Parents Get Arts report 2007`

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Open To Arts Inspiring creativity Nurturing talent

Parents Get Arts

A study of parents whose children had been working with Sarum Orchestra about the arts provision they want in the Salisbury area

Created by Open To Arts in partnership with Sarum Orchestra, Salisbury International Festival, Wiltshire Parenting Forum and Salisbury Arts Centre Photos: A. Sexton

Š Open To Arts


Open To Arts Inspiring creativity Nurturing talent

Introduction The initial idea for More Arts for Mums came about over coffee with 2 Wiltshire mums bemoaning the lack of opportunities to learn and develop new creative skills that fitted in with their personal and families’ needs. Open To Arts decided to take part in a national campaign of Coffee House Challenges; to question and take action on local issues at a local level. Open To Arts created an open meeting hosted in Salisbury Starbucks to discuss what, if any, arts provision was put on solely for the benefit of parents in the Salisbury and Salisbury Plain area, Wiltshire. As a result of the discussion one main objective was to test the need for a family arts event in 2008 that would allow parents to sample creativity activities whilst their children were offered opportunities of their own. The overall aim of the day aims to inspire parents to develop or extend their own creative skills to support their self esteem, a chance to have fun and increase their interest in their child’s /children’s creative pursuits. Longer term Open To Arts wants to investigate how parents own sense of creativity can support their children’s creative development. To test out the need for the family arts event and generally more arts provision for parents in the Salisbury area a questionnaire was devised by Anna Sexton, Open To Arts in partnership Sue Kent, Sarum Orchestra, Jane Thomas, Salisbury International Festival, Ali Perry, Wiltshire Parenting Forum and Gemma Okell, Salisbury Arts Centre. The questionnaire was drafted by Open To Arts and given out to Sarum Orchestra, Salisbury International Festival and Salisbury Arts Centre to create specific questions aimed at finding out what more each organisation could be doing to reach the target audience. Salisbury International Festival printed the questionnaires in-kind and Wiltshire Parenting Forum provided free ‘freepost’ envelopes, as it was felt we would get a higher response if postage was paid. The target group of parents was chosen through working with Sarum Orchestra who were completing on a cycle of workshops in schools linked to ‘Baba Yaga’. The idea came to add a postage paid questionnaire into the end of project pack that would be delivered to 350 parents in the Salisbury area. Of the 350 questionnaires sent out13 responses returned 3.7% - high given the nature of our target group. The learning here is to set a longer respond by date perhaps 1 month and send out a reminder to non-responders, where access to mailing list is possible and/or appropriate. Overall the findings show 62% questioned were keen for a family arts event with parents wanting to try arts sessions to develop a skill and have fun. It is exciting that over half questioned knew of and used creative events/workshops for their children through the Arts Centre and Festival. For all organisations involved the results indicate that initially reaching and then engaging parents will require some creative thinking.

© Open To Arts


Open To Arts Inspiring creativity Nurturing talent

Each group could look to develop their more mainstream programming and the addition of free or reduced fee childcare facilities offered as part of targeted adult creative workshops and general performances this has potential to increase access for parents especially in the evenings. There is also indication that family tickets offering a significant reduction for family groups would be an incentive for more families to access the arts locally – 32% questioned had 4 or more children. A key part of the survey was formulated to get a better sense of how parents see and support their own creativity and these results seem more revealing. Personal creativity is a thorny issue with personal confidence, family life, financial and time pressures all given as reasons for not personally taking part in current or potential future opportunities. 3 parents felt they were creative and their confidence was demonstrated by the following answers; • • •

(I) enjoy artistic activities such as drama, art, needlecraft, craftmaking (I) enjoy making things with the children, done pottery in the past I have imagination & great ideas - I work in a pre-school as a key worker and creative sector. I am quick and resourceful. I used to be a chef.

