Anjiang Xu - Portfolio - MArch I 2023 Yale Architecture

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Be water, my friend.

LONG PLAN \ Built \ Ecological single house. 1521 sqft

INVOLUTION \ Interspecies dwelling. 5388 sqft

DIS-RECLAMATION \ Art education community. 32281 sqft

ARROYO AS THE PLACE \ Urban design for indigenous revival. 2788000 sqft

OTHERS \ Work. Shenzhen \ Berlin \ Copenhagen \ Studies \ Hobbies

LONG PLAN Ecological single house \ Built 2016-2018 Duty: Design Manager (architecture /interior /landscape)

Challenging urban dwelling dilemmas by the collaboration of South China University of Technology and Politecnico di Torino, LONG PLAN demonstrates the prospective feasibility for coexistence among living vitality, ecology, and confined resources. Facing the limitation of urban land use, we proposed this integrated solution within the narrow-long dwelling prototype in low-rise high-density habitation. Shophouses are naturally adaptive to local climate with passive technological spaces embedded in the typology. The narrowlong morphology along with light wells strengthen the flow of ventilation and daylighting. Compared to the common multi-story or high-rise dwelling, narrow-long houses are more effective in integrating advantages in terms of energy saving, urban ecology and emotional bond in the form of low-rise high density. By rhythmically arranging structural, architectural mechanical, and ecological systems, LONG PLAN is designed to provide flexible living functions in polymorphically space with the extreme proportion of dimension. Restoring the light wells in the existing architectural typology with embedded interior landscape, it also blurs the boundary between natural environment and human habitat.

WA Chinese Architecture Award 2018 Solar Decathlon China 2018 Champion 6


Shophouse prototype

Green Network

Shophouses are adaptive to local climate with passive technological spaces embedded in the typology. The narrow-long morphology along with light wells strengthen the flow of ventilation and daylighting. Compared to the common multi-story or high-rise dwelling, narrow-long houses are more effective in integrating advantages in terms of energy saving, urban ecology and emotional bond in the form of low-rise high density.

Double-story aquaponics

Aquaponics mechanics Toilet flushing South China

Netherlands Vietnam Singapore Canada

Same-floor drainage Vertical drainage

Rain garden



Research approach

Landscape verticality The aquaponics system consists of an aquarium tank, agriculture wall, related equipment and pipes, and automated controlled device. Fish waste and unabsorbed feed produced in the fish tank is rich in nutrients that support plants growing. The nutrient-rich waste water is absorbed sufficiently as it flows through the plant’s roots and turns into harmless water for fish. Agriculture wall provides healthy and ripe fruits, vegetables, herbs and flowers.

Joint detail

Module assembly

Passive Application

Transitional Skylight Spot Light Aluminum Facade Planter Cloth Waterproof

Integrated Wall

System monitoring

Hidden Light Strip Mesh-Hole Board Typological Plug-Ins Cabinet Panel Fitting Hook Hanger

Module split Service space Hydro-biocycle

Finish Support Inserted Cabinet Pipe Fittings Mesh-Hole Board Hanging Ceiling

Enclosure Folding Doors Sliding Door Drainage Decking Steel Beam Wood Support















.0 M ≤6



Module transportation

(Dis/Re)assembly Designed and prefabricated in Guangzhou, China, LONG PLAN faced the challenge of longdistance transportation to the competition site in Dezhou, which is 2,000km away. By establishing a structural strategy of modular prefabrication and fast assembly, LONG PLAN was divided into 12 structural boxes which can be individually transported and easily divided / reconnected. The building system includes steel structure framing, insulated enclosure, MEP, solar panel system, interior landscaping, and smart home system. According to the modular and fastassembly strategy, the building system complied to the principle of easy dis-/reconnection. To save materials at the modular joints, the numeric modules of material size were carefully deliberated.


The order of the three long walls is the premise of free space and free arrangement, which divide the architectural space into two separate belts. Service facilities are integrated inside the thickness of enclosures, on which the functional facilities are operated in the adjacent space, distinguished from the main activities and serving them. With the effort of services integrated into architectural enclosures, space, and internal layout achieve the greatest freedom, allowed to be transformed into different function modes according to different periods, different people, different needs.



