Viscom processbook annadejesus logobranding

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Anna De Jesús :: VisCom220 :: Fall ‘13 :: Logo Branding :: Professor Dyan Gulovsen

DESIGN BRIEF Forage, a small restaurant is set to open up in the Providence RI on Federal Hill which is a historic district with lots of Italian restaurants. It is a lucrative place- there is a lot of competition, but there are a lot of diners that seek out this part of the city for some of the best cuisine the area offers. This is why Forage must distinguish itself as unlike any of the other restaurants and become a cult destination for diners who want to experience a cuisine unlike any other in the city or almost anywhere in the world. The chefs who are the creators of this restaurant have been trained at Novo the number 1 rated restaurant in the world located in Copenhagen Denmark. It too is a restaurant based on foraged foods such as grasses, flowers and mosses. Forage plans to acquire all of the produce and meat from local farms within 60 miles of the restaurant – as it specializes in fresh farm to table, sustainable fish and humanely raised animals. The chefs are seeking a logo design for their restaurant with a tagline: eat wild. The look and feel of the logo should be simple, classic but unique like the food. Forage style eating is a new concept based on how humans used to survive but have long forgotten. Research Dana Tanamachi chalkboard artist. Jessica Hische. The look and feel of this restaurant will be very simple, white walls, reclaimed wood for tables and floors. Rough hewn beams. Wait staff will be white shirts, black aprons. It must have an earthy feel- not super contemporary and cold. It must be warm, welcoming and upscale. The targeted diners will be affluent, other chefs, underground eaters, and adventurous types. This is not a place that your average diner will seek out as it requires culinary adventurousness. Providence is home to one of the best culinary schools in the country and Forage will become a destination for upcoming chefs and internships. The logo will be placed on menus, aprons, shirts, hats, napkins, store sign, t-shirts, chef jackets, website, social media.




Eat Wild

Eat Wild



Iowan Old Style

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789

Vanessa ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789


ABC DEFG HIJK LM N OPQRS TU V W X YZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789


Pantone 476

C 32 M67 Y 63 K 78 RGB 76/51/39 HEX# 4C3327

Pantone 451

C 52 M20 Y 79 K 2 RGB 132/164/94 HEX# 84A45E


C 0 M0 Y 0 K 100 RGB 35/31/32 HEX# 231F20






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