Those parents who answered no or not sure their answers were more circumspect and judgemental; • Don’t know. Don't spend anytime trying encourage artistic/creative side. Not very good at arty things • Not much imagination like drawing/cross stitch not very musical • Just always seem too busy. Young kids & very little time • I have never been involved in any creative projects • A little. I have truly creative friends who amaze me with what they can do. I enjoy making things don't have as imagination as others What is holding parents back from getting involved in creative activities ranged from financial and time issues, a personal sense of not being “an arty person” and a general lack of knowledge regarding access to the ranges of services currently on offer especially specialist services for a son who has “profound + multiple disabilities”. The key areas of cost, personal creativity and lack of knowledge are important places to start in the development of new services. These findings highlight the need for a Salisbury wide brochure to advertise the range of arts and creative opportunities available for parents and families, a suggested outcome from More Arts For Mums open meeting. This will support current and future service providers to avoid overlap of services.

© Open To Arts


Open To Arts Inspiring creativity Nurturing talent

These results will form an important part of shaping the family arts events in 2008 and further new services 2008/2009 which will develop out of the answers given here and further consultation with a wider group of parents at the family arts event. Open To Arts will disseminate the results through project partners, the parents who answered the questionnaire, those who attended the original More Arts For Mums meeting and make the results available to other agencies in the area whom we believe will benefit such as Children’s Centres. Acknowledgements Open To Arts wishes to thank the following people for getting involved and offering their time and resources in kind. Without your support this questionnaire would not have been possible • • • • • •

Sue Kent, Sarum Orchestra Jane Thomas, Salisbury International Festival Ali Perry, Wiltshire Parenting Forum/Voluntary Action Kennet Gemma Okell, Salisbury Arts Centre All the parents who gave their time and energy in replying Katya and Louise for the initial conversation over my kitchen table – from small acorns big trees grow!

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Open To Arts Inspiring creativity Nurturing talent

Sarum Orchestra 62 % had heard of Sarum Orchestra before your child/ren was/were involved with the Baba Yaga Project and 38 % had not. Of those who answered yes – what did they know about Sarum Orchestra? 23 % 22 % 22 % 22% 11%

had been to a concert had taken their child/ren to a family concert had seen a poster/advert but not attended a concert had friends who had been to a concert and told them about the Orchestra had worked with the Orchestra at a previous job in a school

For those that answered no – what do they now know about the Orchestra? 12 % 13% 13% 13 % 49%

only what she had learnt since her child got involved only that work with the children as Exeter House Baba Yaga is a witch Nothing chose not to answer

How likely was it that those questioned would buy tickets for a future Orchestra Family concert (£5 per ticket)? 54 % answered yes 31 % answered no 15% were not sure Of those who answered yes the following reasons were given to buying a ticket for a future family ticket a) An ideal opportunity to introduce music to children in a less formal setting b) The last one we went to was fun and interactive c) (I) would attend if our children had been involved d) We enjoy music e) I would like to see the orchestra play (Percentage breakdown not shown as some questioned gave more than one answer)

• •

2 stated a &b 1 stated d & e

Of those who answered no – the following reasons were given 14 % 44% 14% 14% 14%

Cost of tickets Difficulty arranging/affording childcare The distance to get to the concerts I am not into classical music Just not used to or would think of going to a concert

One person requested more details to be sent onto them

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Open To Arts Inspiring creativity Nurturing talent

Of those questioned only 8 % would buy tickets for a future Orchestra evening concert (£15 per ticket), 8 % would consider buying a ticket, 23 % were not sure and 61 % said no Of those who answered yes one person stated she like(d) going to different events For those that answered no to buying an evening concert ticket the following reasons were given a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

Cost of tickets Difficulty arranging/affording childcare for evening concerts The times of the concerts The distance to get to the concerts I am not into classical music Just not used to or would think of going to a concert Too expensive for a family of 6 (Percentage breakdown not shown as some questioned gave more than one answer and 2 did not answer)

• •

• •

2 stated a & b 1 stated c & f 1 stated a, b, c, d, e 1 stated a, b, & d

© Open To Arts


Open To Arts Inspiring creativity Nurturing talent

Salisbury International Arts Festival 92 % had heard of Salisbury International Arts Festival compared to 8% who had not. Of those that answered yes they knew about the Festival in the following ways;


a I hav e booked tickets/been to a performance

1 3%

1 3%

b I hav e taken our child/ren to a children's performance/workshop* c I plan to attend in 2008

