Landscape Architecture Portfolio

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Portfolio Landscape Architecture

ANNA BÄRG PROFILE I lived in Melbourne, Australia for about 2.5 years, where I worked on construction work, garden maintenance and nursery management. I have now completed a degree in Landscape Architecture - Master’s Program at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, where I have previously taken a degree as a Landscape Engineer. In the past, I have worked with the responsibility of managing a large well known stable in Ireland and at Skanör-Falsterbo Riding School with everything from mucking out stables and caring for horses to preparing horses for riding and competition and keeping the stables clean and tidy. In Skanör-Falsterbo I also worked as a riding teacher. I have as well several years experience of service work from restaurants and cafe. Now that I am looking for a job, I would like to work in landscape architecture, urban planning or similar and I am ready to work my way up within a business/organization. With special interest in green environments in urban settings, city planning, making green environments in urban settings more available for everyone. Bisserup Havnevej 57 4243 Rude, Denmark


EDUCATION Degree of Bachelor of Science in Landscape Construction and Management — Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp, Sweden Augusti 2012 - Juni 2013 Landscape Architecture - Master’s Programme — Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp, Sweden Augusti 2016 - Mars 2019

WORK EXPERIENCE Consulting assignment for Kloster Vattenekologi AB, Sweden — Consultant March - May 2018 Robert Boyle Landscape Design and Construction, Melbourne, Australia — Landscaper August 2014 - February 2015 August 2013 - Marsh 2014 Ausland Landscaping, Melbourne, Australia — Leading hand and landscaper Marsh 2014 - May 2014 Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne, Australia — Work experience course. A course that was part of my degree in Landscape construction and management. June - August 2012 (9 weeks) Maintenance of the park iSi Advanced Bicycle Carriers, Melbourne, Australia — Production Manager February - December 2015

TABLE OF CONTENT Green Spaces in Urban Environments as a Human Restoration Resource Floating Wetlands Design & Construction Project in Dynamic Vegetation Design Embrace the Water The Cultural Heritage of Landscape Architecture Photos From Gardens I worked With Whilst Working For Robert Boyle

GREEN SPACES IN URBAN ENVIRONMENTS AS A HUMAN RESTORATION RESOURCE Master Thesis in Landscape Architecture 09/2018 - 03/2019 I did for my master thesis a literature study on how pocket parks in cities can play an important part in giving people a place for restoration that is close to home, and what elements that are important to have in the park. Research has shown that by having green spaces near people’s homes will lead to that the people living there will visit the area more frequently. People who live in cities with no green areas nearby suffers from more stress compared to those who have a closer access. People with more than 1 kilometer to nearest green area has a poorer health compared to those who have less than 1 kilometer to nearest green area. The thesis is available on:

I created, based on my literature study, guidelines/recommended elements that a pocket park should contain for it to be as restorative as possible for the visitor. My guidelines/recommended elements are: Visual, Sound and Space/Spaciality.

Visual View f rom a window



Patterns and colours

Wildlife Deflected vistas Water

Focal point

Roof Depth

Sound Wildlife





Space/Spaciality Enclosure

Seating arrangements


The experience of size

Different rooms

FLOATING WETL ANDS Thesis in Landscape Construction and Management 01/2013 - 04/2013

It was when I did my work experience course in the Royal Botanical Gardens in Melbourne when I first learned about floating wetlands. I thought it was really interesting. Interesting how the islands work and how much better the quality of the water got with help of them. I wanted to learn more about them and see if they could be used in Sweden’s climate so I decided to write about that in my bachelor thesis. Floating wetlands was not very well known in Sweden when I wrote my thesis so I hoped that my thesis was going to spred some knowledge about the islands and arouse some interest for them. The thesis did lead to my work with Kloster Vattenekologi AB.

Floating wetlands in Royal Botanical Gardens, Melbourne

The thesis is available on:

Floating wetlands in Sweden

Consulting assignment for Kloster Vattenekologi AB, Sweden 03/2018 - 05/2018

flytande våtmark - förslag I have then worked as a consultant for Kloster Vattenekologi AB in Sweden. I helped them to sell some islands to VA SYD in Lund, Sweden and I did as well calculate the size of the islands and made a plan over what plants to use on them.

