Antriksh Eco Homes
The The Antriksh Antriksh Eco Eco Home Home is is located located in in the the Dwarka Dwarka L-Zone L-Zone which which is is going going away away to to be be the the first first smart smart city city of of the the country country under under DDA DDA Land Land Pooling Pooling Policy Policy and and master master plan plan 2021. 2021. Flats Flats are are offered offered in in 1 1 BHK, BHK, 2 2 BHK, BHK, 3 3 BHK BHK and and 4 4 BHK BHK variants variants with with flexible flexible payment payment options. options. The The development development will will be be residential residential over over an an area area of of 16 16 acres acres and and the the flats flats will will be be accessible accessible in in various various floor floor plans plans options, options, ranging ranging from from 900 900 Sq.ft Sq.ft to to 2750 2750 Sq.ft. Sq.ft.
Antriksh Group Antriksh Group is an ISO 9001:2000 specialized important real estate company in NCR with over 30 years of understanding. They have residential more that 30 real estate projects in Delhi itself, no other developer has even a double digit figure in this domain. They develop a variety of housing and commercial properties
Antriksh Eco Homes Floor Plan
Antriksh Eco Homes Payment Plan Preferential Preferential Location Location Charges Charges (PLC) (PLC)
725 – 2 BHK 50 Units
BSP Rate
925- 2 BHK 50 Units
BSP Rate
BSP Rate
1325- 3 BHK + 2T 100 Units 1625- 3 BHK + 3T 75 Units
BSP Rate
1925- 3 BHK+ SR 50 Units 4299 BSP Rate Preferential Preferential Location Location Charges Charges (PLC) (PLC)
At the time of Booking
Within 45 Days of Booking
At the time of Land Transfer Certificate (LTC)
Floor PLC
Rs. 100 per sq.ft.
Ground – 5th
Rs. 50 per sq.ft.
View PLC
Park Facing
Rs. 75 per sq.ft.
Club and Pool Facing
Rs. 100 per sq.ft.
Road Facing
Rs. 50 per sq.ft.
210, Aggarwal Square Plot # 10, Pocket 4 Sector - 11, Dwarka New Delhi - 110075 +91-9810-521-807 +91- 9810-521-673