Kamiak’s Key Club Newsletter
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Table of Contents Cover Page Table of Contents /Social Event Updates Club Info Center Officer Corner
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Social Please follow our Facebook page for information such as hour due dates and volunteering opportunities. Follow our Instagrams @kamiakkeyclub @pnwdivision21 Sign up for… signupgenius http://www.signupgenius.com/index.cfm?go=w.Welcome Student of the week: Hannah Zaini
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Event Updates Kamaik’s key club has done an assortment of events in the past to help our community. Events have ranged from volunteering at large auctions such as at the future of flight to tutoring young children.
Current Events Stuffed Animal Drive We are c olle ctin g ne w or sligh tly used stu ffe d animals for Christmas House , an event whe re we give pre sen ts to low in co me families. Please turn the m in by 11/19 or 12/3 .
Babysitting for Ell Class Ke y Clubbers b aby sit ch ildre n wh ile th eir parents are in a n ELL C lass . Th ere are n o re qu ire men ts so please sign u p. It is at 6708 Cady Rd, Everett, WA 98203 on Th ursday s from 6 -8pm.
Tutoring at Harbour Pointe Middle School An e ve nt where we he lp give back to our commu nity by t u t oring stu den ts at Harbour Pointe Middle Sch ool . It is on Tu esda y s an d Thursdays at 3 pm. Please contact Ms. Erickson at Page 3
e rickson kf@mu kilte o.wednet.e du to take part in th is gre at op portun ity.
Teaching Koreans In th is e ve nt, volun tee rs will te ach Korean children from pre sch ool to 8 t h grade. Volu nte ers are re qu ire d to spe ak Kore an. The e ven t is he ld at the Slavic Baptist C hurch near Kamiak’s tennis courts: 4711 116th St SW, Mukilte o, WA Saturdays, 9:50 am – 12:00 pm 9/13 – 12/20
Mukilteo Elementary Library Volunteering Ke y Clubber’s will assist the Mu kilte o Eleme ntary ’s librari an by she lving and organizing books, assist in g with special pr ojects, an d he lping stu dents use the library re sou rce s ! The ev e nt is on Mondays -Thu rsdays from 2:30-3:30 pm . There is a ma x imu m of two pe ople e ach day so If y ou are intere ste d, please contact Mrs. K artch ner at kartchne rjb@mu kilte o.we dn et.edu .
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Future Events Christmas House Volu nte ers h elp pare nts of low -income familie s Christmas pre sents for the ir kids . Please brighten th e day of a child on Ch ri stmas by sign in g u p an d volu nte ering on 12/20 (Sat). Volunteers must be 16 years old or olde r.
Annie’s Kitchen Ke y clu b me mbers will v olun tee r at Ann ie ’s Kitchen with Tri-M Hon or Socie ty. The e ve nt is he ld at Edmon ds Luthe ran C hurch 23525 84th Ave W, Edmon ds, WA on We dne sday, Nove mb th
e r 19 . We have two shifts. The first shift is he lping se t up f rom 3:30-5:30. The second shift is serving dinne r from 5:30 -8 : 0 0. This is a great way to se rve y our commu nity !
Past Events Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF Ju st re ce ntly we fin ish our Trick -or-Treat for UNIC EF even t were we colle cte d mone y for ou r Eliminate project. Some of y ou must be th in king Eliminate project, wh a t’s that? Th e Elimin ate project ’s main priori ty is to aid the 118 million wome n worldwid e wh o h ave tetan us. Did y ou kn ow th at 1 ba by die s every 9 min ute s from Tetan us and th at a tree vaccine dose costs on ly $1.80? If y ou want to help, y ou can don ate at h ttps://www.u nice fu sa.org/donate/e n d -pre ventable -child-deaths/20281?pcode=WB _XXXC UW15YCGEN&df_id=17020&17020_don a tion =form1&gclid=C K264u j_7MECFRZqfgodrC AAjw Page 5
or y ou can also par take in th e figh t against Tetanu s by improv ing aware ness abou t it.
Boo Bash Volunteers dressed up in their Halloween costume to c reate a safe environment for small children to celebrate Ha lloween at the Rosehill Community Center.
