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Texas A&M Spring 2011

graduate work

Anjali Venkataiah

Contents Graduate Works - Texas A&M Redevelopment of Northgate Area, College Station Research and design of a sustainable development

Mixed Use Building at Fenway Park, Boston Design of a Mixed Use building in an Urban Context

Visitor’s Center for the Alamo Complex, San Antonio An addition to a Historically Significant Building

Praire Center of the Arts, Peoria

Reuse and revitalization of a warehouse as part of a larger plan to revitalise the warehouse district of Peoria

Transit Hub, Dallas

A sustainable approach to transit and urban development. The project is focussed on creating a pedestrian friendly walkable environment and attempts to reactivate this part of Dallas Downtown


Arch 605

fall 2009

Arch 606

spring 2010

Arch 607

fall 2010

Arch 607

fall 2010

Final Study

spring 2011

Redevelopment of Northgate Area College Station

Research and design for a sustainable development

Texas A&M

Study and design for a New Down Town for College Station. The study was done collectively as a studio to understand the site and its surroundings as it stands currently. The research aimed at understanding the implication of its proximity to the Texas A&M campus and neighbouring Bryan.




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The program aimed at developing a sustainable mixed use development that is compact and more Urban. This project had an emphasis at developing a sustainable, walkable/bikable neighborhood.

N site plan


heavy pedestrian flow of students from the University


e Driv

flow of through traffic connecting the existing grid woonorf street leading to the central square which is not a through road proposal of the street dedicated to restaurants and retail in an effort to draw the crowd into the development

urban nodes

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development figure ground

Texas A&M Fall 2009

A mixed use development was proposed with retail and commercial at the ground and the first level with the intension to engage the pedestrian. The residential units were proposed at the higher level. This was an attempt to create a sustainable development that was compact and connected where one could live, work and shop all in the same neighborhood.

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graduate work

The Master Plan was designed with an intension of reinforcing the existing grid of the City in an effort to reconnect the existing roads and provide a continuity of the city grid. The site was divided into nine blocks of approximately 50,000 sqft each by streets that slightly bent to increase the visibility of the street facade as one walked down the street.

Arch 605

e Driv

Prof. Craig Babe

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Redevelopment of Northgate area. College Station

central square

Program Parking basement lvl -10’0” Retail Parking Retail lvl + _ 0’0” Retail Parking

lvl +10’0”

Ramp to Residential Parking

Whole Foods Super Market Retail

Retail at street level - To engage the pedestrian and to make the streets more walkable and pedestrian friendly Supermarket at the first level - to avoid blank walls at pedestrian level. It is connected to the parking levels by specially designed escalators to accommodate shopping carts. Parking- It is integrated in the core of the building to avoid surface parking. The parking that serves the retail and Supermarket is bordered by retail on all sides at the ground level. The commercial parking and the residential parking is separated and are on different levels accessed by two different ramps Residential- The residential units are designed on the upper floors which allows for a level of privacy. A large green roof and a shallow pool act as green spaces

lvl +15’0” Residential Parking

lvl +30’0” Performing Arts/ Mixed Use

Roof Garden

Art Center/Mixed Use

Theatre/Mixed Use

Farmer’s Market/ Mixed use

College Avenue

Wellness Center/Mixed Use

Equestrian/Mixed Use

Supermarket/Mixed use

lvl +40’0” Office Space/Mixed Use

Hotel/Mixed Use


lvl +55’0” and above

University Drive

Master Plan of the Block

Arch 605 Prof. Craig Babe

Redevelopment of Northgate area. College Station

view of green roof and pool

view of apartments overlooking the green roof

Texas A&M Fall 2009

entrance to Whole Foods with its geen wall

graduate work

view of the building from College Avenue

Mixed Use Building at Fenway Park Boston

Design of a Mixed Use building in an Urban Context

sit e

This project was situated in the heart of the Fenway Park area. The program required the design of a mixed use building in a context influenced strongly by baseball. The only fixed part of the program was a hotel exclusively for the visiting Baseball team. It would function as a regular lodge during off season. The other programs had to be proposed according to what one seemed best fit for this context. The program was developed keeping in mind the strong influence that Fenway Park had on its surroundings. It responds to the neighbouring building and uses and also address the issues of shortage of affordable housing in this neighborhood.

