The Real Deal About 3 or 12 Month Payday Loans Are you on the look out for a short-term loan that is just right for you? Despite having a regular income and job, when unexpected circumstances arrive things may become difficult. This is where payday loans give you an easy means to get money instantly, by the name it obvious, but you have to repay back such loans on time or by your next payday. Searching for 3 or 12 month payday loans is not so easy, the market is filled with many loan lenders, although not all payday lenders offer these loans for such long time periods. Are you having a hard time finding a loan lender who can help in providing the kind of loan for making ends meet? We at The Quick Loan Shop provide our clients with 3 or 12 month payday loans. A 3 month payday loan is a viable option to anyone who is looking for a loan. It’s a loan that is paid to you over a course of 3 months. In comparison to the traditional loans this is a much better alternative, as the long-term loans not only take a long time to pay back but the interest rate is a lot. We help you in applying for a 3-month payday loan after carefully checking your details, this is because we appreciate you to pay back the loan amount in the respective time period and making the repayment accordingly. Always make sure that you take the time to go through the loan’s terms and conditions and not avoid reading them, as doing so can eliminate any chance of being burdened by fees and charges down the track. As a reminder avoid making any kind of late payment or getting your loan refinanced, because this will mean you have to pay more. If you want to take the loan you should meet specific age requirements, have a regular source of income, have an active bank account in your name! “We Should Be Responsible With Our Borrowings”