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>>Annalaura Tolomio Po r t fo l i o

Annalaura To l o m i o Address: 208 Long Lane, Southwark, London, SE1 4QB Phone: +44 (0) 7426 943193 Email:

> Language Skills Italian mother tongue; conversational abilities in English; basic level of proficiency in French. > Computer Skills Cad design (AutoCAD 2D/3D) Photo editing and desktop publishing (Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign) Vector graphics (Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw) Rendering (SketchUp + Twilight rendering system) Video editing (Adome Premiere Pro) Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office Package (Word, Excel, Outlook, Publisher, Power Point)

> Registered architect at the Italian Board of Architects - RIBA equivalent

EDUCATION AND TRAINING > I.U.A.V UNIVERSITY OF VENICE FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE > Master’s degree in Sustainable Architecture Dissertation subject: “Future scenarios: conceptualization and strategies for new settlements in the Alps” Final Mark: 110/110

OCT 2005 MAY 2009

> I.U.A.V UNIVERSITY OF VENICE and EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND > Professional course on “Interior design”

JUN 2003 JUL 2003

> I.U.A.V UNIVERSITY OF VENICE and EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND > Professional course on “Site evaluation and project planning”

JUN 2002 JUL 2002

> I.U.A.V. University of Venice Faculty of Architecture > Bachelor’s degree in Architecture Final Mark: 109/110

OCT 2001 JULY 2005

curriculum vitae


> B+D+M ARCHITETTI ( Architect key projects: > Square (Piazza Indipendenza) and urban regeneration, San DonĂ di Piave (Venice) from stage C to stage F: concept design, design development and site layout planning, technical drawings and production of drawing package for working plan.

> Residential development of 90 houses in ex Former Hospital area, Venice Lido from stage B to stage E: feasibility study, concept design, individual unit types design, production of drawing package and liaising with clients and contractors. > Residential and commercial development, Jesolo (Venice) from stage C to stage E: concept design, master planning, feasibility study, client presentation and production of drawing package for working plan. > Private residence, Padova from stage C to stage K: concept design, feasibility study, technical drawings for detailed design, client presentation, production of drawing package and inspection of works on site. > Old town centre refurbishment, Jesolo (Venice) Competition: first prize. Master plan and urban renewal planning. > Requalification of Former Hospital area, Montebelluna (Treviso) Competition: first prize. Concept drawings for the redevelopment and refurbishment of the area.

curriculum vitae

JAN 2008 MAR 2011

> G SFACTORY COMPUTER SOFTWARE ( Graphic designer and Artistic consultant > Creation of the visual identity, graphic designs and rebranding for a start-up computer software firm. Work included new company logo, projects logo and promotional merchandise.

JAN 2007 DEC 2007

> STUDIO PARISOTTO & FORMENTON ( Interior Designer key projects: > Salvatore Ferragamo shops from stage A to stage E: Master planning and detailed drawings (furniture, plasterboard, lighting, ceiling, flooring, AC, electrical) for shop design of international stores and flagship stores.

FEB 2004 JUL 2004

References available upon request.

> STUDIO PARISOTTO & FORMENTON ( Architectural Assistant - Internship key projects: > 3 shops in Kiev from stage A to stage C: Concept design and clients presentation of a proposal for an existing building renewal and refurbishment. > Rapetti house, Padova from stage A to stage B: Survey and concept interior design for a new double bedroom.

GsF ™ curriculum vitae

Wo r ks

Three shops in Kiev Client: Private Team: Studio Parisotto & Formenton PROJECT



PROGRAM NOTES: > Renovation of the ground floor in an old and degraded building > Space for antique shop, jeweller’s and leather goods shop > Creating an eye-catching entrance to the ground floor > Giving each shop interior a peculiar character and finish

Salvatore Ferragamo Shops Client: Private Team: Studio Parisotto & Formenton PROjects

2004 - 2005

PROGRAM NOTES: > Preserve international prestige of brand name > Develop opportunities for every shop location > Absorb and integrate every aspect of the shopping experience into the design: from furniture, special pieces and the amount of merchandise on display to the lighting, air conditioning, cladding and flooring...