6% d I hav e seen an adv ert but not attended 62%

e Other (please state) radio

It is worth noting that percentages are given here and some of those questioned answered more than once. 10 people said they had seen an advert but not attended • 1 person stated coming to see Robin Hood • 1 person stated a, b & c • 1 person stated d & e • 1 person stated b & d Of the parents questioned who has brought your child/ren to a children’s performance/workshop – 15 % 46 % 31 % 7%

have attended ‘adult’ performances have not attended ‘adult’ performances did not answer person answered yes and no

© Open To Arts


Open To Arts Inspiring creativity Nurturing talent

For those who answered no the following reasons were given a) b) c) d) e) f)

Cost of tickets Difficulty arranging/affording childcare for events The distance to get to the events Much of the line up seems too obscure Never know about the performances Only as a caterer some years ago (Percentage breakdown not shown as some questioned gave more than one answer and 2 did not answer)

• •

1 stated a & b 1 stated a, b, & d

Those who had not heard of or attended Salisbury International Arts Festival before were asked how we could get them more involved. 3 people gave the following answers • • •

More mainstream By sending info on the festival By involving my children

© Open To Arts


Open To Arts Inspiring creativity Nurturing talent

Salisbury Arts Centre 84 % of those questioned had heard of the Salisbury Arts Centre, 1 person (8 %) was not sure and 1person did not answer (8 %) Those who answered yes knew of the Centre in the following ways


39% 22%

a I have booked tickets/been to a performance b I have taken our child/ren to a children's performance/workshop* c I receive your brochure via a mailing list d I have seen an advert but not attended


It is worth noting that percentages are given here and some of those questioned answered more than once. 7 people had booked a ticket/s /been to a performance • 1 stated a & b • 1 stated a & c • 1 stated b & c • 2 stated a, b, & c Of the parents questioned who has brought your child/ren to a children’s performance/workshop – 17 % have attended ‘adult’ performances 50 % have not attended ‘adult’ performances 33 % did not answer For those who answered no the following reasons were given • • •

Cost of tickets Difficulty arranging/affording childcare for events The distance to get to the events (Percentage breakdown not shown as some questioned gave more than one answer and 2 did not answer)

• •

1 stated a & b 1 stated a, b, & d

Those who had not heard of or attended Salisbury International Arts Festival before were asked how we could get them more involved. 1 person gave the following answer

• Send her a brochure © Open To Arts


Open To Arts Inspiring creativity Nurturing talent

About you This section of the questionnaire was created to find out more about those questioned, what their perceptions of creativity are and specifically to question the need for a creative family event. How parents feel about their own creative skills is important in contributing to how parents feel about creativity in general and is likely to influence their behaviour with their children and how they respond to the opportunities they are offered • • • •

3 people consider themselves creative 5 people did not think they are creative 3 people were not sure 2 people refrained from answering the question

Those who answered yes gave the following reasons • • •

(I) enjoy artistic activities such as drama, art, needlecraft, craftmaking (I) enjoy making things with the children, done pottery in the past I have imagination & great ideas - I work in a pre-school as a key worker and creative sector. I am quick and resourceful. I used to be a chef.

Those who answered no stated the following • • • •

Don’t know. Don't spend anytime trying encourage artistic/creative side. Not very good at arty things Not much imagination like drawing/cross stitch not very musical Just always seem too busy. Young kids & very little time 1 person did not answer

Those who answered not sure gave the following answer • • •

I have never been involved in any creative projects A little. I have truly creative friends who amaze me with what they can do. I enjoy making things don't have as imagination as others 2 people did not answer

Do you take your child/ren to creative/arts activities? 38 % 23 % 31 % 8%

Yes No thinking about it – please send more information not answered

Those questioned were asked if they would you take part in creative sessions for parents if they were offered simultaneously to those for children? 45 % Yes 8 % No 31 % were not sure 8 % not answered 8% answered yes and not sure © Open To Arts

