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Our local teams across sporting disciplines continue to benefit from the Sports Fund we set up and has seen four (4) teams play at the National League, over 10 players now play professionally in countries abroad and we joy in the glory of Vihiga Queens who are CECAFA champions.
The SMEs we have supported under the Trade and Enterprise Fund are now vibrant businesses that support more than 32000 people across our county.
The Governor Scholarship Program benefitting over 450 students is the greatest gift to children from poor backgrounds in Vihiga County. This has given them an opportunity to pursue their dreams & succeed in life.
The floodlights and streetlights we - have put up have increased security and trading hours across our markets and and consequently improving our County economy.
Many of our local roads are now motorable and have opened our county to business as we are now more accessible.
Increased TVETs have seen a rise in intermediary technicians across professional disciplines and reduced the teenage pregnancy rates in our county. Further has led to self-creation of employment by our youth.
Better ECDE facilities have dignified the work of our ECDE teachers and increased the intake and performance of pupils This has laid a better foundation that that promote education in our County in the long-term.

We employed 829 ECDE teachers whose input has uplifted their standards of living.
Our investments in the revitalization of the cooperative movement in Vihiga County has seen the birth of 70 new cooperative societies, that now boast of increased savings and has created value to their members.
Our projects and interventions in Agriculture have improved farm yields and increased food production in our county especially in maize, poultry, dairy, fish, bananas and indigenous vegetables. This has led to improved Food Security in the County and reduced insecurity.
The CHVs and CHEWS have championed community health and reduced the rate of infection of communicable diseases and we were feted for these commendable efforts during the COVID 19 pandemic for low transmission rates in Vihiga.
Our investment in Community Health under OttichiloCare has led to a reduction in prenatal mortality rate from 38.1 per 1000 births in 2017 to 23.2 per 1000 births in April 2022. It has also reduced neonatal mortality rate from 33.1 per 1000 births in 2017 to 5.2 per 1000 births in April 2022.
Our Projects in Health: building new facilities, buying new equipment, enrolling more health workers have improved our service delivery and we now serve over 80,000 patients across our county monthly compared to 47,390 when I tookover in 2017.
My good governance (on debt management) structures have reduced the pending bills from 2.8 billion in 2017 to under 400million in 2022 . We shall now have more funds to implement more development projects.