PROGRAM NOTES: > Venice old lazaret has a long and complex story so far > The intervention partially distorts the original aim of the island, since it has to open itself to the exterior, receiving visitors and scholars > New buildings break the enclosure permitting the view beyond the wall toward Venice lagoon > In the rest of the island the intervention works as a tailored mending of weave gaps, but with a recognizable language

Museum complex in Lazzaretto Vecchio island (Venice) I.U.A.V University of Venice Faculty of A rchitecture Master’s degree in Sustainable Architecture project


auditorium and restaurant

museum walk

“old cloister” info point and didactics

guest rooms and flats

library and offices

expositive spaces and restoration laboratoies

2006 > I.U.A.V. MArch > Museum complex in Lazzaretto Vecchio island

Exterior of the restaurant

Entrance zone to the island and auditorium

Exterior of the exhibition area

2006 > I.U.A.V. MArch > Museum complex in Lazzaretto Vecchio isle

Urban regeneration of Former Hospital site in Venice Lido

PROGRAM NOTES: > Nature: promotion of natural sites, pollution and environmental impact reduction > Culture: Venice International Film Festival promotion, Music-Dance-Theatre centre > Sustainable tourism: light mobility (people mover, cycle tracks, bike rental), nature trail > Social equity: accessibility to 0-100 years old > Economic growth: exclusive hotel, services, public transport efficiency

I.U.A.V University of Venice Faculty of A rchitecture Master’s degree in Sustainable Architecture project


Mobility system

private means of transport + buses

peop le mov er

+ bicycle + pedestri an mobility

nature reserve

0’’ 0'0’ 0''

8’’ 1'1’ 8''

2'2’10'' 10’’

36’’ 3'3’36''

16’’ 4'4’16''

23’’ 6'6’23''

Casinò Casinò

Fiume SFiume quare

Des BBains ains Des

PolaPola Street Via

N ew Cinema Nuovo Palazzo Cinema Palace

San San NNicolò icolò

(bicycle + pedestrian mobility )

South elevation

North elevation

2007 > I.U.A.V. MArch > Urban regeneration of Former Hospital site in Venice Lido

Future scenarios:

strategies for new settlements in the Alps

I.U.A.V University of Venice Faculty of A rchitecture Master’s degree in Sustainable Architecture

paesaggi virtuali paesaggi virtuali GRADUATION THESIS 2009 virtuali paesaggi

ati a partire dalla proiezione di svariate tipologie di dati (socio-economici, otti in simulazioni spaziali, in vere e proprie "storie di vita vissuta" dei possibili do futuro. Si arriva così a ipotizzare concretamente, e non solo con l'arido supporto partire dalla dei proiezione svariate tipologie di dati (socio-economici, oatie aantropologico possibili di mondi futuri. otti in simulazioni spaziali, in vere e proprie "storie di vita vissuta" dei possibili

PROGRAM notes: > Alps trend analysis > Definition of 3 alpine scenarios > Selection of 3 valleys in Trentino Region with similar features > Study of weather data and interaction with climate change > Interpretation of traditional architecture > Settlement and architectural typology planning for each zone > Development of a precast wooden system that can be used in each typology

: - metropoli esterne collegate da corridoi a creare un modello di "città lineare"; - abbandono sostanziale: del resto del territorio. - metropoli esterne collegate da corridoi a : creare un modello di "città lineare"; delle grandi nei : del infrastrutture -concentrazione abbandono sostanziale resto del territorio. valle eesterne in vicinanza delleda poche zone -fondo metropoli collegate corridoi a turistiche. creare un modello di "città lineare"; : -concentrazione abbandono sostanziale del infrastrutture resto del territorio. delle grandi nei fondo valle e in: vicinanza delle poche zone localizzati : cime più alte (superiori ai 2000 turistiche. sulle m s.l.m.), ma sempre più in crisi. concentrazione delle grandi infrastrutture nei fondo valle e in: vicinanza delle poche zone turistiche.: sulle cime più alte (superiori ai 2000 localizzati aree produttive e di interscambio m s.l.m.), ma sempre più in crisi. lungo i corridoi commerciali. : localizzati: sulle cime più alte (superiori ai 2000 m s.l.m.), ma sempre più in crisi. lungo i corridoi aree produttive e di interscambio commerciali. : aree produttive e di interscambio lungo i corridoi commerciali.


City-to-landscape connection: ”linear city” along infrastructural corridors and abandonment of highland Infrastructure and facilities: concentration in the valley bottom with connections to a few tourist sites Tourism: on higher peaks (more than 2000 mt above sea level) but increasingly in crisis due to climate change Economy: industries lying along commercial corridors

