Auto power supply control from 4 different sources using pic microcontroller

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Auto Power Supply Control from 4 Different Sources using PIC Microcontroller

Auto Power Supply Control from 4 Different Sources using PIC Microcontroller

Introduction ďƒ˜ The main objective of this project is to provide uninterrupted power supply to a load, by selecting the supply source automatically from any available one out of 4 such as: mains, generator, inverter and solar in the absence of power supply. The demand for electricity is increasing every day and frequent power cut is causing many problem in various areas like industries, hospitals and houses. An alternative arrangement for power source is thus desirable.

Auto Power Supply Control from 4 Different Sources using PIC Microcontroller

Block Diagram

Auto Power Supply Control from 4 Different Sources using PIC Microcontroller

Hardware Requirements             

PIC16F8 series Microcontroller Relay Driver IC Relays LCD Lamp Push Buttons Transformer Diodes Voltage Regulator Crystal LEDS Capacitors Resistors.

Auto Power Supply Control from 4 Different Sources using PIC Microcontroller

Software Requirements  MPLAB & CCS C Compiler  Languages: Embedded C or Assembly

Auto Power Supply Control from 4 Different Sources using PIC Microcontroller

Embedded System  Embedded System is a combination of hardware and software used to achieve a single specific task.  An embedded system is a microcontroller-based, software driven, reliable, real-time control system, autonomous, or human or network interactive.  Operating on diverse physical variables and in diverse environments and sold into a competitive and cost conscious market.

Auto Power Supply Control from 4 Different Sources using PIC Microcontroller

Embedded System  An embedded system is not a computer system that is used primarily for processing, not a software system on PC or UNIX, not a traditional business or scientific application.  High-end embedded & lower end embedded systems.  High-end embedded system - Generally 32, 64 Bit Controllers used with OS.  Examples Personal Digital Assistant and Mobile phones etc .

Auto Power Supply Control from 4 Different Sources using PIC Microcontroller

Embedded System ďƒ˜ Lower end embedded systems - Generally 8,16 Bit Controllers used with an minimal operating systems and hardware layout designed for the specific purpose. ďƒ˜ Examples Small controllers and devices in our everyday life like Washing Machine, Microwave Ovens, where they are embedded in.

Auto Power Supply Control from 4 Different Sources using PIC Microcontroller

Characteristics of Embedded System ďƒ˜ An embedded system is any compute system hidden inside a product other than a computer. ďƒ˜ There will encounter a number of difficulties when writing embedded system software in addition to those we encounter when we write applications.

Auto Power Supply Control from 4 Different Sources using PIC Microcontroller

Applications of Embedded System Throughput :

 Our system may need to handle a lot of data in a short period of time.

Response :

 Our system may need to react to events quickly.

Testability :

 Setting up equipment to test embedded software can be difficult.

Debugability :

 Without a screen or a keyboard, finding out what the software is doing wrong (other than not working) is a troublesome problem.

Auto Power Supply Control from 4 Different Sources using PIC Microcontroller

Applications of Embedded System Reliability :

 Embedded systems must be able to handle any situation without human intervention.

Memory space :

 Memory is limited on embedded systems, and you must make the software and the data fit into whatever memory exists.

Program installation :

 You will need special tools to get your software into embedded systems.

Auto Power Supply Control from 4 Different Sources using PIC Microcontroller

Micro Controller  Compatible with MCS®-51 products  8K bytes of in-system programmable (ISP) flash memory  4.0V to 5.5V operating range  Crystal frequency 11.0592mhz  Three-level program memory lock  256 x 8-bit internal RAM  32 programmable I/O lines


Auto Power Supply Control from 4 Different Sources using PIC Microcontroller

Relay  It is A electro magnetic switch  Used to control the electrical devices  Copper core magnetic flux plays main role here

Auto Power Supply Control from 4 Different Sources using PIC Microcontroller

Relay Driver ULN2003  ULN is relay driver application  The ULN2003 is A monolithic high voltage and high current darlington transistor arrays.  It consists of seven NPN darlington pairs that features high-voltage outputs with common-cathode clamp diode for switching inductive loads.  The collector-current rating of a single darlington pair is 500ma.  The darlington pairs may be paralleled for higher current capability.

Auto Power Supply Control from 4 Different Sources using PIC Microcontroller

Relay Driver ULN2003 ďƒ˜ The ULN functions as an inverter. ďƒ˜ If the logic at input 1b is high then the output at its corresponding pin 1c will be low.

Auto Power Supply Control from 4 Different Sources using PIC Microcontroller

Circuit Diagram

Auto Power Supply Control from 4 Different Sources using PIC Microcontroller

Circuit Description  The circuit diagram of A simple 100 watt inverter using IC CD4047 and MOSFET IRF540  Cd4047 is a low power CMOS astable multivibrator ic  Here it is wired as an astable multivibrator producing two pulse trains of 0.01s which are 180 degree out of phase at the pins 10 and 11 of the IC.