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Those who answered yes – said the following types of sessions would interest them 11% a - Arts sessions to dev elop a skill

0% 39%

b- Arts sessions for fun A way to m eet new people Som e tim e for y our m y self


It is worth noting that percentages are given here and some of those questioned answered more than once. 7 people wanted to try arts sessions to develop a skill and 9 people wanted to try out arts sessions for fun • 5 people answered a & b • 2 stated a, b & d • One person added the comment “Yes please”. The following reasons were given for not wanting to get involved or not being sure about joining in • • •

Cost Depends what you mean by arts activities. Don't think my son could participate in activities. Has profound + multiple disabilities Just not an arty person

Of those question about being interested in attending a family event which would offer you a chance to try out creative sessions and find out how you can be more creative individually and as a family 8 people said yes, 2 people said no, 1 person was unsure and 2 people did not answer




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Yes No Not Sure Not answered

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Open To Arts Inspiring creativity Nurturing talent

Personal information Of those questioned;

92 % gave their name 8 % remained anonymous 77 % gave their age 23 % chose not to 92 % added the number of children they have 8 % chose not to 17% 33 % 17% 25 % 8%

have 1 child have 2 children have 3 children have 4 children have 5 children


family stated they has a child with profound + multiple disabilities

84 % gave their contact address 16% did not 43 % 25 % 8% 8% 8% 8%

live in Durrington live in Salisbury live in Larkhill live in Gt. Bedwyn live in Upton Lovell not stated

62 % gave their email address 38 % did not 38 % wish to be kept up to date by partner organisations 62 %* do not wish to be kept up to date by partner organisations * Open To Arts intends to disseminate the final report to all of those questioned who gave contact details and will forward on any partner information appropriate at this time – an individual partner postage mailing list card is suggested

Š Open To Arts

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Open To Arts Inspiring creativity Nurturing talent

Appendix 1. List of those project partners

Established in 1986 under the artistic leadership of Howard Moody, Sarum Orchestra flourishes as Salisbury’s professional orchestra with a reputation for innovation, excellence and commissioning new music. Playing in residence at Salisbury Arts Centre, Sarum Orchestra draws on a pool of creative and inspired musicians to bring alive traditional and new music from diverse disciplines and cultures. Working with some of the most in-demand animateurs in the country, we build creative sessions for schools, young people, and community groups (notably those with specific educational needs) into each season.

The Salisbury International Arts Festival was named “one of the top multi-arts festivals in the country’’ along with Edinburgh and Brighton in The Information Supplement 2005 and described in 2005 by the Independent on Sunday as “The best festival to attend this summer” along with the Edinburgh Fringe. “The Best Festival” Big Issue 2006 Each year the Festival invites artists from around the world to perform over seventeen days & nights in Salisbury and the surrounding area.

Salisbury Arts Centre is a vibrant and exciting community arts centre based in the heart of Salisbury. Housed in the beautiful Grade II* listed St Edmunds Church building, we present a wide range of professional theatre, music, dance, film, workshops and visual arts. Our programme of high quality events will surprise, enthuse, challenge and inspire…

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Wiltshire Parenting Forum

Appendix 2. Project costs Open To Arts Project management Project write up Report Dissemination Report printing Report postage Travel

2 days 1 day ½ day

£ 440 £ 220 £ 110 £ 50 £ 30 £ 56.40

In-kind In-kind In-kind In-kind In-kind In-kind

Parking Overheads Sarum Orchestra Administration 1 day

£ 10 £ 90 £ 220

In-kind In-kind In-kind

SIAF Photocopying WPF Administration WPF envelopes WPF free post return SAC Administration

£ 700 £220 £ 105 £ 5.85 £ 65 £ 2,322.25

In-kind In-kind In-kind In-kind

141 miles

350 x 4 ½ day 350 13 2 hours TOTAL

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Appendix 3. Parents Get Arts Questionnaire Open To Arts, an independent arts development agency, has been asked by Sarum Orchestra, Salisbury International Arts Festival, Salisbury Arts Centre and Wiltshire Parents Forum/Voluntary Action Kennet to survey parents in the Salisbury area about what it is they are wanting from arts and creative services. The partners involved want to know how to improve current provision and offer new services where needed. As part of this joint initiative your answers will be shared between partners. Your answers will help us shape arts initiatives in your area so you and other parents are better served.

