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A people’s place in pondicherry

Historical Relevance Of The Project And Site


Pondicherry was a French colonial town which was separated socially as well as physically by the Grand Canal and the towns were called the white and the black town. The white town was the house to the superior french people and the black town was house to the Indians.

The clear difference between the two towns can also be seen in the architecture of the respective towns. Which was studied while conducting the street study in Pondicherry by our studio.

Concept Development

The basic building typology in the white town was that there was no setback from the pedestrian path with tall walls and one door leading inside, which is spacious and open which is contrary to what you feel when standing outside the house or the building. Whereas, the tamil house in the black town are totally different from the former. They are welcoming with a spacious front porch for people on street to sit on and socialise.

The site is on the Grand canal itself. The main idea behind the project was to build a people’s place which will be a common place for both the communities which is ironical to the fact that it would be built on the canal which was the physical barrier.

The Site And Brief Concept

The concept of the design was to remove the barrier between the two towns and the experience of that place should be such that it is not alien to either of the poeple of both the towns.

For achieving this the two very different typologies of the French and Tamil houses were used.

Integration In Design

No setback and the building rises up straight from the footpath

(French house Typology)

Canal flows below

Open Entrance and welcoming (Tamil House Typology)

Ground Floor Plan

First Floor Plan


Craft Workshops

Eateries with eating space: People can sit, eat and at the same time enjoy the perfomance happening in the Open Air Theatre (OAT). Yoga centre: It is placed away from the noise producing workshops facing the green park.

The seating is designed such that people sitting in any direction can see the the performance properly. The OAT connects the first floor to the ground floor and the stage is 2M below the ground level. So, people on the ground floor also see the cultural programme.

1. Main Road Approaching from the Tamil Town

2. Neighbouring Buildings

3. Perpendicular Road running through the French town and the Tamil town

4. French town

5. Playground

6. Space for car parking

Craft Workshops: People can see and the process of the production of the crafts and then buy.

Shops: Sells regular required material

Public Toilets

Canal is kept open in few portions, so that the cool air from the canal can provide cooling during humid months.

The seating can also be used as a spillout from the eating spaces. And also be a hangout space when any cultural programme is not being conducted in the OAT.


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