Architecture Portfolio- Anisha Suri

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Reminiscences -Interpretation Center in Bhojpur Academic Project Under Ministry of Human Resource Development Fall 2018

Synthell- Office for the future, in Tianjin Archietcural Competition Young Bird Plan and North Design Union Spring 2019


Time Heals- Flood resilience Systems for Kerala


Urban Trails- App Design for Bhopal City


Lepcha-Vernacular Dcoumentaiton of Sikkimese Tribe


TranSIT- Live Project, Bhopal


Other Works- Photography

Archietcural Competition Uni | Design Together Spring 2019

Archietcural Competition University of Westminster Fall 2018

Academic Project Fall 2017

Live Project In Collaboration with Smart City Mission, Bhopal Fall 2017

Artistic Expression Summer 2018-2019

01 Project: Keywords: Scale:

Reminiscence Academic, Interpretation Center Museum,Cicular economy,Temporality Individual

Task : To encapsulate the essence of the historic town of bhojpur into an interpretation center accsessible by all. Bhojpur, a former capital of Bhoj empire, was promised with monumental temples and palaces. Unfortunately, the kingdom faced ill fate and now, the forgotten town, with remains of unfinished drawings and partial constructed temple remains. With the world’s tallest Shivalinga, (28 ft) Bhojpur is heavily visited by the worshippers. Through development in its historic and religious landscape, town has tremendous potential to attract tourists. To capture unfinished character of the town, the proposal creates of transient built and unbuilt spaces via cloisters, pergolas and courtyard. The shift between open and enclosed is smooth and gradual. The design gives emphasis to form by providing multiple vistas thus gaining the ability to capture varying events at different spaces. Additionally, the courtyard provides spaces for performance. The material choice of plum sandstone makes the design appear indigenous increasing its association with the locality. The design invites locals to provide skill training and generate work oppurtunities. This Interpretation center is a community focused initiative, offering ample space to practise their crafts (workshop) and create commerce during high influx Shivaratri events. Through community welfare by setting an iconic identity that compliments the remains of Bhoj empire, the interpretation center aims to revive the lost dream of the emperor.



Second Floor 1. Auditorium 2. Accounts Section and Directors Cabin 3. Pergolas


2. 2.

First Floor


1. Auditorium 2. Cafe 3. AV Room 4. Exhibition Gallery 5. Lecture Hall

1. 4. 5.

Ground Floor 1. Auditorium 2. Kitchen 3. Cafe 4. Workshop 5. Gift Shop 6. Amphitheatre 7.Exhibition Gallery 8. Reception 9. Library

3. 2.


4. 5.


6. 7.

Vertical Circulation Washrooms Courtyards

9. 8.

Exploded View


Interpretation Center



Artificial Lake

Site Plan

1. Basic Volumes

2. Subtrac

Placement of building blocks as per usage, proximity and solar requirement


Using courtyards a semi-covered trans


Gift Shop

3. Addition


Creation of Pergolas and O.A.T as semi built structures

as voids and sition spaces.


Exhibition Gallery


Regular Days Courtyards placed to conduct smaller funtions.

Temporary food stalls accomodating visitor needs.

Creation of temporary markets for seasonal exhibitions.

Maha Shivaratri

Stage expansion and conversion of ghat into amphitheatre

Interior View- Courtyards providing oppurtunities to hold events

Exterior View- Temporary Markets held during Maha shivratri

02 Citation:

Synthell Shortlisted


Office, Landscape, energy concious

Team Size:



Benedetta Tagliabue,Nadim Karim

Task : To interpret the needs of future offices and translate them into North Design Headquarters, Tinjian. Technological advancement and emergence of internet has made transfer of data faster and convenient. The abilty to transfer files across devices provides freedom to execute tasks from various locations. Videocalls helps in conducting meetings anytime, anywhere. Viability of comfortable options escalate the preference to work from homes/ coffee shops. Such settings reduce the interaction among colleagues hampering their social lives. To overcome these emerging problems, there is a need to connect people. The office provides shells that flexible enough to adapt varying needs of the employees. The addition of plants generate an interesting landscape that also increases the employees’ to focus on work. Open planning is adopted on work areas for agility. Additionally, provision for independent pods on mezzanines above the work floors offer customisable solutions. The proposal also provides gymnasium, libraries and labs as other prequisites to motivate employees. The office creates a strong, characteristic identity of the Chinese culture, exhibited on the facades and zen gardens in the landscape. All the proposed interventions make office experiences peaceful and exciting and break monotony of work schedules. With increased enthusiasm, it attracts the employees back and rejuvenates their relations.

