Ankit Surti| Portfolio

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The Portfolio of Ankit Surti

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WELCOME This Portfolio presents a sample of my work carried out as part of my Architecture degree and work experience. It represents the architectural values and symbolism learnt during my academic years at university and my experiences working in architecture firms. To view full extent of my portfolio and other interests that inspire my work in architecture visit zmy online portfolio HERE. The Online Portfolio has more presentation drawings and images and also, you will be able to read some of the annotations on drawings and presentations.

Work experience at Stufkens + Chambers Architects involved working on residential earthquake remedial projects particularly, on initial stages of the projects that involved on-site assessments and accurately producing existing drawings from measure-ups and sketches carried out on-site. The drawings were produced on ArchiCAD for further documentation, assessments and phases of remedial work that need to be carried out for consent purpose. The drawings were also produced in CAD format for geo-techs, contractors and engineers for reports and recommendations on remedial work that needs to be carried out for the next phases of the various residential projects.

The project is located on Adelaide Road, Newtown. The design concept evolved through site analysis and the assessment of the existing situation of Adelaide Road. A key figure and an architectural element missing from Adelaide Road is the lack of greenery and nature. It expresses an industrial look and a concrete appearance. As a result, the concept of this design is to create an urban landscape within a cityscape in order to bring in nature and greenery into Adelaide Road. A constructed landscape that acts as a public green space has been proposed which also, acts as a green roof system. The mixed-use development includes a community centre and a series of terraced apartments that overlook the urban landscape. The community centre includes retail spaces, a cafe, a museum/gallery space and an indoor courtyard that would act as a performance space or an exhibition space. The community centre, which acts as a public space, is segregated from the terraced apartments that act as a private space. However, the urban landscape connects the two. The organic form of the constructed landscape is a contrast to the form of the terraced apartments in order to create the two variations that can be developed through the notion of designing an urban landscape or a hill within the cityscape of Newtown.

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Project undertaken as part of my summer Internship with New Space Architects in Singapore. An urban project that involves high density social housing and mix use development that is to be built in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The project consists of four 21 storey residential towers with an internal courtyard urban space and retail/commercial spaces on the ground floor. My role within the team was to assist in developing concepts and rigorously testing ideas for faรงade development and the elevations through 3d and 2d methods of experimentation. The task also, involved assisting in developing the urban landscape feature of the project and other assistance needed for 3D modelling.

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The project involved developing a master plan for Kilbirnie, a suburb in Wellington to accommodate 5000 extra people within the area. The proposed scheme is to develop the Evans Bay edge to increase connectivity between the two bays and provide leisure activities along the bay by creating a waterfront edge. The concept developed high to low density living within the area and its relationship to open spaces and public amenities. The project also revealed the significance of Evans Bay within the Kilbirnie isthmus and how the area can be developed in the future to accommodate high levels of density but still provide open spaces.

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This project was a continuation of Intensifying Kilbirnie which can be viewed HERE. The project involved choosing a site within the master plan created in the previous project and developing a series of public and private spaces. Public spaces include community centre, medical centre, library, plazas, parks etc and Private spaces include residential living, senior living, private gardens etc. From the developed master plan, I chose to further develop a residential village consisting of a series of dwellings that focus on senior living on the ground floor and private residence on second and third floors. The concept was to create a variation in length, width and height along the streetscape to create a character that embraces a series of row housing providing richness and diversity through differences in house typologies. The sizes of housing units vary providing a diverse range of inhabitation. Some have extra bedrooms and some have garages whereas; others focus more on senior living conditions. The development also focuses on the landscape, which follows the same rhythm and principles as the architecture providing diversity, accessibility and a place for people to meet, sit and enjoy recreational activities.

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The project involved developing the city centre of Johnsonville, a suburban area of Wellington. This project was a group task that involved using urban design principles to develop a master plan of the Johnsonville city centre. As a group we assessed the existing urban design issues such as connectivity, legibility and transport of the Johnsonville precinct and developed a concept that improved on such key principles in order to provide a suitable urban environment to live in. The brief of the project also asked to accommodate an extra 2000 people within the town centre in order to provide a mixed-use development and diversity within the Johnsonville precinct.

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This project involved designing a public thermal pool, saunas and changing rooms in Waitangi Park, Wellington. The design was based on preserving the wetlands area of the park and creating a courtyard which appreciates the Waitangi wetlands. I chose to separate the building into several elements which connect through the idea of board walks. This element was taken from the park which already had boardwalks as a primary element to connect various spaces within the park. The form of the buildings was generated from the idea of tectonic forces and the uplifting of the land which was inspired by carrying out an historic analysis of the site and understanding its role in architecture.

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The research project was carried out as part of assisting and gathering information for a presentation at the Autodesk University Conference in Las Vegas by Michael Donn, senior lecturer at Victoria University School of Architecture in Wellington, New Zealand on Simulating Reality: Daylight and Lighting in Architecture with Autodesk VIZ. Two buildings were chosen to simulate. The Denver Art Museum and the De Young Museum. The two buildings were modeled by someone else however, the renders and the simulations for this project were carried out by myself with assistance from Michael Donn.

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The project involved modeling a museum with a colleague and producing renders individually which show light, materiality and detail. Museum chosen was the Kumu Art Museum in Estonia. Modeled in Revit and rendered in 3dsmax.

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This project involved developing a series of details for one of the projects undertaken in the design course which can be viewed HERE. The details were developed to understand how materials and components come together and how they can influence some of the decisions in the design process. Although the details were developed in a conceptual and an architectural manner, it helped in understanding the various materials involved and their role in the construction process.

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This project involved developing a series of details and a physical model of an existing building, in this case: Site 3. The project helped in understanding how materials and components come together in 2 dimensional drawings and in 3 dimensional form.

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The project involved developing a series of construction details of a holiday home. The key aspect of the project was to understand how different materials come together and the role of construction in architecture. The project also involved in understanding the various New Zealand building codes and standards particularly NZS3604: The Timber Frame Building Standard which is an essential standard in the New Zealand construction industry.

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A sample of some of my photography work. I enjoy photography which enables me to better understand qualities of light, depth, shadows, materiality and perspectives. A sample of some of my photography work. I enjoy photography which enables me to better understand qualities of light, depth, shadows, materiality and perspectives.

To view my Photography Portfolio click HERE To view my Photography Portfolio click HERE

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