7 minute read
Fleeing persecution
Irfan Ali Nasiri proudly graduating from Western Sydney University. Image courtesy Irfan Ali Nasiri
A young refugee forges prosperity in his new home
Irfan Ali Nasiri’s father arrived in Australia by boat in 2010, after making the decision to risk his life for the long-term safety of his family, writes Rebeka Selmeczki
‘MY DAD TOOK THE DECISION to search for security. First and foremost safety and then a better place to live’, Irfan explains. ‘Back then, I didn’t pay too much attention but, now that I am 23, I can’t even imagine what it was like for my mum thinking about my dad coming over here by boat.’ The Nasiri family are Hazara, an ethnic minority originally from Afghanistan. They moved to Pakistan in the mid-1990s seeking security when life became increasingly unsafe for Hazaras in Afghanistan. Irfan arrived in Australia from Pakistan with his mother and four siblings in 2016, reuniting with his father in Auburn, Sydney, after years of separation. Although Irfan has come far on his journey and succeeded on many fronts, including studying finance and economics at Western Sydney University, he found that resettlement presented many challenges. ‘I am grateful for the refugee support services here in Australia and the programs and supports they offer’, Irfan says. ‘I’m the first in my family to go to university, and I consider it one of my biggest achievements.’ Irfan is one of many refugees whose stories are celebrated by Settlement Services International during Refugee Week, 20–26 June 2021. Refugee Week is Australia’s peak annual activity to inform the public about the positive contributions made by refugees to Australian society. Within the theme of ‘Unity’, Refugee Week 2021 reminds us that, given the volatility of life in recent times, we need to support and encourage one another, sometimes merely to survive. To thrive and progress we should take the opportunity to start afresh, count our blessings and build on them as existing and emerging communities work together. As part of the Australian National Maritime Museum’s commitment to preserving and sharing migration stories, we have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Settlement Services International. For more information, visit ssi.org.au/.
Rebecca Selmeczki is Senior Communications Officer with Settlement Services International.
Acknowledgments The Australian National Maritime Museum acknowledges the support provided to the museum by all our volunteers, Members, sponsors, donors and friends. The museum particularly acknowledges the following people who have made a significant contribution to the museum in an enduring way or who have made or facilitated significant benefaction to it.
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Congratulations to Matt Coady, who won the Signals 134 caption competition with this entry: ‘I’m sure I dropped the keys here. Just keep looking will you?’

Signals ISSN 1033-4688 Editor Janine Flew Staff photographer Andrew Frolows Design & production Austen Kaupe Printed in Australia by Pegasus Print Group Material from Signals may be reproduced, but only with the editor’s permission. Editorial and advertising enquiries signals@sea.museum – deadline midJanuary, April, July, October for issues March, June, September, December Signals is online Search all issues at sea.museum/signals Signals back issues Back issues $4 each or 10 for $30 Extra copies of current issue $4.95 Email the Shop at thestore@sea.museum Australian National Maritime Museum Opening hours 10.30 am–4 pm during COVID-19 2 Murray Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia. Phone 02 9298 3777
The Australian National Maritime Museum is a statutory authority of the Australian Government ANMM Council Chairman Mr John Mullen AM Director and CEO Mr Kevin Sumption PSM Councillors Hon Ian Campbell Mr Stephen Coutts Hon Justice S C Derrington Rear Admiral Mark Hammond AM RAN Mr John Longley AM Mr Nyunggai Warren Mundine AO Ms Alison Page Ms Judy Potter Ms Arlene Tansey Dr Ian Watt AC
Australian National Maritime Museum Foundation Board Chairman Mr Daniel Janes Mr Peter Dexter AM Ms Arlene Tansey Ex officio Chair Mr John Mullen AM Ex officio Director Mr Kevin Sumption PSM Mr David Blackley Mr David Mathlin Mr Tom O’Donnell Dr Jeanne-Claude Strong Mr Simon Chan
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