If you wondering what all our signs mean, both kamiak and Mariner are par t of division 21 so our handsigns symbolize that. (Major hint for question 3 in Info Center) Lia Wielik( a sophomore at kamiak)- “One quote I could give you is th at it was super fun to help put together as well as see all the kids hav ing a fun time!�
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Future of Flight Auction At the Futu re of Fligh t Museu m , volunteers aide d th e au ctio n by se lling raffle s, re cording billing in formation , an d presen ting au ction ite ms. The e ven t allo wed the Futu re of Fligh t’s e xecutive board to in form pe ople about th eir n ew STEAM prog ram ( Scien ce , Techn ology, En gineerin g, Arts, an d Math ). The new program serve d t o improve the fin e arts of stu de nts since in our region alone th ere are 15,000 jobs that are open be cau se pe ople are n ot qualifie d e n ough to have the m . The board g raciou sly matche d each dollar donate d by th ose wh o atten de d . As a resu lt, they man age d to raise $10,000 for their cau se .
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Breast Cancer Walk Th e e ve nt was he ld at Sn oh omish Cty. C ourth ou se Plaza 3000 Rockefe ller Ave, Everett, WA on 10/4 . Th e event was cre ate d to raise mon ey for th e Making Strides Against Breast n on profit organ ization.
Plan Now Ke y clu bbers volun tee re d at Plan Now on 11/4. Plan Now was a counseling e ve nt where stu de nts we nt to gain more in fo about apply ing to college , writing an essay for college, an d fi nan cial aid,
Zonta Club Auction The “Forever in Blue Jeans� auction was held on November 1st for the Zonta Club of Everett. It was held at the Everett Holiday Inn. The primary purpose of the Zonta club of Everett is to improve the lives of women and girls in the Snohomish County.
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Speedway Cleanup Key Clubbers cleaned the harbor point Boulevard of trash with our Kiwanis (key club, but for adults) and helped make our community a greener place.
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Kamiak and Mariner Miracle Minute Kamiak and Mariner worked together to raise $350 for the Mukilteo food bank at one of games against each other.
Kamiak’s and Mariner’s key club volunteering at the Miracle Minute.
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Info Center Please take this quiz to see if you are a true key clubber at heart. 1. Kamiak is part of Division_____. 2. The mascot of our Division is a _____. Our divisional colors are ____ and _____. 3. Name two other schools in our division: ________, and __________. 4. The name of our LTG is _______she is also the president of Lynwood high school’s key club (major hint for #3). The names for our two wonderful sectaries are ________, and________. (Hint: Our LTG posts a bunch of newsletters on our Facebook page; yo should read them ď Š.) 5. The mascot of the division who has inversed colors of our division is ______. 6. True or False: We have two presidents and a vice president. 7. The only division larger than ours in the Pacific North West (PNW) is division ______ their mascot is a ______. 8. True or False: Kamiak won the platinum award for largest member growth in the PNW. (platinum, gold, silver, bronze) 9. Our clubs advisor teaches _____. 10.When I say this next sentence you immediately know the key club way to react. Hey key clubbers, how do you feel?
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Answers 1. 21 2. Bee, yellow, black 3. Arch Bishop Murpy, Edmonds Woodway, Glacier Peak, Jackson, Lake Stevens, Lynwood, Mariner, Meadowdale, Monroe Mount lake Terrace, Snohomish 4. Selina Nguyen, Devonna Abilo, Jessica Bae. 5. Bat Man aka Bruce Wayne 6. T 7. 66, Turtle 8. T, after they gave out the gold award for member growth I was so sad… but then there was a platinum award. TL;DR I felt like I had been punked. 9. Chemistry 10. We feel good. Oh, we feel so good… (If you’ve ever been to DCON you know what 2,000 people chanting this sounds like and how it feels the day after to your throat. Oh, spirit wars why do you make me feel like so?)
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Officer Corner
Simran Handa (Senior) and Marissa Perez (Senior) Vice President:(Esther Lee) Co-Secretaries: Devonna Abillo and Jessica Bae Treasurer: Hanna Choi Bulletin Editor: Ankur Handa Contact info: Email: ankurhanda@yahoo.com Phone:425-346-5131 Division 21’s Lieutenant Governor: Selina Nguyen Email: selinanguyen.pnw21@gmail.com Advisor: Ms.Mease Contact info: Room 248 Email: measejj@mukilteo.wednet.edu
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