Skill india a step of indian government to create job opportunities for youth

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Skill India A Step of Indian Government to Create Job Opportunities for Youth In the recent years, Skill India Consultants have been touching new heights with their over powering projects and work in the field of youth development and training. It was in the news recently that the Government too has launched various Skill India Programs under the partnership of many companies that would provide free training to those who have talent but do not have the right resources.

In the past few years, our country has seen a drastic downfall in the companies and their shares and many other products. The only reason is that there is a lot of misemployment in our country. According to a survey, it was stated in the journal that around 54% percent of the youth of our country is unskilled. Here I am talking about being unskilled and not unemployed. Not many people; do not pay attention to the lines said. Being unskilled and being unemployed are totally different things. Being unskilled means that the candidate’s resources and ability is not being used properly for work. Hence there can be a gap between the candidate and the work. Thus to fill this gap, our government is now providing many programs related to enhancing a person’s skills and talent.

A Skill Development Training Provider training to all those who enroll under this program. The program fee is absolutely nominal and the biggest highlight is that the government is currently providing free registration and free training to all those who have no source of income. This program basically works on the candidate and polishes him/her for their bright future. Key highlights of Skill India Consultants and Skill India Program – 1.

Free consultation and free guidance for career


Free enrollment under this program


Skill enhancer programs


Enhances the candidates basic knowledge


Making the candidate self approachable


Enables the candidate to become confident


Not only focusing on skills but also focuses on over all personality development of the Candidate.

Today’s youth is not much aware as to how to present him/her lacks confidence and most importantly is being unskilled. By this initiative of the government, many organizations have come up to enhance the skills and talent a candidate possesses and bring them for a better use.

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