Ground Floor

First Floor

Plus Mezzanine

Plus Mezzanine

1. Reception and Waiting area 2. Kitchen 3. Accounts section 4. Exhition Area/ Conference room 5. Cafeteria 6. Library 7.Gym

1. Executive’s Office 2. Break-out Spaces 3. Open Workstation Area 4. Quite Work Areas

First Floor

Third Floor

Plus Mezzanine

Double Heighted

1. Executive’s Office 2. Break-out Spaces 3. Open Workstation Area 4. Quite Work Areas


1. Labs 2. Break-out Spaces 3. Locker Area



Exterior View- Multifunctional Shells transitioning into garden.

Shells The framework of modules is designed to enable spatial flexibility and open thinking. Each module is detachable aiding four-sided expansion. Every shell can be given its own function depending on the user’s choice; offices, break-out spaces, meeting spaces, dining. The modules at lower levels can be converted into conventions spaces, exhibits and retail stores which are open to all thereby increasing footfall.

Casual Lunches

Coffee and confe


Meeting Spaces

Break-out Spaces


Chilling Towers

and variable air handling units increase energy efficiency.

Wind Turbines

help in energy reduction by generating electricty.

Cycling Track

promote of healthy and environment friendly habits.

Rainwater Harvesting Panels help capture rainwater and produce energy via sun.

Bamboo Louvres

block west sun by using locally available material.

Multi-functional Shells

for meeting carying needs of employees.

Zen Gardens

reduce heat Island effect and improving air quality

Office of the future needs to be conscious towards health of it’s employees as well as the environment. The design proposal creates interactive spaces for employees and various energy efficient initiatives benfiting the environment.

03 Citation:

Time Heals Winner, First Prize


Housing, Capacity building

Team Size:



Manuel Der Hagopian, Sanjay Puri

Task: To regenerate the lost habitat of a flood stricken community in Kerala. The human habitats often get tarnish during collusion with forces of nature. The destruction and absence of familiar orders cause emotional, mental and financial losses scaring people forever. The individuals’ struggle to recover is long and tedious. There is a need to unite the community, that accepts natural flows and create systems to rain resilience. Here, I present T.I.M.E, a tranquil, independent multifunctional environment. It is a self-sufficient system to tackle floods by uniting the community by various incremental measures at different levels. Starting right from immediate collective cleaning in the vicinity to rebuilding and retrofitting existing homes. And creating chain linkages during water surge. The chains of ladder connect houses to the refuge spaces. The overhead tanks are revamped to act as multifunctional community spaces. On regular days, its various levels are used to hold festivals or act as skill development centres; where by learning skills like palm, coir weaving collectively people can be engaged people in refuge thus reducing grievance over the loss. The proposal also suggests community level organic farming. The growth and propserity through agricultural produce would futher help inth healing process and improve the soil quality. The passage of time and through small community initiatives, people connect and learn to create a renergative environment.

Existing Dwelling Units: The units with least structural damaged are retained with provisions made for reducing losses in the next flood crises.

Retrofitted Dwelling Units: Addition of a false monolithic wall preventings houses prone to destruction by directional flow of water.

New Dwelling Units: Replacing the most affected houses; these flood resilient units are scattered to blend in the existing fabric.

O.H.T: Are located within the fabric to reducerefuge time, they also act as community centers. Centrally located farms increase collective belonging.

Machaans: Additional spaces pursue dual function; acting as connecting nodes during floods and watchpoints near the fields.

Waste Segregation and Collection: Spots creation through careful zoning and proximity to the residents.

Legend Existing Dwelling Units New Dwelling Units Retrofitted dwelling Units Soak Pits Machaans Palm Plantations Over Head tanks Connections

Connection between ladders with steel rods

Nodes also work as watch tower

Connection between houses with flat surface

Connection Errecting a pole and fixing the riser of step

Connections during Surge

Overhead tank with a rainwater collecting funnel Helipad for easy identification of refuge spaces. Level to refuge people Concrete ramps to promote swift movement during calamity. Level to refuge people, Capacity125 people Level to shelter livestock Floating garden by recycling the plastic waste generated during floods.


Over Head Tanks as Refuge


Steel railing provided to ensure safety when accessed.

Mangalore tiles as roof covering. Ladder to acess the roof

Prefabricated foam concrete panels (1m x 1m) can be easily reassembled.

Balcony with Steel railing.

Mild Steel I-section for stilts as they provide sufficient strength.

Semi covered laterite walls 1.8m high- can be used as informal gathering space and keeping livestock.

Exploded View

Many houses in the most destruction prone areas are oriented perpendicular to the turbulent directional flow of water. Such an orientation can damage the structure. A false monolithic wall is proposed in order to divert the floodwater by streamlining the flow of water. Such enclosures can be lanscaped well and converted into small garden adjacent to the houses.

Retrofitted Dwelling Unit Plan

The plan promotes swift flow of directional flood water. The layout is designed keeping the contextual requirements of the people. The Balconies assist in developing the network of ladders required during water surge. The Balconies assist in developing the network of ladders required during water surge.