Visiting Baseball Team

Affordable Housing Commercial Space Movie Theatre Basement Parking Coffee Shop

Prof. Marcel Erminy

Hotel for the visiting team Rooms Gym Conference room Bar and Restaurant

Fenway Mixed Use Building. Boston

Arch 606



Texas A&M Spring 2010

Baseball Fans

graduate work

Sports Bar Open Plaza Space Bandstand & Projection Screen

Elements that influenced the Design

Fenway Park

The Freeway

scheme development sketches


Victory Garden

Possible plaza area connecting the site to the Ball Park

Major Axis of pedestrian movement during games



sit e



Arch 606 Prof. Marcel Erminy


Fenway Mixed Use Building. Boston



Pedestrian Plaza

band stand

services alley

Floor Plan @lvl +- 0.00m B




existing apartment

B Texas A&M Spring 2010


Floor Plan @lvl 9m

graduate work


Floor Plan @lvl 3m & 4.5m B

Residences The residential units were designed in the southwest part of the site in response to the existing apartments adjacent to the alley. The entrance to the residential units are provided in this alley thus enabling a more private access as well as activating the otherwise dead alley.


Commercial/Theatre/Sports Bar/ Coffee shop These programs being more public and catering mostly to the Baseball fans after games, is designed at the ground level facing the baseball stadium and the plaza






Floor Plan @lvl 13.5m & 15m




view from sports bar


Floor Plan @lvl 17m



aerial view

Typical Office Floor Plan

Hotel The two levels of hotel was designed to be on the 3rd and 4th levels separated from the commercial spaces thus providing a level of privacy for the players. All the hotel rooms open out onto balconies overlooking the Fenway Park

Section BB - through the band stand

Service Area The service areas for the whole complex is clubbed together in one area on multiple floors serving the needs for the hotel and sports bar

existing apartment

parking parking

Section AA

theatre lobby

Arch 606

coffee shop


Prof. Marcel Erminy


hotel lobby level

Fenway Mixed Use Building. Boston


Texas A&M Spring 2010

hotel level 2 residential

graduate work


Visitor’s Center for the Alamo Complex San Antonio An addition to a Historical Significant Building

The Alamo The Alamo, originally known as Mission San Antonio de Valero, is a former Roman Catholic mission and fortress compound. It was the site of the Battle of the Alamo in 1836, and now a museum in San Antonio, Texas. The Alamo played a very important part in the battle of Texas and is a hallowed ground and Shrine of Texas Liberty and receives more than 4 million visitor’s a year. The design problem entailed of choosing an appropriate site and designing a visitor’s center for the Alamo Complex

night view of the Alamo Chapel

Arch 607

The Alamo Chapel Battle Ground


Visitor’s path of movement


Selected Location for the Visitors Center


Prof. Bob Warden

Design Approach • To retain the focus on the Alamo Chapel visually and spatially





• To make the boundary of the fort where the Battle of the Alamo was fought more obvious • To design the visitors center as a gateway and information center before one enters the Alamo Chapel

meridian. This line consisted of dashes and dots, literally a site line, where the dashes are strips of brass inlay in the ground with an inscription of the significance of the line. The dots would be up lights inlaid in the ground which at night would seem like column of lights that would mark the boundary of the fort.

detail - where the site line crosses a building

Texas A&M Fall 2010


graduate work

Fort Boundary - The great battle of the Alamo took place mainly within the boundary of the fort. This boundary today is hardly visible and very subtle. Parts of the foundation has been retailed in a few places and in some places its only a slight difference in the paving. The current Alamo complex has very little to do with the war and quite misleading to visitors who do not have prior knowledge of the Alamo’s history. To reinforce this boundary, a site line was designed similar to the rose line in Paris marking the Paris


Visitor’s Center for the Alamo Complex. San Antonio

Proposed Peace Memorial

The Visitor’s Center

Most visitors who come to San Antonio visit the River walk and the Alamo. It was thought important that the visitor had some prior knowledge of the history of the place before entering the Chapel. Hence a point along the path between the River Walk and the Chapel was chosen for the Visitor’s Center. Since the intension was to retain the Chapel as the main focus the Visitor’s Center was designed 15’0” below the plaza. The center was envisioned to be a point of enlightenment where one would understand the significance of the battle of the Alamo and emerge literally to face the Chapel and see it in new light. The steps leading up to the Alamo from the Visitor’s center can also serve as an informal gathering space for small concerts and plays.

