Evm electronic voting machine

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EVM-Electronic Voting Machine

EVM-Electronic Voting Machine

Introduction ďƒ˜ The project is designed for eight contestants. Voters can poll their vote to any one of the contestant. In this project, one port is dedicated for 8 pushbutton switches for eight contestants, and a master switch for polling officer. A simple yet powerful program is written in assembly language and is burnt onto the microcontroller to accept votes and to keep counting the total votes polled. A Polling-officer switch (master) is provided to avoid multiple polling by a single voter. Every voter gets approval from the polling officer. If the polling officer issues approval with his control switch, then only the voter can poll his vote.


EVM-Electronic Voting Machine

Block Diagram


EVM-Electronic Voting Machine

Hardware Requirements           

8051 series Microcontroller Push Buttons Transistors Transformer Voltage Regulator LED LCD Resistors Capacitor EEPROM Buzzer


EVM-Electronic Voting Machine

Software Requirements  Keil C compiler  Languages: Embedded C or Assembly


EVM-Electronic Voting Machine

Software Requirements  Keil C compiler  Languages: Embedded C or Assembly


EVM-Electronic Voting Machine

Microcontroller 8051  Microcontroller 8051 is designed in 1980’s by Intel.  It is a computer on chip type.  It is 40 pin dip type ic.  It is designed for performing special type operation to do specific jobs.


EVM-Electronic Voting Machine

Microcontroller 8051  It has four sets of i/o pins which can be used both input and output operations.  It contains four ports.  Each port contains 8 pins.  The pin configuration is shown below


EVM-Electronic Voting Machine

Pin diagram of 8051


EVM-Electronic Voting Machine

Pin diagram of 8051  Pins 1-8:it is said to be port 1 and it is used for input/output operations.  Pin 9 is a reset pin.  Pins 10-17: it is port 3 is also used for input/output operations but specially it has alternate operations  Pin 10(RXD): - Serial asynchronous communication input or Serial synchronous communication output.


EVM-Electronic Voting Machine

Pin diagram of 8051  Pin 11(TXD): Serial asynchronous communication output or Serial synchronous communication clock output.  Pin 12(INT 0):Interrupt 0 input.  Pin 13(INT 1);Interrupt 1 input.  Pin 14(T0):Counter 0 clock input.  Pin 15(T1):Counter 1 clock input.


EVM-Electronic Voting Machine

Pin diagram of 8051  Pin 16(WR): Write to external (additional) RAM.  Pin 17(RD):Read from external RAM.  Pin 18 to 19(X1,X2):Internal oscillator.  Pin 20(GND):Ground  Pin 21-28(port 2): I/P or O/P port when no external memory is used. In case external memory is used, the higher address byte.


EVM-Electronic Voting Machine

Pin diagram of 8051  Pin 29 (PSEN): Program Store Enable.  If external ROM is used for storing program then a logic zero (0) appears on it every time the microcontroller reads a byte from memory  Pin 30 (ALE): Address Latch Enable  Pin 31 (EA): Enable Access.  To use program from an ext. memory(Logic zero), to use program from both int. as well as ext. memory (logic 1). http://www.edgefxkits.com/

EVM-Electronic Voting Machine

Pin diagram of 8051  Pin 32-39 (port 0): -I/P or O/P when ALE is low and lower order address byte when ALE is high.  Pin 40(Vcc): +5v power supply.


EVM-Electronic Voting Machine

LCD  The Serial LCDs are very functional, liquid crystal displays that can be easily interfaced to and controlled by a microcontroller using an I/O pin.  This device can be connected to a PC serial port using a MAX232 line driver. The circuit isn't supported by us.  The LCD displays provide basic text wrapping so that your text looks correct on the display.


EVM-Electronic Voting Machine

LCD ďƒ˜ Full control over all of their advanced LCD features allows you to move the cursor anywhere on the display with a single instruction and turn the display on and off in any configuration.