1 2 3

Fyrkant i mitten (1): 2.13 m2, Phalaris arundinacea, Rörflen - 9st Lythrum salicaria, Fackelblomster - 9 st Kanten runt fyrkanten (2): 3 m2, Iris preusocorus, Gul svärdslilja - 12 st Iris spuria, Dansk iris - 12 st Resten av ön (3): 7.3 m2, Mentha aquatica,Vattenmynta - 15 st Potentilla palustris, Kråkklöver - 15 st Myosotis scorpioides, Äkta förgätmigej - 15 st Ranunculus flammula, Ältranunkel - 15 st Växterna i nummer 1 kan bli upp till 200 cm höga, har valt växter i mitten som blir höga. I nummer 2 blir dom upp till 120 cm höga. I nummer 3 blir vattenmyntan och kråkklövern högst så som ska planteras närmst irisen sen planteras förgätmigej och ältranunkel närmst vattnet.

The islands after they had been planted in Lund.


NATURE AXLE - HYLLIE We got the assignment to design the new nature axle in Hyllie, Malmรถ. We had do design it dynamically, plan for it to be used by different age groups and plan for the construction of a specific area with at least two different kind of vegetations. We did as well make a plan for maintenance during the establishment of the area as well as the future and sketches of how the area most likely would develop during 1 year, 7 years, 20 years and 50 years after planting.

AREA FOR CONSTRUCTION I chose to work with a 2 layered woodland structure with two different edges and a stream for my construction.

Area & Species

Area & Species

Area & Species

Woodland Trees

Edge Semi open/lawn, south side

Fieldlayer By stream

Tilia cordata Quercus robur Larix decidua Populus trichocarpa OP42

Quercus coccinea Athyrium filix-femina ’Lady in Red’ Gleditsia triacanthos Anemone nemorosa Larix decidua Populus trichocarpa OP42 Semi-open/lawn

Shrub layer

Shrub layer

Corylus avellana Crataegus x persimilis Cornua mas Amelanchier lamarcki

Trees by stream Alnus glutinosa Tilia cordata Quercus robur

Shrub layer by stream Corylus avellana Prunus padus

Edge, facing buildings, north side Prunus avium Prunus sargentii Sorbus ulleungensis ’Dodong’ Larix decidua Populus trichocarpa OP42

Shrub layer Malus sargetnii

Edge towards building. The circles represent Prunus avium that will be planted in groups.


Scilla sardensis Scilla bifolia Narcissus poëticus ’Actaea’ Narcissus pseudonarcissus ’Golden harvest’ Crocus tommasinianus

80% grasses - 20 % herbaceous plants Primula veris Bellis perennis Luzula campestris Festuca rubra ssp litoralis Lolium perenne Poa pratensis

Woodland Scilla siberica Scilla sardensis Poa nemoralis Corydalis cava Galium odoratum Woodland with Quercus Hellborus orientalis and Tilia as main tree Scilla siberica species. Scilla sardensis Edge towards


Semi open area with edge ”popping out”. Smaller circles is Crataegus and the cirles are Quercus.

EMBRACE THE WATER Main project in course: Planning Project - Driving Forces and Contemporary Tendencies 08/2017-10/2017 The course dealt with the administrative, judicial and economic conditions for spatial planning and how these are altered over time.The theme of the course 2017 was The Productive City. The main project was performed in groups and our task was to develop Nyhamnen in Malmö, which is today an harbour and an industrial area in a productive and multifunctional suburb. Examples of how the area could be used by the citizens and to give the citizens a relation to the place before the whole area was fully developed was produced by each groups. This could be done with for example urban commons. We were as well supposed to do an overall proposal of how the area could be developed. My group’s concept was -Water to the people, people to the water -Water as a productive landscape -Water as a base tool in our proposal -Water as a focus in our strategies

The map is showing areas we thought were good to use for urban commons etc for the citizens to use before the development started.

View showing example of urban commons. © Anna Bärg Stage 0. Areas we want to use that has good water connection, easy access and is open. Some illustrations of how it could look when the citizens starts using the area.

View showing water edge interaction. © Andres Popowski

Activity- parking lots, flea markets and urban comons. © Amanda Jarhage

Our proposal of how the area could be developed.

Stage 1

Stage 3

Stage 2

Stage 4

Illustration of how it could look with added channel. © Anna Bärg

Final stage Illustration of stage 1-final stage © Andres Popowski.

Illustration of how it could look with a open storm water system. © Amanda Jarhage


10/2017 -

We got the assignment to come up the Science Village in Lund, Swed lage is, is an old historic site where ces from people who lived in the


- 01/2018

p with an idea/concept for a park in den. The site where the Science Vile archeologists have found early traarea during the stone age till today.


THANK YOU! Anna Bärg Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp

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