Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Market Research Report, Opportunities, Forecast : Ken Research

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Comparitive Parameters Of Nafld Market Outlook: Ken Research

• According to the study, ’Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (Nafld) – Pipeline Review, H2 2018’, NAFLD is one of the most common causes of chronic liver disease and for most people, causes no signs and symptoms and no complications. Among the most common symptoms that raise concern are malaise, fatigue and diffuse abdominal discomfort especially in the upper right region.Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is an umbrella term for a range of liver conditions affecting people who drink little to no alcohol, typically less than fourteen units in a week. NASH stands for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and it is a subtype of the disease.

As the name implies the main characteristic of­­­ nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is­­­­­ too much fat stored in liver cells. Some of the contributing factors that are considered when studying the rise of the disease are alterations in dietary habits and the increased prevalence of MetS components such as central obesity and type 2 diabetes. MetS refers to metabolic syndrome which is a cluster of risk factors. Studies investigating the natural history of NAFLD validate its progression to NASH often proceeding to advanced fibrosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Recent data also confirms that NAFLD and NASH correlate equally to obesity and type 2 diabetes globally. The disease burden of NAFLD mirrors the rapid recent rise in the incidents of diabetes, obesity and the MetS. The real burden of NAFLD most likely remains underestimated due to the long natural history of fibrosis development in NAFLD and the lack of disease awareness in the physician as well as patient communities. Further, since the ailment can coexist with other liver diseases such as chronic hepatitis C, clear identification of NAFLD as the main ailment may be difficult.

NAFLD is expected to become the next global epidemic soon however, despite its widespread effects a lot is still unknown about it and its subtype NASH. At the same time obesity, which was always considered a Western concept, is prevalent in Asia as well and this gives NAFLD a penetrative opportunity into Asia. Its effects have already begun to be witnessed as studies reveal that currently, the Asians lying in BMI category ‘non-obese’ have been found to suffer from NAFLD. There have been a number of observations made related to NAFLD and NASH found in Western and Asian countries. The prevalence of NAFLD in both regions is nearly same with one-fourth of the people affected however, the proportion of affected patients that also had NASH is considerably greater in the Western countries as compared to the Asian ones. Further studies also revealed that the proportion of NAFLD patients with F3-4 fibrosis is small in Western nations and very low in Asian nations, half the former’s proportion. The prevalence of NAFLD in subjects with BMI less than 25 appears to be greater in Asian countries as compared to the Western ones with the former’s likelihood being nearly double that of the latter’s. Along with these, some other parameters were also considered that present similar results in Western and Asian domains. One such parameter is that of risk factors of NAFLD which are largely the same in both contexts and consist of obesity, metabolic syndrome and genetics.

• NAFLD is a globally rising concern as it is now visibly affecting the far corners of the world. Both NAFLD and NASH are strongly found to be related to obesity and metabolic syndrome. As a result, lifestyle intervention cannot be denied. A comparative analysis between two different regions of the world reveals interesting trends with mainly the Western region being more strongly affected by NAFLD, NASH and fibrosis however, the origins of the ailment that increase risk are similar to the Asian region.

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