Peace Memorial

aerial view from the river walk

aerial view of the visitor’s center

A peace memorial was proposed in the current Alamo Complex as a place to contemplate the futility of wars. A lot of lives were lost on the Texas side as well as the Mexican side during the Alamo war. Though Texas won the war eventually, the current city has a very high Latino population and are an integral part of the city. It makes you question if the war was really necessary. The peace memorial also aids in way finding inside the complex.

Arch 607 Prof. Bob Warden

gallery space

Visitor’s Center for the Alamo Complex. San Antonio

information audio visual services Plan of Visitor’s center @ -15’0” 24 ft




30 ft

visitor’s center

Alamo chapel

peace memorial

Texas A&M Fall 2010

view of the Alamo complex and the visitor’s center

graduate work


Praire Center of the Arts, Peoria

Reuse and Revitalization of a warehouse as part of a larger plan to revitalise the warehouse district of Peoria



This was a studio project which entailed


the development of a program and design for the reuse and revitalization of a structure that used to house a rope manufacturing factory. This historic building currently houses two companies. The Tri-City which is a machine shop at the basement level and the Praire Center of the Arts that uses parts of the of the building for their residency program. It also has a gallery space at the street level in one of the buildings. The studio worked in groups to develop different parts of the project that would eventually come together as a whole.


The site with is located just outside the warehouse district, which ends at the north east end of the site. The site is flanked by a freeway on the east, an ethanol factory to the south and a car scrap yard to the west.

• The existing structure is very beautiful and is a point of inspiration for artists • The Machine shop is very popular with art students from Bradley who frequent Tri-city to use the water jet for their work existing structure which housing the machine shop and the Peoria Center of the Arts

• A need for affordable housing in this area for students and artists in residency • A need for designed work spaces for Artists in the residency program • Programs that would contribute to the revitalization of the Warehouse districts

view of the ethanol factory in the background

Texas A&M Fall 2010

views of the interior spaces that were being used as studio spaces by the artists

graduate work

• The need to make Peoria Center of the Arts a destination for Artists and like minded people

Prof. Bob Warden

• The city of Peoria has an industrial past and still retains a very strong industrial feel.

Praire Center of the Arts - Reuse and Revitalization

Arch 607

Factors of Influence

Program Reuse of existing structure Flexible studio spaces for artists New Construction Student and Artist housing designed using shipping containers

Amphitheatre for concerts/art exhibitions/get together space Commercial space along the street to make it more pedestrian friendly and more urban

View of housing from the amphitheatre space

Prof. Bob Warden

Praire Center of the Arts - Reuse and Revitalization

Arch 607 View of Amphitheatre

Texas A&M Fall 2010

Indivisual storage units designed to change with need

graduate work

designed top hung movable pannels that make studio spaces

Housing with Shipping Containers • • • • • •

sustainable modular ties in well with reuse has an artsy and industrial feel economical structural

The student and artist housing was designed using shipping containers. Four High Cube shipping containers of 40’0” were used to design a prototype module of two interlocking units. Access corridors run every alternate floor. Services are all clubbed together to facilitate wiring and piping. Double height spaces creates a sense of openness.

common corridor

Plan @lvl 1 area of a single unit 576 sqft

Plan @lvl 2 0

8 ft

cor r

interior view of studio apartment



Texas A&M Fall 2010

graduate work

View of Apartment

Prof. Bob Warden

Praire Center of the Arts - Reuse and Revitalization

Arch 607

Transit Hub , Dallas bridging the city

map of Dallas Scoring of Corridors in Texas and the Gulf Coast


Santa Fe

Scoring of Corridors Albuquerque in Texas and theAmarillo Gulf Coast Santa Fe Albuquerque

