3 minute read
Members events
Speakers talk MV Krait 2–3.30 pm Friday 24 June
MV Krait was at the centre of Operation Jaywick, an audacious and successful World War II raid on Japanese shipping in Singapore Harbour by a group of Allied commandos who demonstrated extraordinary bravery, resilience and ingenuity. Operation Jaywick is considered the most daring seaborne raid in military history. Join Merv Rosen to find out about the training and equipment required to conduct the raid and the lasting legacy left by these brave men. Free for Members and one guest. Bookings essential; see box. Speakers talk RAAF Catalinas in WWII – The amazing flying boats 2–3.30 pm Thursday 28 July
Most people will have heard of the wartime exploits of the Dam Busters, or RAF Bomber Command, or the crucial role played by the Spitfire and Hurricane squadrons in the Battle of Britain – but fewer will be aware of the many exploits of the Catalina flying boat. Come and hear Arthur Pearce tell the stories of the many roles the Catalinas played in World War II, including air–sea rescue, convoy escort, supplying coast watchers and Z Special Unit, as well as the strategic mine-laying operations by the Black Cats. Free for Members and one guest. Bookings essential; see box.
Curator talk and tour Shaped by the Sea 2–3.30 pm Wednesday 29 June
Join museum curators Dr Stephen Gapps and Matt Poll on a tour of the museum’s new exhibition Shaped by the Sea, which tells the story of Australia’s maritime history and our relationship with seas, rivers and waterways from the deep past to the present. The experience transforms the way the museum has interpreted the National Maritime Collection and heralds a new chapter in its life and vision. Free for Members and one guest. Bookings essential; see box. Science Week curator talk How to understand the ocean in 10 objects 2–3.30 pm Wednesday 17 August
Technologies developed for the marine environment do any number of tasks, from helping us to stay alive, cleaning our seas, or gathering ocean data that informs policy and knowledge of the ocean. The museum’s collection of contemporary marine technologies helps us to tell stories about our modern ocean and how we use and understand it. Join Emily Jateff, Curator of Ocean Science and Technology, as she shows how just ten objects in our collection can help you to better understand our ocean. Free for Members and one guest. Bookings essential; see box. Speakers talk Stories of quarantine 2–3.30 pm Wednesday 24 August
The growing colonies of Australia relied on ships for immigrants and trade with the rest of the world. A sea voyage in the 19th century, however, involved many perils, including the infectious diseases that often accompanied passengers and crew. One of the few responses to this threat was quarantine. By looking at the history and archaeology of Sydney’s North Head Quarantine Station, this talk by Pam Forbes and Greg Jackson explores the social history of modern Australia and developments in medicine and transport over the last 200 years. How did the new colony react to the hazard of infectious diseases and what other purposes was quarantine put to? What were the personal experiences of new arrivals isolated in a strange new place or returning citizens unable to complete their journey? And how does this compare to the modern response to pandemics? Free for Members and one guest. Bookings essential; see box.
To book Members events, email memberevents@sea.museum and tell us which event you wish to attend, and who is coming. Alternatively, you can phone 02 9298 3777. For all other events, please see our website for further details and how to book. For children’s and family programs, please check sea.museum or sea.museum/kids. All events are subject to NSW COVID-19 public health orders. For updates, please check our website at sea.museum.
CTD (Conductivity temperature and depth) rosette being deployed from RV Investigator. Courtesy CSIRO/Marine National Facility, photographer Merinda McMahon