Atlanta, GA, Los Angeles, CA 678 732-9619
I am a desktop publisher by trade. My basic education And training is in child development and human services. I am a publisher of childrenʼs books with a background in marketing. WHY I’M IN BUSINESS
As Bob Moses, founder of the Algebra Project, sees algebra as a leading cause of high school drop out the pressure of trying to pass Algebra. I see it as a civil rights issue. I have the training in special education and other areas to make a difference. Ace & prison - data (2009 - incarceration rates for people of color) "Mass arrests and Incarceration of people of color – largely due to drug law violations – Have hobbled families and communities by stigmatizing and removing Substantial numbers of men and women. In the late 1990's, Nearly one in three African-American men (Moors in America) aged 20-29 were under criminal justice supervision, while more than Two out of five had been incarcerated- substantially more than had been incarcerated a decade earlier and orders of Magnitudes higher than that for the general population. Today, 1 in 15 African-American (Moor) children and
1 in 42 Latino children have a parent in prison, compared to 1 in 111 white children. (German Irish Italian American) 49 percent in some areas, a large majority of African-American (Moor) men – 55 percent in Chicago, – labeled felons for life, and, as a result, may be prevented from voting and accessing public housing, student loans and other American entitlements."
WHAT I DO, HOW I DO IT I Am A Math Teacher.
Goal: Students Pass Test, Which I Call, The Stepping Stones Of Life. I Utilize The Internet and Personal Experience to research Math in art History. History And Algebra Marry, Become One. 1. Math to Art Visual Representations; 2. Key Words Expose Babies To Algebra Concepts; 3. Use A Blogger And Website to Create A Link For Target Market To Follow To: My Baby Algebra Books Series. 4. In Addition, I Diversify By Selling Products Distributed By And Through Amazon.Com. At my .com and blog. A work from home model
HOW I WILL Generate PROFITS I compete with my baby can read. My baby can think logically. My baby can do anything. Do what is profitable. Jan 21 Cost per student compared to prison inmate Via mates/ Each year, the U.S. spends $9,644 per PK-‐12 student compared to $22,600 per prison inmate. WHO MY CUSTOMERS ARE The African diaspora (the movement of Africans and their descendants to places throughout the world) WHY BUSINESS IS IMP0RTANT 3
Increased student performance in mathematics, as well as greater numbers of students enrolling in college preparatory mathematics classes, is a welldocumented outcome of the project's work. Atlanta (CNN) -- Dozens of Atlanta public school educators falsified standardized tests or failed to address such misconduct in their schools, Gov. Nathan Deal said Tuesday in unveiling the results of a state investigation that confirmed widespread cheating in the city schools dating as far back as 2001. Some of the cheating could result in criminal charges, Deal said. "I think the overall conclusion was that testing and results and targets being reached became more important than actual learning for children," Deal said. "And when reaching targets became the goal, it was a goal that was pursued with no excuses." Falsifying test results made the schools appear to be performing better than they really were. But in the process, students were deprived of critical remedial education and taxpayers were cheated, as well, Deal said. ALGEBRA OUR WAY TODAY By Introducing baby to algebra as early as the baby shower via algebra themed baby beginnings, such as: mobiles, room plaques, pacifiers and other baby algebra paraphernalia, we inundate baby with the message that algebra is important to baby and family tradition. Baby algebra uses pictures and key words to help Baby to generalize and grasp algebra concepts. Therefore, we can think our way through the stepping-stones called tests. While Colors and images react. Colors with one side of the brain, images with the other side of the brain, together, create and complete the learning process inherent at birth. WALLA! Baby does algebra. Algebra is Art
WHAT IS MY MARKETING STRATEGY Black History Facts Are Relevant to algebra comprehension, overall learning and To Survival Of Black Children In The Classroom. Selling History To The African Diaspora guarantees success in the classroom and in life. How? Friends Selling To Friends, Friends Of Friends Selling To a Friend Of a Friend. This strategy creates jobs globally and builds communities by strengthening the structures that bind them Mission Statement Algebra Organize Algebra Art In A Way That Is Accessible And Useful For All Interested In acquisitioning and mastering necessary and SUCESSFUL TEST TAKING SKILLS and abilities. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Description From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Algebra Project is a national U.S. mathematics literacy effort aimed at helping 5