Auto Power Supply Control from 4 Different Sources using PIC Microcontroller

Bridge Rectifier  A diode bridge is an arrangement of four (or more) diodes in a bridge circuit configuration.  It provides the same polarity of output for either polarity of input.  When used in its most common application, for conversion of an alternating current (AC) input into a direct current (DC) output.  It is known as a bridge rectifier.

Auto Power Supply Control from 4 Different Sources using PIC Microcontroller

Bridge Rectifier  A bridge rectifier provides full-wave rectification from a two-wire AC input.  Resulting in lower cost and weight as compared to a rectifier with a 3-wire input from a transformer with a center-tapped secondary winding.  According to the conventional model of current flow, current is assumed to flow through electrical conductors from the positive to the negative pole.

Auto Power Supply Control from 4 Different Sources using PIC Microcontroller

Voltage Regulator  A voltage regulator is designed to automatically maintain a constant voltage level.  A voltage regulator may be a simple "feed-forward" design or may include negative feedback control loops.  It may use an electromechanical mechanism, or electronic components.  Depending on the design, it may be used to regulate one or more AC or DC voltages.  Electronic voltage regulators are found in devices such as computer power supplies.

Auto Power Supply Control from 4 Different Sources using PIC Microcontroller

Voltage Regulator  Where they stabilize the DC voltages used by the processor and other elements.  In automobile alternators and central power station generator plants, voltage regulators control the output of the plant.  In an electric power distribution system, voltage regulators may be installed at a substation or along distribution lines.  So that all customers receive steady voltage independent of how much power is drawn from the line.

Auto Power Supply Control from 4 Different Sources using PIC Microcontroller

Voltage Regulator  7805 is a voltage regulator integrated circuit. It is a member of 78xx series of fixed linear voltage regulator ICs.  The voltage source in a circuit may have fluctuations and would not give the fixed voltage output.  The voltage regulator IC maintains the output voltage at a constant value.  The xx in 78xx indicates the fixed output voltage it is designed to provide 7805 provides +5V regulated power supply.  Capacitors of suitable values can be connected at input and output pins depending upon the respective voltage levels.

Auto Power Supply Control from 4 Different Sources using PIC Microcontroller

Working Principle  This project uses an arrangement of 4 different sources of supply which are channelized to a load so as to have an uninterrupted operation of the load.  As it is not practicable to get 4 sources of supply such as mains supply, generator supply, inverter supply.  And Solar supply, we used one source and a set of relays.  We have taken first source with mains supply and assumed as if being fed from 4 different sources by connecting all the 4 incoming sources in parallel.

Auto Power Supply Control from 4 Different Sources using PIC Microcontroller

Working Principle  The ac source to the lamp is connected to four relays by making the entire normally open contacts parallel and all the common contacts in parallel.  4 push button switches are used which represent failure of corresponding supply respectively and are interfaced to the controller.  Initially we have given high input signal to the microcontroller, so as a result the controller generates a low output to activate the first relay driver.  Which will result in the relay being energized and the lamp glows.

Auto Power Supply Control from 4 Different Sources using PIC Microcontroller

Working Principle  While the push button for mains is pressed that represents failure of mains supply as a result the supply is provided from the next source  And the microcontroller receive high input and generates low output to activate the second relay driver.  Which will result in the second relay being energized and the lamp glows .  When we press the generator button, it indicates the generator fails to operate and the supply comes from the next source.  The next source will supply high input to the controller and which will provide low signal to the third relay and the lamp switches ON.

Auto Power Supply Control from 4 Different Sources using PIC Microcontroller

Working Principle  When we press the third push button the supply will chose next source now the fourth source will provide input to the microcontroller.  Controller activates the fourth relay and the load will get the supply and the lamp continues to glow.  When all the relays are off leaving no supply to the lamp, the lamp is switched off.  One 16 x 2 lines LCD is used to display the condition of the supply sources and the load on real time basis.

Auto Power Supply Control from 4 Different Sources using PIC Microcontroller

Applications  Power supply can be control in :  Industries  Hospitals  Schools  Multiplexes  Banks etc.

Auto Power Supply Control from 4 Different Sources using PIC Microcontroller

Advantage ďƒ˜ Power supply can be controlled from four different sources. ďƒ˜ if any problem occurred in one source then other sources can be used.

Auto Power Supply Control from 4 Different Sources using PIC Microcontroller

Disadvantages ďƒ˜ Cost of equipment is very high. ďƒ˜ Its very difficult to install and maintain the kit.

Auto Power Supply Control from 4 Different Sources using PIC Microcontroller

Conclusion ďƒ˜ The main scope of this project is to provide a continuous power supply control to the output load through any of the sources from which we are operating the device, i.e. , generator, and inverter and solar automatically in the absence of any of the source. The complete operation of Auto power supply control from 4 different sources is based on the microcontroller. This project is a low-cost, reliable, effective and efficient system.

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