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NEDEL S T ON 1 ENTWI (UL IHi nesGr aduat eCompet i t i on)

PROJ ECTDES CRI PT I ON T hechal l engeoft hi scompet i t i onwast ocr eat eas ucces s f ul bi df orbui l di ngami x edus es us t ai nabl ear eat hatbenef i t sf r om adj acents yner gi esi nt hevacantpr oper t ynearGoos eI s l and, Chi cago.Pl ayi ngt her ol eoft hepot ent i al mas t erdevel oper , wehadt oeval uat et hebenef i t sandf i nanci al pos s i bi l i t i esof buyi ngt hes i t e,andpot ent i al l ycombi ni ngi twi t hcer t ai npar cel st or edevel opors el l asonecompr ehens i vedevel opment s i t e. MyRol e-I twasaGr oupPr oj ect . T hegr oupcompr i s edof5 member sofvar i ousdeci pl i nesnamel yCont r ucs t i onmanagement ,s us t ai nabl ear chi t ect ur eandur bandes i gn.T hi spr oj ect wascompl et edundermyl eader s hi p.

s ect i on


Ent wi neEl s t onenvi s i onst hef ut ur eofChi cago’ sPl anned Manuf act ur i ngDi s t r i ct sascommuni t i escr ys t al l i z edar ound cent er ss har eds ymbi ot i cal l ybyManuf act ur er s ,Educat or s , Ret ai l er s ,Bus i nes s es ,andCommuni t yOr gani z at i ons .As ur bani ndus t r i esevol ve,t hei rr el evancei nChi cagohas becomet hr eat enedbycommer ci al andr es i dent i al encr oachmentdes pi t et hepr ot ect i vePl annedManuf act ur i ngDi s t r i ctz oni ngbui l tar oundt hei rhi s t or i cal cor es .We pos i tt hatt ot r ul ypr ot ectur bani ndus t r i es ,t heymus tbeenmes hedwi t h,r at hert hani s ol at edf r om,new devel opment s .






T hepr oj ecti sdi vi dedi nt hr eephas esoft woyear seach,s t ar t i ngf r om t heyear2019.T hef i r s t phas ef ocus esonkeepi ngt hemanuf act ur i ngchar act er i s t i csoft hes i t eandgener at i ngempl oymentbys et t i ngupavocat i onal t r ai ni ngi ns t i t ut ewhi chwi l l beopent opeopl eofdi f f er entage gr oupsandbackgr ound.T hi sphas ei ncl udesr emodel i ngt heex i s t i ngwar ehous est ot ur ni ti nt oan i ncubat orwher eat enantcanut i l i z et hemanuf act ur i ngs paceandl eas ear et ai l cum gal l er y s pacet os howcas ei t smanuf act ur i ngpr owes s S econdphas econs i s t sofbui l di nguponwhatwehavecons t r uct edi nt hef i r s tphas eandmax i mi z i ngt hei rpot ent i al .I nt hi sphas e,El s t onwi l l geta300r oom ups cal eHot el t ocat ert hegr owi ng demandduet odevel opmentonours i t eandonGoos eI s l and.T hi sphas ewi l l beconcl uded af t erdevel opi ngS i t eAt oi t sf ul l pot ent i al andconnect i ngi twi t hS i t eC vi apedes t r i anbr i dge cons t r uct edovert heNor t hBr anchChi cagoRi ver .T her i ver f r onts hal l becompl et edbyt heend of2022.F i nal phas ewoul dcons i s tofdevel opi ngS i t eC wi t hRes i dent i al s paceswher e10% oft he apar t ment swi l l beavai l abl eundert heAf f or dabl eHous i ngS cheme.



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