low-income students and students of color successfully achieve mathematical skills that are a prerequisite for a college preparatory mathematics sequence in high school and foreground for other topics requiring logical thinking and problem solving, such as writing and reading essays and outlining essential learning materiel. Partially, the Project's mission is to ensure "full citizenship in today's technological society." Founded by Civil Rights activist and Math educator Robert Parris Moses in the 1980s, the Algebra Project has developed curricular materials, trained teachers and teacher-‐trainers, and provided ongoing professional development support and community involvement activities to schools seeking to achieve a systemic change in mathematics education. The Algebra Project reaches approximately 10,000 students and approximately 300 teachers per year in 28 local sites across 10 states. About The BABY Algebra Project focuses on the AFRICAN DISPORA, where the GLOBAL Initiative of the BAB Algebra Project is directed BABY ALGEBRA TOYS and on the Young Peoples' Project (YPP), which recruits, trains and deploys high school and college age "Math Literacy Workers" to work with their younger peers in a variety of math learning opportunities and engage "the demand side" of mathematics education reform. Omowale Moses directs the YPP. Increased student performance in mathematics, as well as greater numbers of students enrolling in college preparatory mathematics classes, is a well-‐ documented outcome of the project's work. Goal: PUT A COMPUTER IN THE HAND OF each and EVERY CHILD as and appropriate education’ Addendum. Mission Statement Algebra: Organize Algebra Art In A Way That Is Accessible And Useful For All Interested In acquisitioning and mastering necessary and SUCESSFUL TEST TAKING SKILLS and abilities. VISION: 6
Each and every person has a right to be educated from home and to work from home. Objectives: 1) End the war on drugs, as a violation of the 21st Amendment to the US Constitution. In the words of Winston Churchill 'An affront to Humanity'. END THE WAR ON DRUGS: NO LONGER an EDUCATED response TOWARD A HEALTH-‐CENTERED APPROACH TO DRUG USE" DRUG POLICY ALLIANCE (NEW YORK, NY: MARCH 2011), P. 9. HTTP://WWW.DRUGPOLICY.ORG/DOCUPLOADS/DRUGCOURTSARENOTTHEANSWE R.PDF 2) DECREASE THE gang related PRISON POULATION 50 percent 2014 3) INCREASE THE ENROLLED IN College PREP OR COLLEGE category 50 percent 2014 Baby Algebra FamilyFunTime Share Algebra with your baby. Dance with your Baby. Bring fun, music dance and your history to the classroom. Buy the Book
Objectiv e Mission Statement Algebra: E Organize Algebra Art In A Way That Is Accessible And Useful For All Interested In acquisitioning and mastering necessary and SUCESSFUL TEST TAKING SKILLS and abilities.
Expertise WHO AM I AM I am a desktop publisher by trade. My basic education And training is in child development and human services. I am a publisher of children’s books with a background in marketing. I Am A Math Teacher. Goal: Students Pass Test, Which I Call, The Stepping Stones Of Life. I Utilize The Internet And Personal Experience to research Math And History. History And Algebra Marry Become One 2. Visual Representation; 3. Key Words Expose Babies To Algebra Concepts.4. Use A Blogger And Website Create A Link For Target Market To Follow To My Baby Algebra Books Series. In Addition, I Diversify By Selling Products Distributed By And Through Amazon.Com. At my .com
EducatioCompton College, Cal State Los Angeles, Springfield College, nAbraham Freeman OC. Child Development, Marketing Human Services, desk Top Publishing Skills Desk top publishing Blogger Given the war on drugs that this country is plagued with, and it being common knowledge that troops are able to self medicate in the Middle East, what can the president do to protect returning troops from the war on drugs that makes citizens criminals and criminals kings here in the US? Winston Churchill, denounced Prohibition as “an affront to the whole history of mankind.’’ 9
A story was shared with me that a couple traveled to Tijuana, Mexico Border city, from Los Angeles on a family outing with their two children. When they became distracted for a moment, which now they realize was a staged situation, the couple turned their heads for a moment, looked back to their sixyear-old daughter and she was gone. Finally, after searching hysterically for their baby, they were asked to leave the city. Amazingly, on the way back and at the border crossing back into the U.S. side, the mother looked over, saw her baby sitting upright in an adjacent car and leaped from their vehicle desperate to see her baby once again. Crying out for attention to the situation, "My Baby, My Baby". Upon reaching the vehicle where she had recognized her daughter to be in; she found that it was her baby, but she wasn’t her baby. The baby's insides had been removed. Only skin remained. She was stuffed from head to toe with drugs. The Mother to the baby was my sister's best friend.
