3 minute read
From the President
ANMF ACT Branch President, Athalene Rosborough, has been part of the healthcare industry since 1981. With over 40 years of experience in the industry and with the Union, Athalene has been vital in supporting the ANMF ACT in all the work they do. She has long been dedicated to promoting and protecting the rights of Nurses, Midwives, and Assistants in Nursing. Since becoming Branch President in 2010, she has worked tirelessly to continue the fantastic work of the ANMF ACT.
For this issue of Observations, we got in touch with Athalene to hear her thoughts on the relationship between the professions and wellbeing, and the focus of the Branch moving forward.
What have the last few months been like for the professions?
Across all work areas, the past few months have been an extremely busy time for all Nurses, Midwives and Assistants in Nursing (AIN). Even with staff shortages, workloads continue at a high level, with limited access to extra staff. Many Nurses and Midwives go above and beyond, working beyond their regular hours to ensure workplaces are safely staffed, and their colleagues are supported. Without them, the entire health care system would come to a standstill.
What has the ANMF ACT done to support members during this time?
The ANMF ACT has spent a lot of time focusing on the issues currently facing Nurses and Midwives across health and aged care systems. One of our major campaigns has been the implementation of Ratios, calculating the number of patients that can be assigned to one Nurse or Midwife at a time. There’s also been ongoing lobbying for improved staffing and better skill mix across all workplaces.
A significant recent win for the ANMF ACT has been the establishment of the Dhulwa Mental Health Unit inquiry responding to safety and workload concerns. The ANMF ACT has provided ongoing support to staff in all work areas concerning workplace safety and has also been involved in consultation to support positive change across the health care system to assist with the pandemic response.
What are the priorities for ANMF ACT?
ANMF ACT is prioritising the continuation of the implementation of Ratios, as well as continuing to campaign for better staffing resources across the sector. Our major priority is placing a strong focus on Nurse and Midwife wellbeing. The recent wellbeing survey results showed that many Nurses and Midwives are concerned for the wellbeing of themselves and their co-workers due to the daily emotional and physical demands placed on them. The results appear to indicate that staff continue managing everyday clinical activity with limited resources, funding, and capacity.
How important is wellbeing in the professions?
Wellbeing is extremely important to Nurses, Midwives and AINs, as it also allows us to value our quality of life. As Nurses, Midwives and AINs, we are constantly trying to support each other, and our patients, to ensure the highest possible quality of life. The ANMF ACT is dedicated to promoting wellbeing for our members. Health and wellbeing are also dependent on standard of living – which can be achieved through reasonable pay, good health, work life balance, and a sustainable work environment.
How does ANMF ACT support Nurses, Midwives, and AINs’ wellbeing in the professions?
The work that the ANMF ACT does, through campaigns and activities, is focused on the needs of members. We fight for justice, to allow all Nurses and Midwives to have a sense of worth within their profession, and a sense of wellbeing and health. The Union’s activities focus on how we are as individuals and as a community, how we have an opportunity and ability to lead lives of value with time to enjoy the things in life that really matter. Being able to see positive progress greatly affects our wellbeing as well.