Week 07 logbook

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Week 07 Logbook Anita Nicholls 698556

STUDIO ACTIVITY: OFF CAMPUS RYAN & LEVESON -­‐ 68 LEVESON STREET, NORTH MELBOURNE Builders: Hamilton Marino -­‐The site previously housed a warehouse -­‐The development comprises of 2 buildings ( 3 storey at the front and 4 storey at the back) and will have hanging gardens, trees and a garden in between the buildings Timeframe: 12.5 month process, started piling on 3 Dec 2013 Architect: Client PDG internally did the main design and DRC is the employed working drawing architect Average price of apartment: $750k (all have been sold) FOOTINGS AND FOUNDATIONS 2.4x2.4x1.5 fooTngs supporTng middle of ground 6x6x1.3 pad fooTngs Tower Crane: Crane comes to site in components, 1 day to assemble. Bolts 1.2m long wound into late in a grout tube (tower crane) Expensive, recycled bolts to reuse later

2 level basement B2-­‐ 12m bored piers Piers are aVached to the foundaTons of the neighbouring building-­‐ issued noTces and consent was gained for ground anchors 3 stage bulk excavaTon 3 Drives, saved money -­‐Shot Crete walls (non-­‐load bearing) -­‐15m long anchors -­‐Slab on ground (crushed rock and drainage layer below) B2 (roof slab): Post tension suspended slab. Bam beams take load down to all the columns. CombinaTon of non-­‐ stress and stress reinforcement B2 slab on ground B1 above: suspended on precast columns

Services -­‐car park exhaust venTlaTon and extracTon -­‐all arTficially venTlated -­‐plumbing services -­‐siphonic drainage system sucks rainwater into the downpipe 1 big box guVer draining roof water -­‐stormwater collecTon in B2 Material & Methods: Sprayed Shot-­‐Crete, to avoid cold joints (disconTnuity between layers of concrete)

STUDIO ACTIVITY: OFF CAMPUS ESD Due to the nature of the development, there are not a lot of ESD qualiTes within the buildings however there is a 25ml foil board for insulaTon. Windows are only-­‐single glazed which saves money in the short term but may hone monetary and environmental costs later on due to the use of electrical heaTng that will be required when the building is in use. Non load bearing concrete blockwork Timing… -­‐To frame a whole floor of the building takes about 3 days. -­‐7 weeks to complete li^ (1 week per storey) Walls uTlize precast panels and the party walls don’t align in the top floor. The structural steel took about 5 days to complete. Also, Tmber framing is used in the secTons where the sliding doors will be in lace as steel studs as shown to the right would deflect.

Walls Hebel panels in middle of party walls enable panels? Fire raTng A^er walls are set out (not built) -­‐sprinklers (in every room) -­‐walls -­‐noggings -­‐sparklers -­‐lagging on all pipes for acousTcs AcousTc strategies.

STUDIO ACTIVITY: OFF CAMPUS Level 4 of east building contains the ‘penthouse’ which comprises of 6 apartments.. Safety mesh above so that those working above do not fall through the gaps and get injured. -­‐Steel framing -­‐Columns not welded onto casted frames on slabs, instead they are casted in a plate in slab, meaning that they are in the wall and there is no bare plate exposed. -­‐Firs in walls -­‐Purlins cashed into side of ra^ers -­‐Box guVers -­‐Waterproof core with Colorbond flashing Flat slabs with concrete hob poured tradiTonally here in this balcony, there is Polytheurene water proofingà

Ra^ers bolted into precast, these precast columns should have been steel. However, a^er miscommunicaTon, it was decided to leave the columns in precast it would cost a lot of money to get the engineering redesigned. This floor has many bolt connecTons and not a lot of welding

Material sourcing: Precast from Shepparton, windows from china, joinery local, Fly ash (recycled), not many recycled materials. First rate energy star, solar panels? Element of recycling through rubbish removal. Issues: Robbed twice so far and expect to be robbed again(people come in and steal copper, came in with bolt cuVers and cut off copper that was already installed) -­‐Difficult for extracTng info from client, constant changing and evolving Flow of info is one of the most important things -­‐Data so^ware is uTlised -­‐Changes are re-­‐documented in drawings -­‐Every Tme a drawing is changed, the revision needs to be changed

