Open To Create . . . What you want... but how?
There is so much happening here at Open To Create... HQ we decided to craft a new newsletter to update you on what’s happening so can take some bold next steps to creating the creative life you want. The theme is claiming your full personal and professional creative worth... On the following pages are new events, tips and more inspirational artists and creative business owners. We are especially stoked to be working with Shireen Smith to promote her new book Legally Branded – out 23rd October 2012 This is a simple and easy to understand guide for all small to medium business start ups to help you make the most out of your creative ideas and to make sure they are protected by law i.e. making sure you are getting your real creative worth. A great idea don’t you think? Read on... on...
You want want your ideas to stay one step ahead of the creative competition – but how?
Do you know what is involved to have a brand that truly sets your creative business apart from the competition? You have already found many creative ways to help your business to stand out, but did you know that protecting those unique creative elements is the way to ensure you don’t lose your brand’s distinctiveness? We are sharing this chance to be more aware of your creative and intellectual property rights as so many artists and creatives are not clued up and end up getting ripped off... Well no more! Shireen believes in helping as many people to find out more about this fascinating subject of intellectual property, which all of us need to take into account in this digital age. Legally Branded is her book providing easy to understand information for SMEs on how to secure the potentially valuable intellectual property rights in your creative business and brand.
We are really keen to signpost you to her book because if you buy a copy today, you will not only benefit from the book itself, but also stand to gain a host of bonus gifts to further help you to build a successful and growing business. One of the bonuses includes a chance to be entered into a prize draw to win a free trade mark registration plus a place on our next Authentic Creative Networking workshop. workshop To learn more visit the bonus page and buy the book on today
EVENTS We have the following events you will want to sign up for...
Coaching Taster Session Date:
Saturday 27.10.2012
Whitechapel Idea Store, E1 1BU
Time: 10am -1pm
In partnership with Idea Store Learning we are running a taster session to discover the power of simple and effective coaching tools. During the session you will grow your key skills and talents to boost your chances of success in 2013. * Learn how to effectively set and achieve your goals * Improve your communication skills using basic coaching tools * Develop successful questioning techniques to boost access to new opportunities Thanks to working with Idea Store the 1/2 day course is being made available for ÂŁ8 / ÂŁ5 concessions So book your place, come along and join in... To enrol you will either need to Call 020 7364 5665 between 10am - 4pm with the course details (A2381) and your credit or debit card ready to pay for the course OR Pop into any of the Idea Stores across Tower Hamlets, London
East London Creative Business Women Network Date:
Monday 29th October 2012
In East London - TBC
Times Times: 6pm – 8.30pm
What is it? A regular monthly meeting space to openly discuss ideas and challenges peer to peer with other women creative business leaders in East London, UK. Who is it for? Women creative business leaders in East London either you are; 1. A women business owner in creative social enterprise / SME spaces Or 2. A women senior leader in creative independent, main stream , local authority and social enterprise spaces
This peer-2-peer network offers • • • • • •
• •
The powerful resource of shared experience A safe space to be authentic and honest about your vision and challenges A place to share and reality-test your ideas and project plans A space that will be nurturing and challenging, and will encourage you to grow your own enjoyment and effectiveness of leadership The opportunity to be part of a dynamic, accountable and doing-business community: we get stuff done! The opportunity to increase your abilities and access to resources to significantly grow your business i.e. the longer term an idea is to use the BNI model of in-group referrals to share business opportunities A place to learn and try out creative tools and techniques to look at things from a different perspective Guest speakers from a range of inspiring women creative business leaders including those who have won awards and are respected as leaders in their fields
So if you have read this and think this is right up your street book your free place on this 1st meeting to see where the network can grow click here
For more information call Anna 07941 655 856 or Petra deep:black 07963 492 880 Please also share with anyone who you know in your networks... thanks!
