Pentaho Self Service Business Intelligence Plugin – All by Yourself

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Pentaho Self Service Business Intelligence Plugin – All by Yourself Business Intelligence is one technology advancement that has never stopped rising and spreading its popularity in industries world over. BI services have shown ample success in garnering a personalized customer experience. Diversifying into a variety of ways BI can be accessed, organizations today are leveraging the potential of this cutting-edge technology through different facets like Self Service BI, Cloud BI, Mobile BI. There is an increasing number of tools supporting these BI technologies. And one such technology that has always empowered its users with the best possible features is Pentaho. Pentaho ETL services have been offering data a highly structured output. Pentaho has been supporting the very fact that any user would be most comfortable accessing desired information in the right manner from the right source in the right format, without any dependency on external sources or the IT department. And that is exactly what the Pentaho Self Service Business Intelligence Plugin (SSBI) attempt to do. Creating a revolution for enterprises, it allows its end users to self-operate the tool and extract the wanted information themselves. This offers a great deal of independence to the end users as well as the IT department, freeing them from continuous botheration from users.

Pentaho, as a foremost open source BI suite of products, has always emphasized on offering an assortment of services such as data integration, data mining, Pentaho report designer, OLAP services, ETL, Pentaho reporting/dashboard generation etc. through its widespread stack of products. The latest version of Pentaho – 8.0 has moved beyond Big Data to transformation. The Pentaho Self Service BI Tools are specially meant for the end user needs. The major objective of this tool is to act as a dashboard for business users and analysts to help them create reusable dashboards/widgets that can facilitate swift and precise business conclusions. Being visually interesting, it is a treat to the eyes of the end users.

What is the Right Circumstance to Implement Pentaho Self Service BI Tool?

Although SSBI can be of great help anytime to organizations, there are certain factors that can justify in choosing the self-service BI tool to garner the needed information. Pentaho SSBI plugin would be of great help when • • • • • • •

There is a limited budget for accessing IT support There are persistently varying business needs Untimely access to information is there There is limited access to the IT department’s support The environment around is complex Need for analytically driven information is a must There is a lack of skilled resources

5 Essential Tips to Maximize Benefits of Implementing Pentaho Self Service BI Tools • • • • •

Design and develop a highly user-friendly and simple user interface as the entire operation is being done by the end users themselves Offer detailed and full proof training to users so that they can leverage the tool to the optimum Give a thorough understanding of the components of the tool and their understanding so that users don’t get confused Put in a lot of business insight while building the tool for a specific organization, leading to a best possible mapping between end user needs and actual business focus Embed strict security processes, user authentication rules, roles & privileges well in advance to avoid any security hassle later

What Makes Pentaho Self Service Business Intelligence Plugin Ever More Popular? •

Availability of Data Visualization in Ample

You believe what you see, isn’t it? And that is exactly what this SSBI tool offers. Your information in your own way. If you are given an entire gamut of tables, rows and columns of data, even though the data is very precise, how far would you be able to understand and analyze it? And simply convert that into attractive reports and dashboards with various parameters and feel the difference. Data visualization is heavily emphasized upon with SSBI and that surely helps end users in making the best of decisions for their business. Even the extent to which the users show their involvement in enhancing business increases to a large extent because they are able to get information in their desired manner. •

Enhancement in Productivity with Optimum Time Utilization

Data has been with everyone from the beginning but in a format, they all could never make use of. Organizations tried their best to analyze and judge the information available in their own ways and means that never synchronized with the business objectives. This led to lot of time and effort wastage which now, with SSBI, has been minimal. This tool saves big time on productivity and time both. With desired information available instantly, organizations are increasing their productivity levels rapidly and thereby there is a lot of saving on time since the information is just a few clicks away. •

Increase in Independent Execution of Work

Realizing that they themselves can now extract desired information within a few minutes, users are now feeling a sense of independence and pride with the SSBI tool. Gone are those days when the end users had to rely on the IT department for each little related requirement. Be it any level of employee, they are master of their information and are free to leverage the potential of information available to them, based on their roles and privileges. •

Improvement in Proactiveness and Positivity

Be it studying business prospects in future, risk analysis and mitigation, trend analysis, budget forecasting, anything that relates to business enhancement, there is sure to an upbeat involvement from the employees since they have access to their related information and can draw reports/dashboards that offer them an insightful view into the organizational performances and further investigations. Various promotions/ campaigns/discounts etc. done will get a highly positive and rewarding response. •

Seamless Third-Party Integration Between Systems

Because the SSBI tool establishes a relevant link between third-party systems, based on roles and privileges available to the user, there is a seamless integration that is established between departments. This leads to a smooth information flow to the end user, with least dependency on the different departments. Increased synergy and uniform information flow are obvious outputs because of this synergy. As a leading Business Consulting Services Provider in India, our skilled BI and Big Data resources have been implementing multiple Pentaho Business Intelligence services with a multifaceted range of services, in vivid technologies that can give your organization the best of business efficiency and effectiveness. Our services have been successfully implemented across a wide range of enterprise clientele, all around the globe. Our expert team of BI consultants has devised a comprehensive Pentaho Self Service Business Intelligence Plug-in, that has been widely accepted by the end user community with novel features to enrich our clientele with the best.

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