: centri minori nell'area gravitazionale di quelli maggiori, che trovano una propria vocazione. : centri minori :nell'area gravitazionale di quelli -maggiori, collegamenti tra centri e minori; che trovano unamaggiori propria vocazione. - uso principalmente del: mezzo privato; -centri forteminori pendolarismo. :nell'area gravitazionale di quelli che trovano unamaggiori propria vocazione. -maggiori, collegamenti tra centri e minori; : - uso principalmente del mezzo privato; maggiormente : distribuiti nel territori; -- forte pendolarismo. di servizi di alto livello e forniti dai - fruibilità collegamenti tra centri maggiori minori; maggiori; -centri uso principalmente del mezzo privato; : diversificazione del flussonel turistico tra sport - forte pendolarismo. maggiormente distribuiti territori; benessere, -invernali, fruibilitàcentri di servizi di alto natura… livello forniti dai : centri maggiori; : - maggiormente distribuiti territori; diversificazione del flussonel turistico tra sport specializzazione e competizione traforniti i centri -invernali, fruibilitàcentri di servizi di alto natura… livello dai benessere, maggiori. centri maggiori; - diversificazione del flusso turistico tra sport : invernali, centri benessere, natura… specializzazione e competizione tra i centri maggiori. : specializzazione e competizione tra i centri maggiori. :

scenario 2

City-to-landscape connection: smaller centres are satellites around bigger cities Infrastructure and facilities: commuting and private means of transport Tourism: more and different supplies spread across the territory Economy: specialization and competition among bigger cities

- controllo del territorio e uso del suolo da parte di vari centri specializzati; - rafforzamento dei tradizionali sistemi : -insediativi controllorurali-urbani. del territorio e uso del suolo da parte di vari centri specializzati; : dei tradizionali : - rafforzamento sistemi -insediativi freno allarurali-urbani. concentrazione insediativa controllo del territorio e uso del suoloeda parte infrastrutturale grazie a soluzioni tecnologiche di vari centri specializzati; avanzate; : dei tradizionali sistemi -piùrafforzamento -insediativi mobilità dolce. freno allarurali-urbani. concentrazione insediativa e infrastrutturale grazie a soluzioni tecnologiche più avanzate; : : sviluppo risorse endogene; - mobilità freno alladi concentrazione insediativa e dolce. -infrastrutturale turismo naturalistico, artigianale… grazie a culturale, soluzioni tecnologiche più avanzate; : - mobilità dolce. sviluppo: di risorse endogene; risorsa principale costituita dal territorio e dai -- turismo naturalistico, culturale, artigianale… suoi prodotti; : - centri di ricerca per lo sviluppo; sviluppo risorse endogene; : di telelavoro. - turismo naturalistico, culturale, artigianale… risorsa principale costituita dal territorio e dai suoi prodotti; : ricerca per lo sviluppo; - centri di - risorsa principale costituita dal territorio e dai telelavoro. suoi prodotti; - centri di ricerca per lo sviluppo; - telelavoro.

scenario 3

City-to-landscape connection: land control through small specialized villages Infrastructure and facilities: technology and sustainable mobility Tourism: endogenous resources development and promotion Economy: focus on the territory and its products, and Research and Development 2009 > I.U.A.V. MArch > Future scenarios IN THE ALPS

Un secondo ambito è rappresentato dall'azione delle politiche pubbliche che, con diverse finalità, impattano più o meno direttamente o volutamente sul territorio. Altri importantissimi fattori sono infine quelli esogeni, che influenzano sia l'ambiente fisico sia quello Un secondo ambitosiè possono rappresentato dall'azione delle politiche che, climatici), con diversetecnologico finalità, umano. Fra questi citare trend di tipo naturale (es. pubbliche i cambiamenti impattano più o meno o volutamente sul territorio. (es. la diffusione delle direttamente tecnologie dell'informazione e le opportunità di telelavoro), economico (es. Altri importantissimi fattori sono infine quelli esogeni, che influenzano sia l'ambiente fisico sia quello




2009 > I.U.A.V. MArch > Future scenarios IN THE ALPS

Precast panel axonometric cutaway: A. 2 x 1,5 mm Fermacell panel + cavity 40 mm; B. wood fibre panel with moisture barrier; C. wood frames; D. wood fibre thermal insulation; E. wood fibre panel with transpiring waterproofing membrane; F. cavity 40 mm + wooden battens 30 mm; G. steel profiles supporting modular louvred system formed by wood battens. in te



loggia come accumulo termico



scala 1:20

loggia come accumulo termico


scala 1:20

D. E. F.

pavimento in legno 20 mm sottofondo a secco in fibragesso knauf brio 18 mm riscaldamento a pavimento 25 mm fibra di legno 20 mm strato di separzione in PE solaio in c.a. 340 mm pavimento in legno intonaco 20 mm 10 mm sottofondo a secco in fibragesso knauf brio 18 mm riscaldamento a pavimento 25 mm fibra di legno 20 mm strato di separzione in PE solaio in c.a. 340 mm intonaco 10 mm

