SILENCE artistic glass
A brief description of the project which was made by artist who also works with glass: Anna Grudnytska
The space of the truth can be extended only by work. In itself - it is just an instant.
M. Mamardashvili
Introduction Proceeding with the project, which will be discussed below, I wanted to arrive at a conclusion what is the main object of my search - artistic, ethical, and aesthetic. Having concentrated, among many thoughts and feelings, I chose the essential ones. The thoughts, which are my main experience, and the questions to which I am always looking for the right answer whatever I do. Our lives, or rather, the concept of “life” in general, is filled with a variety of activities, events, and metamorphosis. There are thousands of ways to live and to act. But in any case, each of us often suffers because of its actions or reactions of the other people to our actions. In general, these sufferings deliver the weakness of spirit and excessive fidgeting, the inability to relate the inner turmoil to the attention and pungency of wit. I can’t say that I am well able to maintain a balance in my mind and peace of mind. But more and more often in my life, and especially in my work, I retire from the noise outside and I stay in my own quiet, balanced rhythm. I’m sure that everything has a harmony, rationality. And when you realize this, you do not feel tired of life. In my project, I want to express my feelings and thoughts that help me to come to rest and ease. And the mood of this state was the name for my work.
Concept To implement the project “Silence”, the most important were two problems: how to express the idea intelligibly and at the same time to show the glass material in the best way? This work expresses the state, when you stop and think, when you don’t fuss any more but focused. When you think of the most important, basic. I tried to express these states with my hands and thought that I literally can use gestures. When we think, we sometimes bring our hands to his forehead. The same thing we do in prayer, and in the East this gesture expresses respect and obedience. Thus I had the idea to use the hand shapes for the composition. For me it was very symbolic to use the shape of my own hands. This emphasizes that the idea of work comes from me, from my thoughts and feelings. In addition, every gesture, as well as any sign, symbol, appeal, must be enclosed in a certain shape. For this, I used a circle shape, an easy balanced shape symbolizing the air. At the same time, circles in this work are like the aura for each pair of hands, and together these two elements represent a kind of icon, but more abstract. The circle is involuntarily associated with a halo, and the position of hands with edifying gestures on icons.
... And let them laugh at their passions; because what they call passion is not really spiritual energy, but only the friction between the soul and the outsideworld. And most importantly, let them believe in themselves and become helpless as children, because the weakness is great, but the force is negligible... from the “Stalker� movie by A.Tarkovskyi
About the techniques and materials Each object of the “Silence” project is composed of two elements: a flat polished circle, made in the “fusing” technique, and volumetric hands, melted from colorless glass in plaster molds. The plaster molds were made from my hands, which has a very important symbolic meaning. I used the Czech colorless glass. The ready ingots of palms are further processed manually, by the drilling machine and sandpaper. For circles, I use the American glass by Bullseye. Using the “fusing” technique, a few glasses of different colors were sintered together, and later also polished on the machines and manually using the powders and sandpaper.
When a man is born, he is weak and flexible, and when he dies, he is strong and stale. When the tree grows, it is gentle and flexible, and when it is dry and hard, it dies. Rigidity and strength are the satellites of death, and flexibility and weakness express the freshness of being. Therefore, what is hardened, will not win. from the ÂŤStalkerÂť movie by A.Tarkovskyi
The materials have an inherent, inseparable meaning. D. Chipperfield
enjoy the silence
VII 2014