Feed the Planet Winter Projects Report | Responsible Consumption project

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Table of Contents

General Informa1on Results Methodology Projects Results Tes1monials Way for the Future Credits

Feed the Planet - Project report | Electrolux Food Founda5on & AIESEC Partnership

General Informa1on Argentina











Overview of achievements

86 Volunteers

300 Workshops organized


Children and teenagers educated

20,000+ Kg of food rescued

Feed the Planet - Project report | Electrolux Food Founda5on & AIESEC Partnership

Results Methodology KPIs measured # workshops organized # workshop participants # kg of food waste prevented in community % level of understanding on food waste management

Know-how from the entities measuring the KPIs # kg of food waste prevented in community This KPI was measured in either kg or percentage. Depending on the location, volunteers were measuring how much food is wasted before and after the workshops throughout the whole project. Those measurements allowed to estimate how much food is saved on a daily or weekly basis.

% level of understanding on food waste management This KPI was measured in percentage through specialized surveys. Volunteers and local project managers prepared the questionnaires for students in order to evaluate how much they know about the food waste before the workshops and later distributed another surveys to assess whether the attitude was changing. After each workshop, there was a clear rise in understanding about food waste and how to adopt sustainable eating habits. Feed the Planet - Project report | Electrolux Food Founda5on & AIESEC Partnership

Projects Results

Project Results: Argen1na In facts The project AlimentAR was hosted by a local Food Bank in Buenos Aires and was aimed to reduce food waste by redistribu5ng the unsold food and hos5ng educa5onal workshops to inspire sustainable consump5on habits as well as healthy nutri5on.

Workshops delivered Total of people educated Dona6on campaign

1 30 3

Food distributed: • Boxes •


AIESEC volunteers

440 20,162 17

Feed the Planet - Project report | Electrolux Food Founda5on & AIESEC Partnership

Project Results: Austria In facts The project Mahlzeit took place in Vienna and was aimed to increase the awareness on the topic of food waste and responsible consumer behavior through a series of workshops for school students, Field Trips and digital engagement.

Workshops delivered


Total of people reached


People reached online


Field Trips organized


AIESEC volunteers


Feed the Planet - Project report | Electrolux Food Founda5on & AIESEC Partnership

Project Results: Brazil In facts The project BeMer Food took place in SĂŁo Carlos and was aimed to teach children about sustainable and responsible consump5on. Children were also engaged in a family compe55on on lowering food waste at their homes and cooking more sustainably.

Workshops delivered Total of people reached

5 260

NGOs par6cipated


Schools par6cipated


AIESEC volunteers


Feed the Planet - Project report | Electrolux Food Founda5on & AIESEC Partnership

Project Results: Hungary

The project Food4All took place in Budapest and aimed to raise awareness about food waste and responsible consump5on among the Hungarian youngsters of 11-14 years old through interac5ve lessons and Food Heroes workshops at schools. Volunteers also had visits to the Food Bank and educa5onal ac5vi5es at various NGOs.

In facts Workshops delivered


Total of people reached


Food Heroes lessons delivered


Reduc6on of food waste


Increase of food waste awareness


Food waste prevented (kg) AIESEC volunteers School sta involved

2,000 9 40

Feed the Planet - Project report | Electrolux Food Founda5on & AIESEC Partnership

Project Results: Italy In facts Workshops delivered

The project MakeEAT took place in Venice and was aimed to educate people on responsible consump5on as well as let volunteers work in NGOs to collect food and deliver it to people in need.


Total of people reached


Reduc6on of food waste


Increase of food waste awareness


AIESEC volunteers


Feed the Planet - Project report | Electrolux Food Founda5on & AIESEC Partnership

Project Results: Malaysia In facts The project Clean Our Plate is created to increase awareness, change aUtudes and ini5ate easy and obvious ac5ons of youth towards reducing preventable food waste and fully u5lizing surplus food, in order for them to inuence their peers and households.

