15 effective home remedies for treating and relieving jock itch

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15 Effective Home Remedies for Treating and Relieving Jock Itch

15 Effective Home Remedies for Treating and Relieving Jock Itch Maanasi 19/02/2017 Health Tips

Jock itch can be defined as a stinging rash that occurs in the groin. It can also spread to the inner thighs and buttocks in case of improper treatment. Although the problem is more common among men, women are equally susceptible to the problem. This problem can lead to various consequences and disgusting actions, like scratching the groin in public, which can make you feel embarrassed. Read about 15 Effective Home Remedies for Treating and Relieving Jock Itch

The main symptoms of jock itch include redness, itching, flaking skin, and a burning sensation. This fungal infection usually occurs due to factors like being overweight, excessive sweating, wearing tight underwear, and due to a weakened immune system. Since the disease is mildly contagious, it is important to take care to not share your personal belongings with someone else.

Home Remedies for Jock Itch Although not a serious medical condition, jock itch can be highly embarrassing and uncomfortable. There are numerous home remedies and natural ways to treat and relieve this irritating problem.

1. Tea Tree Oil Tea Tree Oil is loaded with natural antifungal properties. These properties are quite effective to treat jock itch. In addition, it also provides deep cleansing and stimulating elements and antibacterial properties. It also reduces itchiness and inflammation resulting from jock itch. Apply it using a cotton ball and leave it to dry and do its work.

2. Bleach Bleach also contains anti-bacterial, antiseptic, and antifungal properties to treat jock itch. Add 1/4th cup of bleach with a bathtub full of water. Soak in this water for 15-20 minutes. Pat dry your skin after the bath to prevent the condition from getting worse with moisture.

3. Listerine This is another effective home remedy to treat fungal infections like jock itch because of its antibacterial, antifungal, and antiseptic properties. Apply it using a cotton ball over the affected skin and leave to dry. Repeat application 3-4 times a day.

4. Onions The antibiotic, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties of onion are effective in killing the fungus responsible for jock itch and other problems like athlete’s foot. Make a paste by grinding onion and apply over the infected area. One or two applications a day can provide the desired results.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar Wash the infected skin using diluted apple cider vinegar to treat jock itch. Mix two tablespoons of ACV in two cups of warm water. Use this solution to wash the infected area and let dry.

6. Garlic The antifungal properties of garlic make it a great home remedy to treat jock itch. Furthermore, it also relieves pain and itching. Crush a few garlic cloves to make a paste. Apply this paste over infected skin and let it stay for a few minutes. Follow with a cold rinse. However, this remedy is not recommended for sensitive skin.

7. Diaper Rash Cream Usually, diaper rash cream is used on infants to relieve them from rash. However, you can also use it to get rid of jock itch. This cream is mild and therefore doesn’t cause a reaction.

8. Use Powder Another effective way to treat jock itch is using a good anti-bacterial or an anti-fungal powder on the infected area. Make sure to douse the affected area liberally with the powder to keep the area sweat free and dry.

9. Rub Alcohol Another home remedy to treat jock itch is to rub alcohol. Doing this would help you kill the fungus that causes infection. Furthermore, it is a drying agent that helps to keep the infected area dry and free from moisture.

10. Coconut Oil This is probably the best remedy to treat jock itch. Once the infection is done away with, massage the area with coconut oil. This will help to minimize pigmentation and scarring that results from infection and rash.

11. White Vinegar White vinegar is also helpful to deal with skin infections with the excellent antiseptic and antifungal properties. Prepare a solution with one part of white vinegar and four parts of water. Use this solution to soak a cloth and apply over the infected areas. Do not rinse. Instead, let the solution dry by itself. Repeat two times daily for best results.

12. Salt Bath This is one of the easiest ways to get relief from jock itch. Salt helps to control fungus growth. It also helps to heal the infection quickly as well as treat blisters and boils. You can go for bath salts, Epsom salt or normal table salt for a salt water bath. Fill your bathtub with warm water and add a generous amount of salt to it. Soak in this water for about half an hour. For best results, repeat at least twice a day.

13. Baking Soda Add a few teaspoons of baking soda to a tub filled with water. Doing this helps to soothe and get relief from the itch. As an alternative, you can also use hydrogen peroxide.

14. Honey Honey contains antifungal, antiseptic, and soothing properties that are helpful to a great extent to reduce jock itch. Specifically, Manuka honey works great on fungal infections that cause jock itch and other problems like ringworm or nail fungus. Apply pure honey over the infected area and let it work for about half an hour. Rinse it and pat dry thoroughly. For best results, apply this once or twice daily.

15. Avoid Starchy Diet The fungus usually feeds on sugar and starchy foods. The best way is to remove them from your diet until the infection goes away completely. Take a diet that contains rich amounts of fibre, veggies, and fruits. This would ensure that the fungus has nothing to feed on. In addition to the above mentioned remedies to treat jock itch, it is also important to practice good personal hygiene. Make sure to wash your private parts thoroughly after using the toilet. A thorough wash with water would suffice. Also, cut your nails to prevent any further infections. Above all, do not scratch your private parts as this would only worsen the infection. To refrain from itching, apply a good antifungal cream over the infected area. Keep the area as dry as possible to prevent the occurrence of moisture. Log on to: http://www.yabibo.com Read More : jock itch home remedy

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