Anita Poulsen +45 61 31 86 08 :
contents Page 03
: Personal Data & Summary
Page 04-05 : Work Experience Page 06
: Education & Courses
Page 07
: Personal and Professional Qualifications & Languages
Page 08
: Leisure
See my LinkedIn profile
personal data Name Contact information
Anita Poulsen : +45 61 31 86 08 : :
Born Nationality
5 November, 1982 Danish
summary I am passionate about advertising, communication and marketing – with all that it entails. I have 7 years of experience in the creative industry. This period has offered a great deal of challenges that required commitment, creativity, overview, responsibility and goal-orientation from me. I work with Integrated Marketing Communications, and always focus on the main thread through the whole visual identity. You do not need to reinvent the wheel every time, on the contrary – I think more conceptually. With a well prepared design guide it is always easy to create recognition regarding the brand/company. This is where the value of my creative work is the greatest and my primary core competence is. The period as an independent has been a landmark for both my personal and professional development. I functioned as an Art Director and Project Manager at the same time with full responsibility for all tasks. It has required considerable coordination and structure of both sales work as the creative work, including deadlines. At any time I have given high priority to the personal contact with the customer. I ended my career as an independent in 2011 due to the longing for colleagues and the possibility of working in large teams and jointly lifting tasks, it’s just more fun. I am leaving a job as a Graphic Designer/Marketing Coordinator in the wind industry. Since 1. September 2011, I have worked for the international company Global Wind Power A/S in their marketing and communications department. Here I am use to thinking commercially, as we sell a high-end product directly to B2B customers. I understand the importance of and always work towards tailoring the visual material to the right customer segment, thereby making the sales process easier.
work experience September 2011 December 2012
Graphic Designer (Marketing Coordinator) - Global Wind Power A/S, Thisted Global Wind Power A/S is an international company with headquarter in Denmark, and is specialising in the development, implementation and administration of wind turbine projects in Germany, France, Bulgaria and Romania for investments. / Tasks and responsibilities: : Coordination and production of all graphic design projects both on-line and off-line, from idea to finished product (including internal decoration and exhibition stand design) : Responsible for all graphic design projects in both Danish and foreign departments : Design Guide – a thorough and uniform graphic expression throughout the visual identity : Establishment, maintenance and strategy for Global Wind Power’s LinkedIn profile : In cooperation with the Marketing Manager development of sales campaigns, an overall marketing strategy, and idea and definition of the action plan Results: : Tailor-made material for a number of customer segments interested in a very high-end product : A successful sales campaign that has received a lot of positive feedback : Consistency and familiarity in all Global Wind Power’s graphic material both on-line and off-line – the main thread : Visually simple, cool and easy to understand sales materials that can be used across national borders – a promotional tool : A successful LinkedIn profile, now with 580 followers References: : Marketing Manager, Simon Leed Krøs / See recommendation on LinkedIn : Sales Manager, Michael Mouritzen Østergaard / See recommendation on LinkedIn : Managing Director, Jakob Gaardsted Petersen / See recommendation on LinkedIn
October 2008 September 2011
Freelancer/Independent - Appeal Advertising As an independent I shared an office for quite a long time in Nordjylland’s MedieCenter together with Thorkild Jørgensen from the advertising agency BlissArt. We had seperat CVR numbers and bought consulting hours of each other because we had very different skills. A fantastic and very non-committal way to team up. Tasks and responsibilities: : Field sales and direct contact with all customers and external suppliers : Logo design, idea and layout of various graphic material (flyers, brochures, advertise- ments, postcards and magazines) as well as website design : Writing that interacts with the conceptual solution : Bookkeeping, invoicing, VAT and annual reporting : Network Results: : Establishment of a new company and building up a customer base from scratch : Idea and development of visual identity in the form of logo and further graphic line for a wide range of customers – entrepreneurs as well as established companies : Many efficient and user-friendly websites : Loyal and satisfied customers who come back with new graphical assignments
Reference: : Creative Director, Thorkild Jørgensen / See recommendation on LinkedIn
work experience May 2006 July 2008
Graphic Designer/Fashion Designer - Texman I/S, Aalborg Texman I/S designs, manufactures and sells a wide range of independent fashion brands for men, including Shine, Jacks, Lindbergh CPH and Bison. / Tasks and responsibilities: : Responsible for my own brand – Lindbergh CPH: Ideas for the new collection, composition of the different styles, harmony and consistency through the entire collection in terms of color, details, prints, embroideries, material quality, etc. : Production of presentational and promotional materials : Design of graphic prints, embroideries and badges (incl. focus on print type and quality) : Design of logo and labels : Design of buttons and ziphangers : Inspiration tours and visits at trade fairs in Europe Results: : Starting up the new brand – Lindbergh CPH. In this process thoughts about logo and label design, choice of target group, branding strategy/visual graphic expression, collection content, etc. : A wide range of cool and different prints and embroideries for example for Shine (casual look) and Lindbergh CPH (young business look) Reference: : Graphic Designer, Kristine Blåbjerg Erlandsen / See recommendation on LinkedIn
