2 minute read
Strengthening our migration history and diversity
The importance of migration to Australia is hard to dispute. Economically and culturally, this nation has benefitted enormously from more than 200 years of migration to the continent. Museum Director and CEO Kevin Sumption PSM outlines a new partnership that will allow the museum to extend the nation’s understanding of migration history.
Settlement Services International CEO Violet Roumeliotis and Museum Director and CEO Kevin Sumption PSM at the Welcome Wall, October 2020. Image Andrew Frolows/ANMM
PART OF THE MUSEUM’S RESPONSIBILITY is to collect and exhibit our rich migration heritage. The National Maritime Collection holds more than 10,000 objects related to migration, and over many years we have developed exhibitions and programs that share migrant stories.
Recently the museum signed a memorandum of understanding with social business and community organisation Settlement Services International (SSI), principally to develop programs that support new migrants. SSI supports newcomers and other Australians to achieve their full potential. It works with all people who have experienced vulnerability – including refugees, people seeking asylum and culturally and linguistically diverse communities – to build capacity and enable them to overcome inequality. Diversity is crucial, to our society and to every group and organisation. The museum is no different. If we are to truly reflect and be relevant to modern Australia, the museum must look at diversity both internally and externally. SSI employs more than 800 people, working nationally and internationally, led by their inspirational CEO, Violet Roumeliotis. The ability for refugees and migrants to participate fully in economic, social, cultural and civic life is of prime importance to SSI. Violet says: While migration has slowed due to COVID-19 and we seek to rebuild, public discussion about the benefits and challenges of a multicultural Australia should look at the evidence and the experiences of Australians who are migrants and refugees. I am sure this partnership between SSI and the museum will help illuminate Australia’s multicultural success story. The museum and SSI have already been supporting each other’s projects and are now strengthening their collaboration on areas of common interest. We have already trialled a pilot tour of the museum as part of SSI’s ‘Welcome to Sydney’ program, which introduces new arrivals to Sydney. Together, we are planning a range of activities that aim to provide opportunities to experience Australian art, culture and history, which will support newcomers to learn about Australia, form new connections and acquire knowledge, skills and confidence.
A fully rounded collection of stories of the migrant experience is vital to understanding Australian identity and ensuring diverse peoples are reflected in the national story. We will use SSI’s expertise to strengthen cross-cultural capability via volunteering and employment opportunities. Formalising our relationship with SSI is a great step forward. Both organisations know the contribution of migrants, both financially and socially, to our nation. We realise the importance of cultivating an environment that enables new migrants to understand their new country and provides structures that can assist them in the process. As a collector of stories, through our Welcome Wall program and the National Maritime Collection, the museum is committed to deepening our involvement with such an important element of our national identity. As SSI states, ‘through the work we do, we empower people to change their lives. Through our advocacy and representation, we influence ideas and policy.’ I think this is true for the museum as well.