LEARNING LOOP DETAILING FOR HEAT AND MOISTURE KEY STRATEGIES (First Principles): TANKING: The placement of a waterproof membrane made out of an arTficial rubber, around the construcTon. Basements need to be fully tanked DRY GROUND: possible to put an agricultural drain in, water gets carried away from the building and into a storm water pipe WALLS: Impervious surface (least successful), double skin wall (brick cavity wall), rain screen system aVempt to equalise forces to prevent water entering ROOFS: water needs to be carried away from the building, strategies: Eaves guVers, into down pipes, into the storm water drainage, parapet wall, box guVers carry water to the outside of a building (they don't drain water through the building-­‐ risky if it gets blocked), eaves help protect a building (water less likely to creep back towards the wall), JOINS: High risk area for water penetraTng, flashing required around a chimney For water to penetrate into a building all the following three condi[ons must occur: 1.An opening, 2. Water present at the opening, 3. A force to move water through the opening. (remove one of these and then water won’t enter) To prevent water penetra[ng into a building -­‐remove openings or -­‐ keep water away from openings or -­‐ neutralise the forces that move water through openings (one is sufficient but if two or more strategies are pursued then there is added security in case on fails). Openings can be: Planned elements such as windows, doors and skylights or they can be accidental e.g. deterioraTon of materials Common TECHNIQUES used to remove openings to prevent water penetra[on include sealing the openings with: -­‐Sealants-­‐ -­‐Gaskets ( preformed shapes made from arTficial rubbers) (Both will deteriorate over Tme due to weather, need to be updated) Keeping water from openings: -­‐Grading (sloping) roofs so that the water is collected in guVers which then discharge the water to downpipes and storm water systems -­‐Overlapping cladding and roofing elements (e.g. weatherboards and roof Tles) -­‐Sloping window and door sills and roof/wall flashings -­‐Sloping the ground surface away from the walls at the base of buildings GuVers and down pipes keep water away from the building. NEUTRALISING THE FORCES The forces to be considered include: Gravity, surface tension and capillary ac[on, momentum, air pressure differen[al Gravity strategies: Slopes and overlaps to carry water away from the building using the fore of gravity. flashing, double cavity wall Surface tension and capillary acTon strategies: Typically use drip or a break between surfaces to prevent water clinging to the underside of surfaces (such as a window sill or parapet capping).The drip helps direct water away from the surface. Momentum: Sloping surface to encourage drainage, Windblown rain, moisture and snow can move through simple gaps, to inhibit this movement the gaps are o^en constructed in more complex labyrinth shapes. The complex shape slows the momentum of the moisture and helots to deflect the water away from the gap entry Air pressure differenTal strategies: Put the seal (the air barrier on the inside) so that this becomes a pressure equaliser chamber, pressure in equal to pressure outside.(Common in high rise buildings)

RUBBER Proper[es: Harder rubbers resists abrasion, so^er rubbers provide good seals, low fragility, high ducTlity, high flexibility, plasTcity and elasTcity. High porosity and permeability (all rubbers considered waterproof), 1.5 x density of water, very poor conductors of heat and electricity (i.e. useful insulators). Very durable, high reusability, varied embodied energy (sustainability aspect) depending on whether the rubber is natural or syntheTc. Generally cost effecTve. Types and Uses: Natural rubber: seals, gaskets and control col joints, flooring (in laboratories), insulaTon around electrical wiring, hosing and piping. SyntheTc types: EDPM used in gaskets and control joints, NEOPRENE used in control joints, SILICONE used for seals. CONSIDERATIONS weather related damage and deterioraTon, avoid or minimise sun exposure. CONTROLLING HEAT Heat loss and gain occur when -­‐Heat is conducted through the building envelope -­‐The building envelope and building elements are subjected to radiant heat sources -­‐Thermal mass is used to regulate the flow of heat through the building envelope (saves energy, money and increases comfort for occupants) Conduc[on: 3 key strategies -­‐Thermal insulaTon reduces heat conducTon -­‐Thermal breaks are useful to stop materials that aren’t good insulators, by puong in a thermal break it reduces the amount of conducTon that occurs -­‐Double glazing (or triple), so that the air spaces between glass panes reduces the flow of heat through the glazed elements Radia[on can be controlled by using: ReflecTve surfaces, shading systems (verandahs, eaves, solar shelves blinds, screens and vegetaTon) Thermal use: Large areas of exposed thermal mass can be used to absorb and store heat over a period of Tme. When temperatures drop, the stored heat is released, this system works well when there are large differences in temperatures between day and night. Materials tradiTonally used for thermal mass include: Masonry, concrete, water bodies. Controlling air leakage: The principle of airTght detailing is similar to waterTght detailing. -­‐ opening -­‐ air present at the opening -­‐ a force to move air through the opening Strategies to stop air leakage include: -­‐EliminaTng any one of the causes (above) -­‐Wrapping the building in polythene or reflecTve foil sacking to provide an air barrier -­‐Weather stripping around doors and windows and other openings.