We thank you for taking the time to answer the following questions. Sarum Orchestra Had you heard of Sarum Orchestra before your child/ren was/were involved with the Baba Yaga Project? Yes No Not sure If you answered yes – what did you know about the Orchestra? o o o o o

I have been to a concert I have taken our child/ren to a Family concert I have seen a poster/advert but not attended a concert Friends have been to a concert/told me about the Orchestra Other (please state)

If you answered no – what do you now know about the Orchestra? o

Please state

Would you buy tickets for a future Orchestra Family concert (£5 per ticket)? Yes


Not sure

If you answered yes – why? If you answered no – what are your reasons? o Cost of tickets o Difficulty arranging/affording childcare o The times of the concerts o The distance to get to the concerts o I am not into classical music – (please state what you are interested in) o

Other (please state)

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Open To Arts Inspiring creativity Nurturing talent

Would you buy tickets for a future Orchestra evening concert (£15 per ticket)? Yes


Not sure

If you answered yes – why? If you answered no – what are your reasons? o Cost of tickets o Difficulty arranging/affording childcare for evening concerts o The times of the concerts o The distance to get to the concerts o I am not into classical music – (please state what you are interested in) o

Other (please state)

Salisbury International Arts Festival Have you heard of Salisbury International Arts Festival? Yes


Not sure

If you answered yes – how do you know about the Festival? o o o o o

I have booked tickets/been to a performance I have taken our child/ren to a children’s performance/workshop * I plan to attend in 2008 I have seen an advert but not attended Other (please state)

* As a parent who has brought your child/ren to a children’s performance/workshop – have you come as an ‘adult’ to any other festival performance? Yes


If you answered no – what are your reasons? o Cost of tickets o Difficulty arranging/affording childcare for events o The times of the events o The distance to get to the events o Other (please state) If you have not heard of/attended Salisbury International Arts Festival before – how could we get you more involved? o Please state

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Salisbury Arts Centre Have you heard of the Salisbury Arts Centre? Yes


Not sure

If you answered yes – how do you know of the Centre? o o o o o

I have booked tickets/been to a performance I have taken our child/ren to a children’s performance/workshop * I receive your brochure via a mailing list I have seen an advert but not attended Other (please state)

* As a parent who has brought your child/ren to a children’s performance/workshop – have you come as an ‘adult’ to any other Arts Centre performance? Yes


If you answered no – what are your reasons? o Cost of tickets o Difficulty arranging/affording childcare for events o The times of the events o The distance to get to the events o Other (please state) If you have not heard of/attended Salisbury Arts Centre before – how could we get you more involved? o Please state

About you Would you consider yourself creative?



Not sure

If you answered yes – please state why

If you answered no – please state why

If you answered not sure – please state why

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Do you take your child/ren to creative/arts activities? Yes


Thinking about it – please send me more information

Would you take part in creative sessions for parents if they were offered simultaneously to those for children? Yes


Not sure

If you answered yes - what type of sessions would interest you? o o o o o

Arts sessions to develop a skill Arts sessions for fun A way to meet new people Some time for myself Other (please state)

If you answered no or not sure – please state why

Would you be interested in attending a family event which would offer you a chance to try out creative sessions and find out how you can be more creative individually and as a family? Yes


Not sure

Please add any additional comments below

Thank you for taking your time to complete this. Please return using FREEPOST envelope by 9th November 2007 Please add your details below so we can get a better picture of who you are: Name: Address:


No. of children: Email:

Please tick here if you do not wish to be kept up to date with future events by the partner organisations listed Your name and contact details are protected by the Data Protection Act and will not be shared/sold to non-partner organisations. At anytime you may request to be taken off partner mailing lists.

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