EVM-Electronic Voting Machine

LCD  Clear mode: Press clear switch when all entries are required to be erased.  Clear switch should be pressed before voting procedure.  Buzzer indication: Pressing of key in voting mode is indicated by a buzzer sound.  Controller switch: This switch is provided for enabling the keypad in voting mode.  This Switch is under the control of voting authority. http://www.edgefxkits.com/

EVM-Electronic Voting Machine

Voltage Regulator  Two basic categories of voltage regulators are:  IC voltage regulator  Fixed voltage regulator


EVM-Electronic Voting Machine

IC Voltage Regulator  These are generally three terminal devices that provide a positive or negative output.  Some types have variable voltage outputs.  A typical 7800 series voltage regulator is used for positive voltages.  The 7900 series are negative voltage regulators.  These voltage regulators when used with heatsinks can safely produce current values of 1A and greater.  The capacitors act as line filtration. http://www.edgefxkits.com/

EVM-Electronic Voting Machine

Fixed Voltage Regulator ďƒ˜ The fixed voltage regulator has an unregulated dc input voltage Vi applied to one input terminal, a regulated output dc voltage Vo from a second terminal, and the third terminal connected to ground.


EVM-Electronic Voting Machine

Principle of Operation

VOTING MODE -toggle switch on VCC When toggle switch is in voting mode “Voting mode” is displayed followed by “Please vote”. After a vote being given, “Please wait for authority switch” is displayed and again enable for voting after Control switch being pressed by the voting Authority.

COUNTING MODE -toggle switch on GND. Counting Mode: When toggle switch is in counting mode “Counting mode” in displayed on the screen, and total number of votes to respective candidate can be displayed on the screen


EVM-Electronic Voting Machine

Working Principle  The complete EVM consists mainly of two units  

Control Unit Balloting Unit

 With cable for connecting it with Control unit.  A Balloting Unit caters up to 16 candidates.  Four Balloting Units linked together catering in all to 64 candidates can be used with one control unit.


EVM-Electronic Voting Machine

Working Principle  The control unit is kept with the Presiding Officer and the Balloting Unit is used by the voter for polling.  The Balloting Unit of EVM is a small Box-like device, on top of which each candidate and his/her election symbol is listed like a big ballot paper.  Against each candidate's name, a red LED and a blue button is provided.  The voter polls his vote by pressing the blue button against the name of his desired candidate.


EVM-Electronic Voting Machine

Working Principle  A simple yet powerful program is written in assembly language and is burnt onto the microcontroller to accept votes and to keep counting the total votes polled.  A Polling-officer switch (master) is provided to avoid multiple polling by a single voter.  Every voter gets approval from the polling officer.  If the polling officer issues approval with his control switch, then only the voter can poll his vote.


EVM-Electronic Voting Machine

Working Principle  This issuance of approval is indicated by a long buzzer beep.  Vote count is stored in EEPROM and an LCD display is provided to display the total number of votes polled and individual contestant-vise votes polled.  An Erase button is also provided in order to make sure the contents of the EEPROM is zeroed before the start of the polling process.  A buzzer is provided for audio effect of the switch bounce.


EVM-Electronic Voting Machine

Working Principle  Whenever a switch is bounced, the system acknowledges the bounce by a short beep sound.  If a voter tries to poll multiple times a long beep sound is generated.  The project can be extended by adding a GSM/WIFI module which eases the operation of voting by sending a simple SMS over the network or access through a Webpage over the internet network.


EVM-Electronic Voting Machine

Applications  Fast track voting which could be used in small scale elections, like resident welfare association, “panchayat” level election and other society level elections.  It could also be used to conduct opinion polls during annual share holders meeting.  It could also be used to conduct general assembly elections in school and colleges to introduce idea about democracy.


EVM-Electronic Voting Machine

Advantages  It is economical.  Less manpower required.  Time conscious, as less time required for voting & counting.  Avoids invalid voting.  Saves transportation cost due to its compact size.  Convenient on the part of voter.


EVM-Electronic Voting Machine

Disadvantages  Security issues and unequal internet access.  We have to use external chip to store the votes.  We have provide continuous power supply.


EVM-Electronic Voting Machine

Conclusion EVM-Electronic Voting Machine Project is designed and Implemented. The project can be extended by adding a GSM/WIFI module which eases the operation of voting by sending a simple SMS over the network or access through a Webpage over the internet network.


EVM-Electronic Voting Machine


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