PAINTS protect and colour elements Clear paints are called lacquers or varnishes. COMPONENTS: Binder (film-­‐forming component of the paint e.g. polyesters, resins, oils), Diluent (dissolves the paint and adjusts its viscosity (e.g. alcohol, ketones, petroleum disTllate), Pigment (gives the paint its colour and opacity and can be natural (clays, talc, calcium carbonate, silica) or syntheTc. TYPES: oil based, water based PROPERTIES: Red dyes tend to be less stable in sunlight, colour consistency, durability, water based latex paint is more flexible than oil based paint, surface finishes can range from maVe to gloss, water based paint easier to clean off brushes compared to oil based. Paints need to resist chipping, fading and cracking. PLASTICS Sourcing: The plasTcs we use today are made from elements such as: carbon, silicon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and chloride combined by chemical reacTons into monomers. The monomers combine with each other to form polymers. Polymers are long chains of monomers (molecules) that make the substance we call plasTcs TYPES AND USES (3 main types) ThermoplasTcs: Mouldable when heated and become solid again when cooled. Can be recycled. (perspex, acryliic, PVC, vinyl) Thermo seong plasTcs: can only be shaped (moulded) once. (laminex-­‐ widely used for finishing surfaces, polystyrene-­‐ mostly used in insulaTon panels) Elastomers (SyntheTc Rubbers)( have similar properTes to natural rubbers) (EFDM, Neoprene, Silicone) Proper[es vary depending on type. Hardness: Medium to low, low-­‐medium fragility (briVle in degraded state), high ducTlity when in heated state, high flexibility and plasTcity, waterproof, low density, poor conductors of heat and electricity, can be very durable depending on type, finishing and fixing, high reusability and recyclability for thermoplasTcs and elastometers but very limited for thermoseong plasTcs, embodied energy varies greatly between recycled and not recycled plasTcs, plasTcs are not a renewable resource, generally cost effecTve Considera[ons: Weather related damage, plasTcs need to be checked and maintained, avoid or minimise sun exposure, some plasTcs have very high expansion/contracTon coefficients

Arches, domes and Shells (Ching, 2014, 2.25-­‐2.27) -­‐Arches are curved structures for spanning an opening, designed to support a verTcal load primarily by axial compression.

-­‐A dome is a spherical surface structure having a circular plan and constructed of stacked blocks, a conTnuous rigid material like reinforced concrete, or of short, linear elements. A dome is similar to a rotated arch except that circumferenTal forces are developed that are compressive near the crown and tensile in the lower porTon. -­‐Shells are thin, curved plate structures typically constructed of reinforced concrete.


Drip: A projecTon from a sill that protects the area beneath form rainwater drops GuVer: A trough along the edge of a roof that collects and carries away rain water Vapour barrier: Material used to prevent the absorpTon of water into a building? Parapet: A low, protecTve wall that projects from the edge of a roof, balcony, bridge or plaporm. Down Pipe: A pipe that carries rainwater from the roof guVer to the ground or to a drain. Flashing: Thin conTnuous pieces of sheet metal or other impervious material installed to prevent the passage of water into a structure from an angle or joint. (Ching, 2014) InsulaTon: The covering, lining or protecTng within a building that reduces the transfer of heat, electricity, or sound. Sealant: Material used to seal something to prevent water or air escaping or leaking in.

AddiTonal Terminology Capillary acTon: is a manifestaTon of surface tension by which the greater adhesion of a liquid to a solid surface than the internal cohesion of the liquid itself causes the liquid to be elevated against a verTcal surface

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