The Benefits You will Enjoy with Delhi CGHS Housing Project Keeping into concern the real estate development taking place throughout the country with special respect to West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana and Bangalore, Delhi Development Authority has come up with a new vision of planning and development of Delhi CGHS Yojna and Delhi smart cities under master plan for the zonal development.
It is serving as a link between master plan and the layout plan. According to MPD 2021, Delhi NCR will be divided in 15 zones. Among these 8 zones namely from A zone to H zone lie within the area which is already urbanized. O zone covers Yamuna River belt and the remaining i.e. J,K,L,M,N and P cover the remaining area which is yet to be urbanized. As the capital city has been undergoing trouble in providing adequate residential units to the citizens, people are bound to live in agricultural land.
Benefits of the Land Pooling Policy Among all the zones to be developed, the L zone is the largest but also has opened up new prospects for carrying ahead projects related to urbanization. This zone comprises of 22,840 hectares land and lies between Gurgaon and Dwarka. Also the location convenience has made this zone one of the most favored ones by the real estate developers looking ahead to invest with DDA Smart cities initiative.
The DDA land pooling policy is a plan that is applicable to about 95 villages and 5 five zonesnamely the K-I, L, J, N and P-II. It is expected that by the next 7 years (approx.)the project will be completed but what you need to keep in mind when investing in Delhi Smart cities project is that the apartments will be priced keeping in concern the facilities that the builders are offering. The land pooling policy comes with numerous benefits like: •
Public-private sector autonomy
Eliminate illegal acquisition of land and,
Enhance development in the outskirts of Delhi
Wrapping up Thus it will be a sound decision to invest with DDA smart cities if you are looking to invest in Delhi’s real estate sector.