"What the world will look like in 15 years." “The best way to predict the future is to create It.” - Peter Drucker. . In the absence of fear, we police ourselves. We, as a people no longer model Cain, Abel, Esau or Jacob. Here is a world where there is beauty in technology and environment. Today, we are our own corporations, taking what we need and sharing our excess. Our government is now a place where we meet to find out how we can better help one another. It has been 15 years since corporations, rather than beauty was the rule. In tomorrow’s society, we bear witness to a world no longer based on fear. Because of their exposure to technology and great care, children now have become both logical thinkers and great problem solvers choosing to make this world an even better place than the way it was when they came to it. We see, "Whole valleys filled once again with gardens of vegetables and orchards of all kinds of fruits, watered by fountains which burst forth in various parts and flow westward in refreshing streams. It came upon us suddenly like a scene of fairy enchantment. We saw nothing to compare with it in all Palestine." (
In closing, the elements of our world now15 years later are now composed of luscious environment, astonishing buildings, remarkable technology, equal government and well-rounded people.
Remarks: Thanks for sharing
In English, make your sentences match throughout: In my example, I chose to stay on topic of 15 years from now. But I see you are comparing today with tomorrow (or now with then) (Setting What happened in the story? How did it end?) Each sentence has value, purpose and a place in communicating your message to your intended audience. Your first paragraph (called the Introduction Paragraph) serves a purpose of summarizing your intended message. A. The 1st sentence of your intro paragraph will be elaborated on, by further explaining/giving examples in the second paragraph. B. The 2nd sentence in your first paragraph is explained in the examples stated in the third paragraph. 11
C. The 3rd sentence of your first paragraph is explained in the examples stated in your fourth paragraph. Etc. Each series of last sentences summarize, restate, and reword everything already stated by each paragraph. The white house must smell a lot like the wonderful smells of gardens of vegetables and orchards of all kinds of fruits. According to the first Lady in 2009 "This is a big day. We've been talking it since the day we moved in," said the First Lady as she and two dozen local students broke ground on the White House Kitchen Garden on the South Lawn of the White House. Those students will be involved in the garden as it develops and grows, producing delicious, healthy vegetables to be cooked in the White House Kitchen and given to Miriam's Kitchen, which serves the homeless in Washington, DC. I'm inspired to start a garden, too. Take a deep breath. Relax. You know that nothing last forever and from that knowledge, you know that this homework assignment too shall pass. You will hand in the assignment and tomorrow's homework assignment will become yesterday's assignment now turned in for your teachers’ opinion. Now the stress is on your teacher, who has to grade it and hope that you will accept his or her opinion graciously. Stress can be good or bad. Choose one. If you choose well, you will pass your test, like those before you that have passed. Study what you want to learn and transform that into the homework. That way you are not wasting your time, instead you are developing. Allocate your time. If you have 8 hours that you can study, divide your time per subject matter. Develop a template for your writing.
(Note: Remember that in writing, like in math, things go together and come apart systematically.) Always: Plan. Consider your audience. Brainstorm. Interview. Research (web search). Have fun! Writing is the science. Focus on writing a good essay. First define all terms. Make your point again and again. First write it until you get it formatted in proper form and then decide what your point is and then re-write it in the acceptable structure. What point are you trying to make? A. B. C. D.
A. Imperceptible : impossible to perceive/ ANTONYMS noticeable, obvious.
Visible able to be seen B. Protruding : extend beyond or above a surface/ ANTONYMS sunken, flush. ndented: make a dent or depression in (something)
C. Intangible : unable to be touched or grasped; not having physical presence Solid: firm and stable in shape; not liquid or fluid/ ANTONYMS divided. D. Ensued : happen or occur afterward or as a result Preceded: come before (something) in time E. Undulations : move with a smooth wavelike motion
Flatness smooth and even F. Solidity : the quality or state of being firm or strong in structure Airiness: (of a room or building) spacious, well lit, and well ventilated. • delicate, as though filled with or made of air G. Imperative : of vital importance; crucial Unnecessary: not needed H. Recoiled : suddenly spring or flinch back in fear, horror, or disgust Approached: come near or nearer I. Excruciating : intensely painful Pleasant: ANTONYMS disagreeable: as positive, enjoyable, or worth seeking J. Extremities : the furthest point or limit of something center: sphere, equidistant from every point on the circumference or surface.
Here are the antonyms: Pleasant: ANTONYMS disagreeable: as positive, enjoyable, or worth seeking Solid: firm and stable in shape; not liquid or fluid/ ANTONYMS divided. Airiness: (of a room or building) spacious, well lit, and well ventilated. • delicate, as though filled with or made of air 14
ndented: make a dent or depression in (something) center: sphere, equidistant from every point on the circumference or surface. Approached: come near or nearer Unnecessary: not needed Visible able to be seen Preceded: come before (something) in time come before (something) in time flatness smooth and even 5/16 =3/10