Workshops delivered


Total of people reached


Average students per workshop


Reduc6on of food waste


Increase of food waste awareness


Ac6on Space par6cipants


AIESEC volunteers


Cooking demos with a Chef


Feed the Planet - Project report | Electrolux Food Founda5on & AIESEC Partnership

Project Results: Peru In facts The project Un Gusto! took place in Lima and was aimed to tackle the problem of child anemia through raising awareness about nutri5on and healthy food habits. Volunteers also organized a gastronomy fair to showcase the richness, diversity and nutri5onal value of Peruvian cuisine.

Workshops delivered


Total of people reached


Gastronomy fair par6cipants


Increase of food waste awareness AIESEC volunteers

15% 6

Feed the Planet - Project report | Electrolux Food Founda5on & AIESEC Partnership

Project Results: Poland In facts During the project #SpreadTheBread volunteer conducted research on food waste in Poland and then organized and delivered a series of workshops for children at schools in Krakow concerning the topic of responsible food consump5on and healthy ea5ng.

Workshops delivered Total of people reached Average students per workshop

50 1500 30



AIESEC volunteers


Feed the Planet - Project report | Electrolux Food Founda5on & AIESEC Partnership

Project Results: Ukraine In facts The project EcoMind took place in Kyiv and IvanoFrankivsk and allowed volunteers to learn about sustainable farming and then assist Texas Food Bank with on-site meal prepara5on, gardening, and distribu5ng food. Later on those learnings were used to educate children on sustainable ea5ng.

Workshops delivered Total of people reached Schools par6cipated

120 1950 13

People reached online


EcoForum par6cipants


Electrolux employees par6cipated


AIESEC volunteers


Feed the Planet - Project report | Electrolux Food Founda5on & AIESEC Partnership

Project Results: UK In facts The project Mind Your Food took place in London and allowed volunteers to work closely with an NGO focused on food-waste reduc5on to deliver food to chari5es. Besides, volunteers organized a series of workshops at schools to educate children on sustainable and healthy ea5ng.

Workshops delivered


Total of people reached


Understanding of food waste management


AIESEC volunteers


Feed the Planet - Project report | Electrolux Food Founda5on & AIESEC Partnership

Project Results: United States In facts The project Love Your Le^overs took place in Aus5n and CharloMe and allowed volunteers to learn about sustainable farming and then assist Texas Food Bank with on-site meal prepara5on, gardening, and distribu5ng food. Later on those learnings were used to educate children on sustainable ea5ng.

Workshops delivered


Total of people reached


Reduc6on of food waste


Increase of food waste awareness


AIESEC volunteers


Feed the Planet - Project report | Electrolux Food Founda5on & AIESEC Partnership

Tes1monials I learned from the international volunteers that food waste can be really bad for our environment, so now I want to be a more responsible person and inspire my family and friends to care more about the planet. Student, Malaysia -

It was my first volunteering experience but I am really happy with it! 
 SDG 12 seemed a hard topic to teach to children but with my fellow volunteers we learned how to deliver this message in a right way. I am glad we are making this contribution to make the world better. Volunteer, Austria Feed the Planet - Project report | Electrolux Food Founda5on & AIESEC Partnership

Way for the Future A brief overview of upscaling the projects for summer 2019 Prospect Locations


Austria, Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Hungary, Italy, Malaysia, Peru, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, USA

# workshops organized # children educated # Food Heroes workshops delivered

Expected number of volunteers - 240 Expected number of children educated - 13,000 Key Activities 1. Organize workshops to educate children and teenagers

2. Deliver Food Heroes workshops using the newly updated

on the topic of sustainable consumption, raise awareness

toolkit aimed to inspire kids & teenagers to make

on the global & local food waste issues

sustainable eating the preferred choice. Feed the Planet - Project report | Electrolux Food Founda5on & AIESEC Partnership


Anna Kainova Global Project Manager AIESEC InternaJonal

Ekaterina Trofimova Program Coordinator Social Investment 

Chris4an Uloth

Joaquim Sanvictores

Partnership Director AIESEC InternaJonal

Youth 4 Global Goals Director AIESEC InternaJonal

Feed the Planet - Project report | Electrolux Food Founda5on & AIESEC Partnership

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