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Nutrition Benefits of Tamarind Fruit

Nutrition Benefits of Tamarind Fruit Jaya Krishna 31/07/2016 Health & Fitness

The tamarind is also the fruit of the tall tree that grows especially in Asia & North Africa. Its pods are approximately 5-inches long and include seeds and pulp that become remarkably sour when it dried. The flesh of the fruit is the primary division of used tamarind for skin whitening and in food production. When yet slightly unripe, it has the pretty sharp, sour taste with the high level of acidity. Unripe tamarind has used in various sweets & dishes throughout Asia. Read out some of Nutrition Benefits of Tamarind. Tamarind has many nutritional benefits and also used for many purposes like skincare, whitening skin, foods, sweets and also in preparing medicines because of the healing powers of tamarind. Now let us discuss tamarind nutrition and benefits.

Tamarind Nutrition Chart For You!

Benefits of Tamarind Fruit 1. Combat Cancer: Tamarind Fruit is the proper source of antioxidants, particularly consists of vitamin C, carotenes, flavonoids, vitamin B complex & others, tamarind is highly beneficial for fighting against the damaging consequences of free radicals & there by preventing the risk of cancer.

2. Improves immune system: Incorporating tamarind in your daily diet can aid in defeating the deficiency of vitamin C, whereby strengthening & improving the immune system. So tamarind is one of the foods to boost immune system

3. Regulates Blood Pressure: The tamarind flesh in an excellent source of potassium which is vital for controlling the consequences of sodium in the body, thus regulating the heart rate & controls blood pressure.

4. Promotes respiratory system: Tamarind is the storehouse of antioxidants that blend to support the healthy cardiovascular & respiratory system. Further, it is also enhanced with carotene and helps in lowering the bad cholesterol levels.

5. Beats constipation Tamarind juice serves as a tonic, antiseptic, carminative, cleaning agent & febrifuge. As a result, the extract relieves habitual constipation & impaction of bowels; therefore regulating the malfunctioning of the intestines & other organs of digestion.

6. Treats bronchitis: The juice extracted of tamarind had regarded as the mild laxative and digestive aid, necessary for treating bronchitis & sore throat.

7. Cure for conjunctivitis: When you take Tamarind juice in the heated form, is an efficient treatment for conjunctivitis. And also eye drops are prepared from tamarind seeds to manage dry eye syndrome as the seeds comprise polysaccharide that is adhesive & sticks to the facade of the eye for longer durations related to other eye medications.

8. Protects against colds and fever Tamarind is acidic in nature; It is a refrigerant & a febrifuge which combats against fevers & protects against colds. The fever temperature can reduce by cooking one cup tamarind flesh in one quart boiling water & soak the mixture for approximately one hour. Dilute some honey & drink it lukewarm.

9.Intestinal parasites When you take dilute tamarind juice with milk, lemon, honey & dates serve as the digestive aid & as an efficient cure for biliousness & bile conditions. A mild decoction of the juice, when given to the children, aids in expelling worms & other intestinal parasites.

10. Tamarind milk: The Tamarind seeds when mixed with equal quantity of cumin & sugar, that should be taken twice or thrice per day, aid in decreasing the temperature during dysentery. And also, tamarind milk is too beneficial.

Juice extracted from the tamarind flowers is advised internally for the bleeding piles. The red outer cover of the seed is an efficient remedy for diarrhea & dysentery. Tamarind has associated with treating different ailments & diseases, like fractures, scurvy, earache, body odor, sprains, diarrhea, burns, malaria, inflammation, blood impurities, bleeding piles, catarrh, jaundice, painful and swollen joints, rheumatism, asthma, sunstroke, diabetes, urinary stones, rashes, nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, cholesterol metabolism disorders, leprosy and paralysis.

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