G. ex te ri or


2009 > I.U.A.V. MArch > Future scenarios IN THE ALPS 18 m

Jesolo (Venice) old town centre refurbishment

PROGRAM notes: > Goal: renewal of old town centre > Selection of 3 sensitive zones: Church zone, bank of Sile river, Kennedy Square > Pedestrian squares and streets system > Revitalising public spaces: new shops, residences, accommodation, events and activities > Maintaining and complementing the historical and cultural heritage of the town centre

Client: Municipality of Jesolo (Venice) Team: B+D+M architetti COMPETITION-1st prize

Connections scheme and sections


Perspective view


new square

market square

K ennedy square

M atteotti square

1st may square

R epubblica square

Site plan


Requalification of Former Hospital area in Montebelluna (TV)

PROGRAM NOTES: > Preservation of the historical Villa Carretta (the Former Hospital) > Two new buildings perpendicular to the Villa, framing the original building > Environmental conservation > New Health Centre: green, open, transparent > Public and service facilities located on ground floor around central square > Central square: functional social hub

Client: Municipality of Montebelluna (Treviso) Team: B+D+M architetti COMPETITION–1st prize


rain water catchment

photovoltaic system

natural ventilation

geothermal probes

reversiblecycle heat pumps

Climatic scheme and frontal perspective of central square and surrounding area

2010 > B+D+M > requalification of former hospital area in montebelluna

main entrance


service entrance

photovoltaic panels health centre

central square


villa carretta


care home photovoltaic panels

photovoltaic panels


service entrance

existing care home building

Site plan

2010 > B+D+M > requalification of former hospital area in montebelluna

Private house in Padua Client: Private Team: B+D+M architetti CONSTRUCTION SITE


Perspective views and photo of the building site


PROGRAM NOTES: > Refurbishment and extension of a residential building > Two rectangular structures connected together: a parallelepiped extension with pitched roof alongside the original building > A defined connection between old and new to maintain the identity of both structures > Material choice: essentiality and simplicity

Ground floor plan, cross section, east and south elevations



Urban regeneration of San Donà di Piave Square Client: Municipality of San Donà di Piave Team: B+D+M architetti LVL architettura (Aurelio Galfetti with Luciano Schiavon) TENDER DOCUMENTATION


PROGRAM NOTES: > Goal: transforming the existing square into an authentic public space, a pedestrian precinct in the old town centre > The space is organised as a “nave” and two “aisles”, with the historic monument to the aviator Ancillotto situated on the central axis > The central “nave” covers 3.000 m2 making it suitable for cultural and social events > The lateral “aisles” are reserved for activities such as refreshment and rest Perspective views for preliminary design

2011 > B+D+M and LVL ARCHITETTURA > Urban Regeneration of SAN DONà DI PIAVE Square

Longitudinal section

Site plan

benches and albizia julibrissin trees fountain

monument town hall platform

white granite pavement


2011 > B+D+M and LVL ARCHITETTURA > Urban Regeneration of SAN DONĂ DI PIAVE Square

Residential development of Former Hospital site in Venice Lido Client: EstCapital SGR Spa Team: B+D+M architetti LVL architettura (Aurelio Galfetti with Luciano Schiavon) DETAILED PROJECT


PROGRAM NOTES: > Goal: revitalising the Former Hospital area by renovating the pavilions with new residential function and adding new buiding, as entrance of the living quarter > Preservation of existing buildings that are any worth + contemporary design of new building > New building with shops on the ground floor and 90 apartments on the upper floors > Light, airy and flexible spaces with 365 degree view

West elevation

South elevation

2011 > B+D+M and LVL ARCHITETTURA > Residential development in Venice Lido

Ground floor plan

First floor plan

Second/fourth floor plan

Third floor plan

Fifth floor plan







2011 > B+D+M and LVL ARCHITETTURA > Residential development in Venice Lido

Residential and commercial development in Jesolo (Venice) Client: IRIDIUM SRL Team: B+D+M architetti Luigi Pellegrini PROJECT


PROGRAM NOTES: > 10.500 m2 for 84 apartments and 9.400 m2 for shops > A large elevated square in the centre of the complex > A mixture of uses (residential, commercial, hospitality, offices) for social enrichment and interactivity > Long balconies overlooking the inner square and leading onto each storey of apartments Perspective views from the road

South elevation

2011 > B+D+M > Residential AND COMMERCIAL development in JESOLO





Plan and cross section of first floor apartments

2011 > B+D+M > Residential AND COMMERCIAL development in JESOLO

GsFactory logo

Client: Private LOGO DESIGN


> Main logo design for GsFactory firm > Designed and coloured with Adobe Photoshop CS3


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