Portfolio english 2014

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Master Plan for Palmar’s avenue, Murcia

Emergency interventions. Puerto Saavedra

Low carbon future. Latrobe Valley. Melbourne

Master Plan Eje Bulnes. Santiago de Chile

New public spaces at Barcelona’s port



Master Plan Kagran’s sector. Viena


North Golf Club house. Portaventura. Tarragona

Plaza Recoleta. Santiago de Chile

Under Can Zam’s bridge. Santa Coloma, Barcelona

Energy Wall renewal. Barcelona





Master Plan for Palmar’s avenue. Murcia. Spain

THE METROPOLITAN BOULEVARD This project is a reflection about the role of an old road that is the Murcia’s entrance and has an urban development in its roadsites but it has no quality in these spaces. The idea is to transform this road into a new boulevard with a metropolitan character thanks to its territorial connectivity. With this aim, several tools are proposed to explore the new urbanity conditions. -To replace the image of the murcian gardens from the road as well as offer a variety of new metropolitan places as new squares, car parking, cultural buildings, housing and economic activities. -To reinforce the lineal role of the public transport, cycling paths and walking path along the avenue. At the same time, defend the “tree” mobility structure that arrives in a capillary way from the main highway. -To establish some management rules which are open and flexible to guarantee a coherent execution of the avenue in a long-term. Seven movements are proposed based on urbanization, squares that are joints with the murcian gardens, urban doors open to the gardens paths, groups of activities placed in inflexion spaces, open squares connected to new parks and architectural references. The project seeks an urban development based on flexible spaces which are not generated by rigid rules of planning. The urban planning must rely on chance and changes along time. Instead of proposing an “ending image”, the project proposes some game rules to design mix of uses, to reinforce the cultural heritage of the murcian garden and to take economical profit for the metropolitan construction.






Intervenctions for emergency. Puerto Saavedra, Chile

ISLAND Puerto Saavedra is part of a territory threaten by tsunami and flood but it has also a well defined landscape identity. Based on this double condition, “isLAND� is a metaphor to propose a new way of life, a vision that integrates city and landscape in a unique entity which uses logics of the territory and natural forces as an energy that builds a new urban organization. The strategy is to recycle the colonial grid into a naturalized model which responds to water control. There are three points of action: The retention garden in the agrarian side making the existent canal wider and continuous establishing the new limits of the city. This canal will stop the flood of the Imperial River. Also in this limits there will be technological spaces, social and touristic interaction with a variety of new economical and cultural activities related with the agrarian territory. Canal streets. The renewal actual streets of 20 meters wide into a naturalized canal with the capacity of retain different levels of water growth and drive this water to the sea. The park of defense. The redefinition of the border coast to be transformed in a continuous topography elevated 6 meters above the sea to guarantee stopping the wave in case of tsunami. The treatment of the topography and a new vegetable mass will be the second cushioning after the natural barrier. This space is needed to be empty of buildings so it can be used as a new park for leisure.

La huerta de retenci贸n



“Low Carbon future” . Latrobe Valley Melbourne, Australia

TOWARDS A PRODUCTIVE ENERGY LADSCAPE The Latrobe valley is a constant changing territory due to its own mining activity. These dynamics will continue in the future. The idea is that in the future the interdependence between the productive activity and the mine, the urban habitat and the natural landscape, constitute a trinomial, understood as a positive and solidary way to restructure the territory. To reach this vision we propose three actions:

Projecting the boundaries: Occupational model. Throughout time the cities and the mines have evolved independently, each one under its own set of rules. Because of this, there has been a dispersion of urban pieces. Against this, the proposal is to concentrate future urban development, energy and industrial production, around the already used and discarded land by the mining industry. A city that is more compact is more sustainable and allows the flow of natural systems. The future development of the city is located in the perimeter of the pit to break the current limits and build the new boundaries that, as tentacles, extend and interact with the different parts of the territory. The mine’s displacement: evolution through time. The project of the future valley searches for the construction of a new self sufficient city. The gradual transformation of the mine into a city opens the possibility to benefit from new recycling systems and non pollutant energies. From coal to other sources of energy: the economical alternative. Latrobe valley will become a hub of technological companies related to the energy production based on the sustainability. The industrial exploitation of the mine implies the business of building the future energy and production city.




Master Plan Eje Bulnes. Santiago de Chile

LEVITATE ABOVE BULNES The proposal seeks the revitalization of the neighborhood expanding the activity from the Moneda’s Palace side towards the Almagro’s Park side. The goal of the urban project is to consolidate and to sew the urban fabrics with the development logics that have built the identity of the walking path. So the new building-reference is built at the same height as the existing buildings making a kind of “horizontal skyscraper” and establishing the continuity of the urban façades. The architecture appears at the end of the walking path with an important cantilever that levitates above Bulnes and also above the Almagro’s Park. This viewpoint offers a new vision of the city because it can be seen the Moneda’s Palace at the same time that the vegetal mass of the park.