N Tulsa Bowling Green

Oklahoma City Tulsa

Little Rock

Little Rock


Fort Worth


El Paso Fort Worth









Baton Rouge


Austin Austin San Antonio

San Antonio Houston

Baton Rouge Lafayette

Lafayette Pensacola


P Tallahassee New Orleans

New Orleans


Score 20+


20+ <1

Source: America 2050

scoring of travel corridors in Texas & Gulf Coast

The Final Study focuses on the design of a Multimodal Transit Hub at Downtown Dallas. It will serve as an exchange point for the DART and the proposed High Speed Rail connecting Dallas to the neighboring metropolitan cities.

light rail transit system



Shreveport Birmingham

El Paso

Source: America 2050


Memphis Greenville

Oklahoma City


The intent of this study is to not only address issues of logistics of smooth movement of commuters between different modes of transport but also address urban issues, the interaction of the transit hub with its immediate urban surroundings and its ability to act as an urban center and behave as a magnet for a denser, walkable, bikable urban development.


This site would be the most appropriate site for a transit hub with high speed rail due to its location, history and existing infrasture. train lines

map of a section of Dallas downtown

view of the existing track with the Hyatt Regency to the right

red line blue line green line orange line trinity railway express amtrak N

The Histotic Union Station

Final Study Chair Prof. Marcel Erminy

The historic Union Station

Transit Hub . Dallas Downown - An approach to Sustainable Development

The Union Station is also a point where the DART overlaps with the intercity lines namely the Trinity Railway Express(TRE) connecting Forthworth and also the Amtrak.


Texas A&M Spring 2011

The site chosen for this study is in Downtown Dallas where the current Union Station is located. The Union Station was built in 1916 to consolidate all the train traffic in Dallas making it a major transportation hub in the southwest. The Union Station is a historically important building. The first level of the building still serves as a train station while the second and third levels have been leased out to Wolf Puck Gang.

graduate work


Site Analysis






pedestrian movement towards transit

• Bridging the city

• Old and the new

Multiple train lines at street level forms a kind of barrier and divides the city preventing pedestrians from getting to the other side easily. This is • addressed by shifting the DART lines above the ground and the intercity lines below the ground thus making it more pedestrain friendly at the street level.

To integrate the old and the new with a pedestrian plaza

Activating the space Including coffee shops, retail and resturants in the development introduces alternate activity and help activate the space.



• Safety & Visual connection The station was designed such that the various levels are visually connected thus enhancing the feeling of safety. This allows a person way below the ground at the lower track level to be connected in some way to the outside world.

Final Study Chair Prof. Marcel Erminy

Design Approach

Transit Hub . Dallas Downown - An approach to Sustainable Development

union station




Hyatt Regency

existing section

Texas A&M Spring 2011

schematic proposed longitudinal section

graduate work

schematic proposed short section

bus stop taxi stand

retail bike stand


commercial space

train station lobby


drop off point DART office space DART office space ticketing waiting area Lobby area Wolfgang Puck

DART officee

floor plan @ street level

DART station @ +30’0”

mezzanine @+15’0”

street level

street @ + _ 0’0”

lower mezzanine @-18’6”

lower track level

longitudinal section

Amtrak /TRE/high speed

coffee shop DART upper track @ lvl +30’0”

commercial space

upper mezzanine @ lvl +15’0”

train station lobby area commercial space commercial space

street lvl

Transit Hub . Dallas Downown - An approach to Sustainable Development

roof structure

Chair Prof. Marcel Erminy

Final Study

Axonometric View

snack bar

union station

AMTRAK & Hign Speed Rail lower tracl lvl @ - 35’0”

Texas A&M Spring 2011

lower mezzanine lvl @ - 17’6”

graduate work

book store

lobby below


commercial space


banquet hall

floor plan @ +15’0”

floor plan @ +30’0”

platform area below


floor plan @ -18’6”


book store


sectional perspective Texas A&M Spring 2011

graduate work

Chair Prof. Marcel Erminy Transit Hub . Dallas Downown - An approach to Sustainable Development

view of the pedestrian plaza

Final Study

Texas A&M Spring 2011

graduate work

Chair Prof. Marcel Erminy Transit Hub . Dallas Downown - An approach to Sustainable Development

Final Study


Skandagiri, India

Skandagiri, India


Torres Del Paine National Park, Chile

Rail Tube IIT, Chicago

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