Land Pooling Policy in L Zone

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DIAMONDÂ OFFICERS ENCLAVE DiamonD multi StateS CGHS aim to Supply Dream Home for eaCH people tHat Square meaSure wantinG forwarDS to SHop for tHeir HouSe witHin tHe urban Center olD DelHi. witH tHe name of antrikSH offiCerS enClave DiStriCt, tHiS CluSter reCently launCHeS a {branD new} branD projeCt at Dwarka, DelHi.


tHe DiamonD multiState CGHS projeCt’S offiCerS enClave are DevelopeD by antrikSH CluSter on laviSH line, witH broaD avenueS, extenSive GreenS anD up market reSiDenCeS.

ANTRIKSH GROUP tHe antrikSH Group iS wiDely known aS a SuppoSeD, profit CreatinG, realty Company witH a CHroniCle of quality ConStruCtion. our name ComeS up amonG tHe leaDinG builDerS anD promoterS of HouSinG SoCietieS, inDuStrial builDinGS, SearCHinG mallS etC.

DIAMOND MULTI STATE CGHS tHe SoCiety aimS to faCilitate to itS memberS to poSSeSS aCCeSS to tHe quiCkeSt GrowinG anD favorite aSSetS DeStinationS in olD DelHi anD Haryana. DiamonD multi State CGHS ltD HaS ConCeptualizeD itS reSiDential ComeS for every anD eaCH Community of SoCiety.

L-ZONE/LAND POOLING l-zone SpeCifiCally HaS all tHe qualitieS to beCome a SenSible Sub town Given tHe aCtual faCt tHat tHe iGi international flyinG fielD, Subway network, national main roaD, expreSSwayS (uer-i, uer-ii& kmp) anD buSineSS Hub like GurGaon, maneSar beinG tHere in neCk of tHe wooDS.


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