Partnership with Quim Español

New public spaces at Barcelona’s Port.

TO RECOVER THE RELATIONSHIP CITY-WATER This work is an exploration of the spatial relations between the historical neighborhood and the port with the aim of opening the limits and reaching a better relationship with the water. One of the main problems that prevent the accessibility to the sea is the numerous barriers that exist in the urban front and also in the port. This is why a lot of public spaces are without urban intensity. These barriers are fences, vitality roads, infra-used gardens and several port buildings closed to public. The actual Urban Planning doesn’t help to promote the arrival to the sea. The proposal consists in the recycling of urban spaces that are tangential to port transforming them into “new efficient platforms of intensive use”. Their function is to be public space of the historical neighborhood. To reach this goal, the project contemplates the elimination of all the possible barriers and the placement of strategically buildings which configure the platform composition. On the other side, the construction of a new road enabled the reduction of the contact space with the water. The idea is to displace the Litoral Road until the water with a closed case below the sea. Then, we have the opportunity to develop a great walking Litoral.



Masterplan Sector Kagran. Viena. Austria

URBANITY CONTAINERS The Project area is a piece of an archipelago of monofunctional and isolated spaces at Vienna’s periphery. In this reality, the sector’s singularity is defined by its territorial connectivity and also because its good urban communications with the other neighborhoods thanks to the transversal tram. How is it possible to generate urbanity in this place? It has a complicated morphology. The project proposes a new fabric with mix uses, different type of spaces and creating different kinds of urban intensity. The new fabric is based on the form of the area and it considers its evolution in a long-term. However, in spite of the rigid grid definition, the project proposes some development rules flexible: the ground floor openings, the mix of uses, the integration of energy uses on the roof tops, the creation of interior patios inside the buildings, etc. The main goal is to take profit of the “isolated and constricted” condition of the area to create a self-sufficient neighborhood, flexible at all levels. A new place where it is attractive to live, work, study, play, walk, have fun and buy.



PARTNERSHIP with MXC architects

North Golf Club House. Tarragona. España

A DIALOGUE WITH THE LANDSCAPE The Golf North site is placed at a recreative and touristic center surrounded by natural landscape. The edification of 2.200m2 consists in a lineal architecture with a “v” form so it has two open arms to the landscape. In one arm there are the noble spaces as well as the administration and the kitchen. On the other side there is the caddy master. The baths and the changing rooms are placed close to the public side but they are designed with an architecture attached above a little lagoon.



Plaza Recoleta. Santiago de Chile

A PLACE FOR EVERYONE, A GARDEN FOR EACHONE Recoleta square is a place with its own identity. A careful reading of the place acknowledges its DOUBLE SCALE status. For the city, it is a space conceived as an entrance to Bellavista neighborhood. It has also a high environmental potential thanks to its neuralgic position between the San Cristobal hill an de Forestal Park as well as its situation as a Mapocho river’s façade. In the neighborhood’s scale, the square is of great interest both architectural and natural interests as well as for its social context. The answer to the place character is formalized with the generation of two interrelated spaces which configures a place where a diversity of experiences and sensations are developed. One space is the square placed between universities. The other one is the garden connected to the river and which integrates almost all the trees. We propose a ribbon path that runs between the existing trees crossing from the square to the garden. The ribbon path generates a lot of different situations both in the urban space and in the landscape. The ribbon is a new technological device designed as module which contains all the necessary elements of the public space such as urban furniture, lighting and advertising posters. Besides, there is also a pergola area to place a craft market and a vegetal wall that provides protection from traffic noise. When the ribbon path arrives at the square, it becomes a long bench which generates an urban atrium in front of the universities, able to accommodate group events as well as daily activities. This space is meant to be lively and busy because the proximity of the universities and the Bellavista new commercial activities. So, this space is thought as tough and resilient flooring capable of withstand all kind of collective events and daily movements with little maintenance.



Under Can Zam’s bridge. Santa Coloma de Gramanet, Spain

UNEXPECTED PLACES Some projects born from an unpredictable time, without program neither configuration limits in the urban space. These kind of recycling projects build an unexpected image proposing a new configuration and a new use of the site. In these occasions, the project plays with the opportunity of revealing lost spaces, unexpected places that are transformed into new urban fabric. These spaces are infra-used because of its indefinition or its urban situation as residual places, complicated corners, unexpected squares, under bridges, deadend streets or unforgotten places. In this sense, the competition called “Racons Publics” is an initiative that seeks new ideas to reveal and recover this kind of urban spaces trough the participation of citizens. In the invention of places the comprehension and the interpretation of the places are clue to the solution.



Energy Wall renewal. Barcelona


Mail: annagmerin@hotmail.com Web : www.underprojectlab.com

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