INVOLUTION Interspecies dwelling Spring 2020 Instructor: Joseph Moore

This project is a living device designed for weighing the constant flow of resources and energy among the Gowanus Canal and the species inside it. The project sits in-between the air and the water performs as the ecosystem self-adaptive to changes, and constantly creates a dynamic balance water edge. Fluid dynamics: Between floating and sinking. Buoyancy measures the support of fluid. The floating object submerges a part into the fluid, the volume of which provides equal reactive force to resist gravity. The difference between Fb and G will accelerate the object until a balance is achieved, no matter by floating or sinking. The process of in-out is the key to maintaining the dynamics. Re-balance: Buoyancy as a mechanism of awareness. Selfish exhaustion is not necessarily by consciousness, but with awareness, there is no excuse. To achieve the vital balance between input and output, the relations among species and resources should be interrogated equally. Metabolic adaptation: Anthropocene nomadism. A life seeks nutrition, and leaves the traces of living, repeatedly to form a life cycle. Architecture could be a keystone integrating the environment, species, and their relations, as itself growing against a static status.



Mobility on the climatic crisis

Nomadic dwelling in the urban system

This project proposes an urban prototype that detaches from the ground and becomes buoyant on the water, Flexibly traveling along the water body, the structure becomes a medium that negotiates not only social activities but also environmental feedback. The evolution of the water bank of Gowanus Canal is subject to the change of sea level and most importantly the industrial activities. Originally prospect with the oyster production, Gowanus Canal became severely contaminated by the industrial waste, which sedimented to the bottom and covered the river bed.



Above water

Below water

Involute symbiosis Two threads of enfilade are involuted to formulate the intricate, nested, and layered space for different characters in the social and ecological web to occupy.





DIS-RECLAMATION Art education community Fall 2020 Instructor: Peter de Bretteville

As a community center of an art educational institution, this project invites the encroaching of natural elements by erecting the land on the roadside and dis-reclaiming it on the waterside to form a continuous terrain, which is intersected by the horizontal interior at ground level, exchanging earthiness and airiness through a rhythmic series of interpolation. Eventually, this project becomes a playground and a canvas for the neighborhood to record the traces of their art pieces. A corner at the waterfront on the site became a metaphoric statement of nature reciprocating against human’s way of occupation, and the architectural prompt of this project. The starting end of the interior horizontal sequence is made “below” the earth and is ended above the water. Long slopes expanding to the sides ascend or descend and indicate the vertical directionality while as they connect to the subterranean surface. A center road at ground level inter-crosses at the pivotal point works as a festival gathering space. Earth and air exchange through the asymmetrical composition and is woven in space. The exhale and inhale of soil, air and water is structurally supported or cantilevered, and free at the occupation level for the profile to be broken into with positivity and negativity according to the artists’ choice to make their own surroundings like an instrument.

Nominated work, Retrospecta 44, 2021 24


Earth-scape as architecture By returning the reclaimed land to the river, slant geography is formulated to continue the road network to the waterfront. Interior space is horizontally placed and anchored by vertical interconnections with the geography.







ARROYO AS THE PLACE Urban design for indigenous revival Fall 2022 Instructor: Alan Plattus, Liz Galvez

The site where Santa Fe Art Institute (SFAI) locates is in the midtown of Santa Fe. Historically run across by one arroyo and one acequia, which have been pushed away and diminishing into environmental remnants, the site was originally first developed into a military hospital facility, later transformed and expanded into a city college that closed around 2000. This proposal turns to the ecological, spiritual and sociological role of the arroyo in local Puebloan culture. The design reconstructs an arroyo across the center of the site to become a social center. In the process of the arroyo making, archaeological operations are conducted as excavating, preserving, and rebuilding in architecture, landscape, and meaning, referring and acknowledging the superimposed traces of the site and open to new traces made by the seasonal water run. Places and memories are made in/on/besides/between the buildings and landscape.

Nominated work, Retrospecta 46, 2023 32


Arroyo de los Chamisos & Arroyo de los Pinos

1948 Bruns Military Hospital Facility

1950 St. Michael’s College

1966 College of Santa Fe

2020 Santa Fe Art Institute

Proposal Arroyo as the center 0










Collective hand-drawn Site Plan 36





Serial Site Sections across the arroyo







39 0








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