Density based traffic signal system

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Density Based Traffic Signal System

Density Based Traffic Signal System Introduction ďƒ˜ When traffic demand is great enough that the interaction between vehicles slows the speed of the traffic stream, these results in some congestion. As demand approaches the capacity of a road extreme traffic congestion sets in. ďƒ˜ Traffic congestion can lead to drivers becoming frustrated and engaging in road rage. In order to avoid the congestion in the traffic, Traffic Sign Recognition (TSR) is used. It is used to regulate traffic signs, warn the driver, and command or prohibit certain actions.

Density Based Traffic Signal System Block Diagram

Density Based Traffic Signal System Hardware Components • • • • • • • • • •

8051 series Microcontroller LEDs Voltage Regulator Resistors Capacitors Crystal Diodes Transformer IR-LED & Photodiodes Transistor

Density Based Traffic Signal System Circuit Diagram

Density Based Traffic Signal System Microcontroller  Microcontroller (MC) may be called computer on chip .  It has basic features of microprocessor with internal ROM, RAM, Parallel and serial ports within single chip.  This is widely used in washing machines, vcd player, microwave oven, robotics or in industries.  Microcontroller can be classified on the basis of their bits processed like 8bit MC, 16bit MC.

Density Based Traffic Signal System Voltage Regulators ďƒ˜ A voltage regulator is an electronic circuit which maintains the output voltage (almost) constant in spite of changes within some specified limits in the load current, input voltage, temperature, etc. ďƒ˜ An IC based voltage regulator can be classified in different ways. ďƒ˜ A common type of classification is 3 terminal voltage regulator and 5 or multi terminal voltage regulator.

Density Based Traffic Signal System LED Applications of LED : Devices, medical applications, clothing, toys • Remote Controls (TVs, VCRs) • Lighting Density Based Traffic Signal System • Indicators and signs • Optoisolators and optocouplers

Density Based Traffic Signal System Resistors  Resistors are components used to resist the flow of electric current and have a stated value of RESISTANCE.  Resistors can be either fixed or variable in value  Fixed resistors come in a variety of different shapes, sizes and forms  Axial lead resistors have the value of resistance printed on them or as a colour code

Density Based Traffic Signal System Capacitor ďƒ˜ A basic capacitor has two parallel plates separated by an insulating material ďƒ˜ A capacitor stores an electrical charge between the two plates.

Density Based Traffic Signal System Diodes  The 1N4148 is a standard small signal silicon diode used in signal processing.  The 1N4148 is generally available in a DO-35 glass package and is very useful at high  Frequencies with a reverse recovery time of no more than 4ns.  This permits rectification and detection of radio frequency signals very effectively, as long as their amplitude is above the forward conduction threshold of silicon (around 0.7V) or the diode is biased.

Density Based Traffic Signal System Transformers The principle parts of a transformer and their functions are:  The core, which makes a path for the magnetic flux.  The primary coil, which receives energy from the ac source.  The secondary coil, which receives energy from the primary winding and delivers it to the load.

Density Based Traffic Signal System Photo Diodes ďƒ˜ Photodiodes are semiconductor light sensors that generate a current or voltage when the P-N junction in the semiconductor is illuminated by light. ďƒ˜ When a photon of sufficient energy strikes the diode, it excites an electron, thereby creating a free electron(and a positively charged electron hole). This mechanism is also known as the inner photoelectric effect.

Density Based Traffic Signal System Transistors  A transistor consists of two pn junctions formed by sandwiching either ptype or n-type semiconductor between a pair of opposite types.  Accordingly, there are two types of transistors, namely; •

(i) n-p-n transistor

(ii) p-n-p transistor

Density Based Traffic Signal System 7-SEGMENT DISPLAY  An LED or Light Emitting Diode is a solid state optical PN-junction diode .  It emits light energy in the form of “photons” when it is forward biased by a voltage allowing current to flow across its junction, and in Electronics we call this process electroluminescence.  The actual colour of the visible light emitted by an LED, ranging from blue to red to orange, is decided by the spectral wavelength of the emitted light which itself is dependent upon the mixture of the various impurities added to the semiconductor materials used to produce it.

Density Based Traffic Signal System Interfacing Seven segment display to 8051

Density Based Traffic Signal System Working Principle  The purpose of the system is to improve efficiency of existing automatic traffic signalling system.  The system will be image processing based adaptive signal controlling.  The timing will be calculated each time change automatically depending upon the traffic load.  Proposed system will functioning based on traditional system along with automated signalling.

Density Based Traffic Signal System Working Principle  System will have artificial vision with the help of digital camera mounted on motor for its rotation to face lanes and sense the traffic on the road.  The camera is controlled by PC through microprocessor to change its direction in steps of 90 degree to face each lane and capture image.  This single image of lane will be processed using image processing techniques to estimate traffic load.  Estimated traffic load on particular road will be used to calculate the required time duration for controlling of signal lights based on in comparison with experimental results.

Density Based Traffic Signal System Working Principle  System will be intelligent and will calculate the time every time and operate in a cyclic clockwise signal lights control.  Maximum and minimum time limit will be maintained .  It is to prevent over waiting of vehicle in queue of other lanes which would be found out experimentally.  Controls of the signal will be routed through the microcontroller.

Density Based Traffic Signal System Applications  Control traffic in metropolitan cities  Controlling of signal lights  Emergency  Edge detection  First order edge detection  Robert operator

Density Based Traffic Signal System Applications  Sobel operator  Prewitt operator  Second order edge detection  Laplacian edge detection  Canny edge detection

Density Based Traffic Signal System Advantages  Avoids wastage of time due to the traffic.  Fully automatic.  Low power consumption.  It provides the easy access in the traffic light.  Low cost to design the circuit, maintenance of the circuit is good.  By using this microcontroller IC we can create many more control to the appliances

Density Based Traffic Signal System Disadvantages  Video based systems are much better compared to all other techniques as they provide more traffic information. Density Basedwith Traffic System  They are much more scalable theSignal progress in image progressing techniques.

 The sensors which are used to quantify the traffic flow are very expensive .  It needs a lot of maintenance especially in developing countries because of the road ground de-formations.

Density Based Traffic Signal System Conclusion ďƒ˜ The project may be very well used in where the traffic signals is kept and in many other places where we need to full fill the need of the automation. In the future we implement the project’s idea in the industries. By using this density based traffic signal system in future we can know traffic density in the city and so that remedies can be made according to that.

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