New Dwelling Unit Plan

04 Project:

Urban Trails Top 10, University of Westminster


User, experience, Urban linkages

Team Size:


Task: To create a medium of interaction for Artist, Architects and Photographers Due to rapid urbanisation, places in cities have been commoditized and appropriated to mean and appear in a person’s memories in a certain way. Moreover, the functional method of assigning the trails in way finding apps for selecting the broadest roads to channel the traffic helps to supplement motor vehicles only and not pedestrian traffic. The app creates efforts to bundle the layers of personal events that occur in a place, but invert the hierarchy of roads to create an alternate network of pedestrian routes that utilizes the least visited paths and nodes to generate a flow of people. Their representation in the form of art that can be traced through a memory map, or by exploring the city wherein the app will reveal memories in a person’s vicinity based on proximity. Through the levels of user experience a person is trained to contribute to the program, and users are filtered on the basis of their aptitude and commitment to produce art and literature and engrave it in the history of places they experience. For others, to experience them who follow in their place and to connect the audience through emotions rather than physical information.

John Doe wishes to explore the city.

John decided the route. Time to begin!


John reached Spot 1 and documents it.


4. 2.

John gets an idea, he sketchs it and adds a design spot.

John finds a cool place, and would like to share with other artists.




7. 8.

05 Project:

Lepcha Academic, Documentation


Vernacular, Energy Conscious

Team Size:


Task : To document indigenious tribes of India In the highlands of Northern Sikkim, it’s easy to spot compact wooden houses dissipating the aroma of barley through the attic opening with little kids running and women singing songs in butia around the front garden. Lepchas, a nature worshipping community living in close vicinity to its deity Mt. Kanchenjunga are an indigenous tribe of Sikkim. With beliefs and emotions attached with each architectural element, the houses are more than mere wooden structures. The house becomes a living member of the family. The spatial planning is simple, segregated into living and sacred space (altar). However, the joinery and sturdiness shows commendable workmanship. Entire house is constructed with use of iron nail. Additionally, the early adaptation of floating columns for earthquake resistance can be seen in these houses. Lepcha houses are also a remarkable example of energy efficiency. The commonly used spaces are placed to gain thermal heat throughout the day and provide warmth in the night. Additionally, the positioning of fenestrations help in wind circulation keeping the house ventilated. The openings in the attic play an essential role in releasing smoke and hot winds through stack effect. With the ability to adapt to whatsoever climtic conditions the settlements face, people have learnt ways to associate emotions and create warm spaces. This implication of pure simplicity explifies the true essence of architecture.

Daamshyaok Thatch made of Himalyan bamboo Kalok Rel Network of joists and beams upon which flooring rests.

Pahlong Attic used for storage purposes

Paansong Bamboo porch Kay Living/ Kitchen Room

Thyampong Front porch outside the door

Dayyong Room for religious atcivities

Pho Pantry

Kaaden Long Round stones upon which pillars rest

Exploded View


Joint A Half Tenon and Mortice joint found at door/window frames.



Joint B Rebated joint used to join wodden planks


06 Project:

TranSIT+ Live Project


Placemaking, Urban Regeneration

Team Size:


Task : To revive neglected public spaces in the city of Bhopal. As humans, we constantly seek for comfort and advancement, often ignoring its consequences. In Bhopal, the construction of Raja Bhoj Setu (Bridge) across the upper lake has created wide roads helping in smooth traffic flow and thereby, linking the old part of city to the new faster. Caught up inthe rapidness, people fail to notice the spill-over spaces thus created. The site chosen for this project, was once a commonly used pedestrian pathway connecting two major parks overlooking the lake. As a consequence of the construction and levelling up of the roads, the site has lost its connectivity and visibility. The high traffic movement discourages pedestrian footfall. Overlooked looked and unmaintained, the space faced problems of choking of drains. To revive the spot, it was necessary to bring people back, to make the transition a place of pause, and reflect upon the beauty of the lake. By upcycling crate boxes and plywood, a seating module was created. It offered variety of options for individuals to groups with varying requirements. The use of pop colours to enhance its visibility, abstract murals representing the upper lake were also made. The proposal revives the connection with the street andt the lake.

Form Development


Crates used to create stepped seating, it helps in increasing the accessibility from the main road.

Multiple modules overlooking the lake offering great relaxtion time

In-making Street Art reflecting the waves. Bhopal, being a city known for its lakes. Thus enhancing association to the space.

Interactive arrangement of the seating creats dsynamism suitable for group sizes

Design Interventions




Where the World Collides Saharankot, Pokhra, Nepal

Honerable Mention V.A.S Photography Competition

Upside Down

Kaza Monastery, Spiti Valley, India

Dancing Details

Mercat de Santa Caterina, Barcelona, Spain

Anisha Suri

+91 9999513075

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