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Conceptual Framework 03
does the project intend to do?
The Mega event- Olympic Games provides an opportunity to create sustainable cities that include commons. Vacant built-up area persisting in the form of abandoned wastelands, dumpyards, or spaces between large buildings have a tremendous potential for reconstruction and reuse by integrating them into the public realm, as well as for creating attractive environments by emphasizing their distinct character. Urban green spaces could be developed as ecological functional areas that coexist to serve the human functions of recreation, aesthetics, leisure activities, and conservation of environmental values.
This chapter putsforth the relevant takeaways from precedents to proceed towards formulating a spatial framework and introduces the envisioned strategic framework for the Olympic subsite transformation
Conceptual Framework for The Urban Green Commons
To strike a balace between the Olympic driven legacy development, and the ecological assets of the neighbourhood, high ambitions for the utilization of the potential found on the site and the creative re-use of its legacy built structures as anchor points for a far-reaching development process, is paramount.
Transformation of the Olympic site into a healthy neighborhood, capturing the value of the rejuvenated land and ecology, to activate and connect the strategic site of Motera and the Sabarmati Riverfront, and re-establish the position of the neighborhood within the city by leveraging the cultural and built assets offered by the Olympic event.
Strategic Goals
Approach towards the framework
The conceptual framework proposed three strategic goals that would help the city, plan and implement the post Olympic legacy development in an integrated manner. The goals addresses themes that are significant in bringing about a holistic approach towards achieving the envisioned transformation
Facilitating Connectedness
The drive for connectedness emphasises how the resilience of open public space systems encourages the improvement of communal, ecological, and cultural aspects.
Nurturing Health And Resilience
The ambition for health asserts that ecological systems and resilience go together with quality spaces for activities and recreation.
Fostering Culture And Identity
The ambition for fostering culture and identity emphasizes creativity in the use of green assets , as the foundation for spaces and programmes that ideate its context and people’s relationship to it.
Framework for Envisioned Transformation
Strategic Goals
Goal 1 : Facilitating Connectedness
Goal 2 : Nurturing Health & Resilience
Goal 3 : Fostering Culture & Identity
Overarching Principles