over 90% of their time in these miserable prison cells. The living conditions are among the worst we have seen. Bears are known

ADI exposes plight of America’s performing bears

E L B A R A E B UN for their intelligence and inquisitive natures and would suffer from the mental torture of barren environments and lack of space to explore. These Syrian and European brown bears are muzzled and during performances are forced to walk on their hind legs, do handstands, dance, balance on a ball, ride a bicycle and a motorcycle. Afterwards they are returned to the trailer and caged again. ADI is calling for a boycott of the bear shows, and pressing the USDA to take action. On a national level, we are working with members of Congress for the Traveling Exotic Animal Protection Act, which aims to end the use of wild animals in traveling shows. Meanwhile, the US is finding itself left behind as more and more countries around the world prohibit animal acts. ADI & NAVS

Scene from Lion Ark – the film where the animals win.

Animals in movies, TV and advertising

Lion Ark takes off at film festivals When we headed to Bolivia two years ago to enforce the new ban on animal circuses, no one quite knew what would happen. If we succeeded and shut down an entire cruel industry, saving every animal, it would be a huge achievement. So we took a film crew and filmed everything. Now the story is told in the feature documentary Lion Ark and it is launching on the film festival circuit as we go to print. In October legendary actor Brian Blessed hosts the Lion Ark world premiere at Raindance Film Festival in London – Europe’s largest independent film festival. A few days later the U.S. premiere is introduced by CSI actress Jorja Fox at the prestigious Mill Valley Film Festival. Lion Ark has also been officially selected for San Diego Film Festival, the Hawaii International Film Festival, Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival, and Starz Denver Film Festival. This action packed and uplifting story will open people’s eyes to the use of animals in circuses, but will leave them with a smile. Please watch out for screenings.

What the critics are saying about Lion Ark “Lion Ark takes an already incredible and unforgettable story and breathes life and passion and transformation into it…. one of your must-see films of 2013.” – Richard Propes, The Independent Critic “If you enjoy movies filled with suspense, thrills, surprises, adventure and action, put Lion Ark on your must-see list. For me, Lion Ark is the feel-good movie of the year!” – Betty Jo Tucker, Reel Talk

"A consciousness-raising milestone of a documentary” – Edgar Vaid, The Ecologist "will restore some faith in humanity." – JM Willis, “... will grab your attention and your heart” – Alexis Higgins, CMR Movie Reviews “...heartwarming, beautiful and inspirational. It reminds you of the majestic power of documentary filmmaking and it's ability to stir true emotion.” – Justin Bozung, Shock Cinema Magazine / Mondo Film & Video Guide

"A deeply important film about bravely taking a stand against animal cruelty." – Joel Marshall, FatFreefilm

“An amazing journey for those in search of a passionate story, or an uplifting tale.” – Global Animal

"Lion Ark is a dynamic, and courageous film highlighting the best of human nature …A film that must be seen!" – Cheryl Casati, Epoch Times International “...all of the drama and excitement of an action packed feature film.” – Marie Oser, host/ producer, VegTV

“The film can be described in one word – AMAZING! Viewers will be crying tears of joy throughout….” – Renee Snyder, The Examiner Watch the trailer – Follow Lion Ark The Movie on Facebook


The Animal Defender & Campaigner


Autumn 2013

The animals in Lion Ark are saved from suffering by the end of the film, which closes with the statement “Animals were actually saved from harm in this movie”. However, it is important that we expose the suppliers of performing animals for films, videos and adverts. Despite amazing computer generated effects four real tigers were used in Life of Pi. Tamara and Sled Reynolds from Gentle Jungle in California worked as animal trainers on set. This team also worked on the notorious Water for Elephants. Movie gambit features two lions, trained by Randy Miller of Predators in Action, California. Miller’s trainer cousin was attacked by his bear Rocky whilst working on a commercial in 2008. Miller has not been allowed to exhibit or use Rocky for TV/film work since the death. Despite claiming “I’ve always had a repulsion going in a place where animals are in captivity”, actress Marion Cotillard worked with captive orcas at Marineland Antibes in France for her lead role as a killer whale trainer in Rust & Bone. ADI joined forces with CAS International, La Tortura no es Cultura and PiepVandaag to protest about the Spanish movie Blancanieves, for which several bulls were maltreated and killed. More than 14,000 people signed our joint petition urging the Oscars committee to distance themselves from the movie. A “feel good” photo story that appeared in the press worldwide about a young fox cub and terrier being “best of friends” turned out less “good” when ADI investigated. Apparently, the cub had been abandoned and its father had killed the rest of the litter. But instead of rehabilitating the cub, a photographer was training her for photo shoots, and a life of captivity. Further investigation revealed that just months before acquiring this cub he had been enquiring about purchasing a cub for such photo shoots. If a cute animal picture looks unnatural and too good to be true, there’s a chance it is. ADI has also spoken out against the use of animals in videos and adverts by 30 Seconds to Mars, The Flaming Lips, Barry M, Harper’s Bazaar, Whiskas and Yves Saint Laurent.


Christmas Catalogue 2013 All proceeds from Christmas sales go towards our campaigns for animals, so please help – BUY FROM US! To order: ● online (find more gifts) at ● on enclosed order form ● call 020 7630 3340


Cards Cards come with envelopes and sold in aid of ADI, NAVS and LDF. For card sizing details, please see table below.


Bumper Christmas Card Assortment! NEW

10 designs, 20 cards & envelopes. Some of our most popular designs Less than 30p per card. SIZE: F SPX031 £5.99

Gold, Frankincense and Purr! SIZE: C SPX032 £4.99

Deer in Snow SIZE: A SPX033 £4.99

(Pack of 10 cards, one design)

(Pack of 10 cards, one design)

Christmas Song SIZE: A SPX021 £3

Christmas Song SIZE: A SPX028 £3

Monkey Business SIZE: A SPX023 £3

Come and play mum! SIZE: A SPX026 £3

We Three Kings SIZE: B SPX034 £3

(10 cards, one design)

(10 cards, one design)

(10 cards, one design)

(10 cards, one design)

(10 cards, one design)

Card size (approx.) Code

127x127mm/5x5” A

114x160mm/4½x6½” B

Animal Cufflinks A range of beautiful, rhodium plated, cufflinks which are brilliant for anyone with a love of animals. (approx. 25x12mm/1x½”) Available in three animal designs. £10.00 Lions SAJ007B Elephants SAJ007C Mice SAJ007D

102x152mm/4x6” C

120x170mm/4½x6½” D

100x185mm/4x7” E

Variety F

Fleece Scarf Black fleece scarf with logo embroidered in white. (approx. 58"/1470mm long) ADI SAS003 NAVS SAS004

£5 each Catnip Candy Cane Add a Christmas twist with our much loved organic catnip tails! (approx. 210x38mm/8x1½”) SPB007 £4 each

They lifted the curtain. Freedom roared.




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