deep: deep:black are East London based specialists in working with conflict as a catalyst for creative learning and growth. Co-founded by Petra Hilgers - she is a development practitioner with over 15 years of international experience and expertise in the fields of community development, team and organisational change and personal development. She is passionate about community, a keen activist for CND and has a stunning photographic eye – check out her blog
Creative Pit Stop Dinner & Drawing Date:
Thursday 1st November 2012
Open To Create... HQ E14 0NT
Times: Times: 6.30pm6.30pm-10pm
How about some supper and drawing? A chance to play with drawing however much you have done before and enjoy a hearty supper. This evening is a gathering for those of us folk who like to mix our making, getting our hands a bit charcoal covered with our getting together. At the request of a Creative Pit Stopper the chance to get together and do something creative together has been born. For the 1st of many hands on creative sessions we will be playing with drawing in it's many forms as we can whilst remembering to share some tasty home cooked food. This is for a limited number of folk and a cover charge of ÂŁ10 is being asked to cover the cost of materials and food. Call Anna 07941 655 856 or email for more information
Create the Life you want to live Dates:
5 x Tuesday evenings evenings
Times: 7pm7pm-10pm
6th Nov / 13th Nov / 20th Nov / 27th Nov / 4th Dec 2012 Venue:
Aberfeldy Centre, Aberfeldy Street, E14 0NU
• Do you find yourself esteeming yourself based on what people think about your creative work? work? Around how much you ‘make’ from your work? • Want to be the real you but you worry constantly about how you are coming across? True self esteem empowers you to enjoy greater well being and deeper connection with friends, family & in work relationships. Alongside the most important person in your life – YOU! On this course you will meet weekly with a small group of fellow students in a safe and confidential environment. You will be supported to learn practical tools that you can continue to use to enhance and generate your self esteem after the course is complete. As part of the course fee you receive a set of CD's to help motivate & inspire you throughout the course and beyond. To find out more click here
Authentic Creative Networking 1 day workshop Date:
Saturday 24th November 2012 Times: 10am – 6pm
Central London TBC
Following the successful launch in July 2012 we are bringing you this event on a Saturday... so those of you work in the week, have families or just prefer to learn on a weekend can make the session! This is an interactive one day workshop that will de-mystify the techniques and approaches that make networking a fruitful and mutually beneficial way of being, doing and creating successful business relationships. What better time to re-vision your networking strategy - NOW. • You will analyse your current networking behaviours and find ways to network that feel right for you. • You will leave knowing you have your own creative & authentic approach to get the best out of each networking opportunity with confidence. • You will have the chance to network with the group and be supported with tips for growing your existing on and offline networks. We have prices for graduates, new starts and KPIs... so to book your place click here
Sharing our love for other crea creative reative inspirers... Shout out time to an inspirational organisation who has been supporting Open To Create... to grow
Centre of Excellence for Women Entrepreneurs Ever since attending their annual conference last November 2011 Open To Create... has benefited from support from CEWE through increased business via new clients, access to a host of amazing networking and seminar events plus 3 public speaking gigs to date and counting. This growing and dynamic department of UEL is not just for women, although women are their main focus. Do get in touch with Danielle, Linsey or Karen to find out more. Get more involved with their programme by going to the website... Website:
Top Tip Before you go out to buy anything especially arts supplies, your weekly shop... write down what you have in those cupboards of yours... This is a top tip that saves you loads of cher-ching and helps you get creative with you already have. Plus it really does save lots of wastage – which makes for more sustainable business and living.
Next up – future events with Open To Create... December 2012 6th December 2012 6pm – 9pm Totally Bazaar Pop Up Christmas Market @ Proud Camden – see Facebook for more details 13th December 2012 7pm – 10pm Creative Pit Stop Christmas gathering – especially for those of us who don’t have shared offices! – see Facebook for more details
January 2013 Create More Business Online 1 day workshop Totally demystify social media, internet marketing and SEO so you feel more confident and creative about these business essentials. Due for launch 17th November 2012 – email to register your interest in a place. 25th-28th January 2013 Creative Visioning Retreat Spend a whole weekend with 9 other creative practitioners and /or business owners sharing conversations and creative practical sessions to vision yourself your most creative & successful 2013. You will hosted in a cosy, exclusive National Trust property with a twist 1 ½ hours out of London – more details once you apply. You will be fuelled by creative company, home cooked food, warmed by a well stoked wood burner and nurtured by walks in nature.
During your weekend you will be lead by Anna B. Sexton and guest facilitators working with a range of tools from walking meditations, one to one coaching sessions and group making sessions. Prices will be from £500 per person. We still have places– to register your interest. email You will be asked to put down a £75 (non-refundable) deposit to secure your place. Annual Business Training programme Due for release in mid 2013 starting January 2014 Expressions of interest are being taken for the year long course – email to find out more.
And... And... Book your Pre Creative MOT check and follow this session up with a 4, 6 or 12 month programme programme of Creative MOT support to grow your practice and/or business. And finally... finally... Do keep in touch with Open To Create... as it’s great to hear what you have been creating You can stay in touch in the following ways; Call us
07941 655 856
Our Facebook page page Twitter
Once again a massive thank you for your ongoing support in sustaining Open To Create...
Anna B. Sexton Director Open To Create...
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