August 2005 May 2006
Freelance Graphic Designer - DigiGraf Print & Advertising, Pandrup DigiGraf Print & Advertising is a supplier of all kinds of material and advertising. After completing my training as a Graphic Designer in the summer of 2005 I worked for DigiGraf as a freelancer. / Tasks and responsibilities: : Responsibility for and management of the company in periods where the owner was on vacation : Direct customer contact : Idea and layout of ads, flyers, brochures and magazines : Illustration drawing in freehand Results: : Head of a DTP department for a period of 2 x 1 week : Design and production of various graphic materials – both small and large assignments Reference: : Business Manager, Jørgen Jensen / See recommendation on LinkedIn
education 2011
Sale & Marketing Academy Education, University College Nordjylland, Nørresundby This module of the Academy Education has given me an overview of how marketing, strategic planning, competitor analysis and customer segmentation can play together and strengthen sales of the product.
2010 - 2011
IAA Diploma Integrated Communications International Business College, Kolding The IAA Diploma has given me a broud understanding of Integrated Marketing Communications, including marketing strategy, branding, channel and media mix, campaign development, customer segmentation, project management, innovation and social media.
2009 - 2010
Entrepreneurship education Step 2+3 I took these two educations at the same time as I started up my own company, so I would be better prepared for the role os a company owner. Step 3 ended with an oral exam in my company’s business plan.
Practical experience Singleton, O’gilvy & Mather, Melbourne - Australia During the 5th semester of my Graphic Designer education I spent a 3-month internship in an international advertising agency in Australia, where all communication naturally was in English. At the agency I worked with creative concepts for the department store Myer and draft proposals and layout of various ads.
2002 - 2005
Graphic Designer College of Art, Craft & Design, Nørresundby This education consisted of the following modules: Practical learning of the entire Adobe package and Maya (3D), graphic idea and design (including drawing and color theory), culture and art history, psychology, communication, promotion, business and social studies.
1998 - 2001
Linguistic student Brønderslev Gymnasium English and German at A-level.
courses 2012
LinkedIn course Digital Works, Copenhagen The course questions how a company works professionally with LinkedIn, with the clear goal to brand and promote the company through social media – improving both the personal profile and business profile, creating groups and advertising on LinkedIn.
2008 - 2009
Adobe courses in Illustrator and Photoshop Tech College, Aalborg
personal qualifications : Positive, energetic and creative : Seeks challenges and large individual responsibility : Dedicated, responsible and targeted : Structured and detail oriented : Curios with desire for continuous professional development
professional qualifications : Experienced in the Adobe package : Integrated Marketing Communications – the main thread : Marketing strategy, branding and campaign development : Channel and media mix and customer segmentation : Strategy for social media – Facebook and LinkedIn : Development and implementation of visual identity (design guide) : Coordination and execution of graphic design projects both on-line and off-line : International experience in relation to overall marketing strategy across different countries
languages Danish: National language English: Fluent in written and spoken. Corporate language in my last job German: Can read and write German
leisure : Creativity I am creative both in and out of my work since creativity highly defines my personality. I enjoy expressing myself through art. It can be both graphic art and collage with the computer as a tool, but also illustration drawing in freehand with touch and painting in both oil-based paint and watercolor. I also spend quite a lot of time decorating my home in a modern and stylish way with my own personal fingerprints.
: Exercise I am an early riser, so several times a week, I start my day off with a morning run for 5-10 kilometres before work. This gives me the strength and energy to face the challenges of the day. I also spend time on spinning and going to the gym.
: Desire to discover the world I have a great desire to explore and experience different parts of the world. It can be anything from a primitive canoe trip in the wilderness of Sweden to a sunny holiday in Thailand and a visit to a city such as New York, Abu Dhabi or Hong Kong. In the fall of 2011 I went on a backpack holiday to the east coast of Australia for 5 weeks. When I returned the backpack was filled with a lot of amazing and unforgettable experiences. �To travel is to live� – Regardless of destination and trip length, my inner drive recharges. This results in renewed energy and the many new impressions also boost my creativity.