2 minute read


Go out further, more comfortably. cost of ownership.

Dirbas said the Monkey Bus provides income for eight employees including herself, her son, a Sun employee and a paraplegic employee who answers the phone.

“He’ll be homeless next month without a job,” she said of her paraplegic employee.

“The Monkey Bus is not a service anyone is going to get rich off. We bought it because we want to do this as a community service for all the business owners, bars, residents and visitors,” Dirbas said.

Dirbas said there was a possibility of taking on an additional business partner or finding an “angel investor” to assist with the costs. Despite the challenges, Dirbas is confident the Monkey Buses will soon roll again.

“The Monkey Bus will be back on the road next weekend or soon after that,” she said. “I’m a fighter, I’m not going to give up. I’ll make sure we get back on the road doing what we do,” Dirbas said.

Community Support

As of Friday evening, the Monkey Bus Facebook post had received more than 560 likes and had gener - ated 120 comments.

Casey Phillis wrote: “You guys are an Island staple and have to stay open. Wishing you the best of luck.”

Anita C Beale Diaz wrote: “Get that Go Fund Me page set up. I’ll contribute annually! Most definitely gotta keep the Monkey Bus running! I love its practicality; no rental car is needed while I'm on Island.”

Francesca Cole wrote: “Well, that makes me extremely sad! You are one of the top reasons I chose to vacation there this week! I was super comfortable with the thought of turning my small group of 21-year-olds loose on the Island knowing they would be well taken care of and have your service as part of their experience.”

Cathy Strouse Rukstelo wrote: “You guys are a big part of what makes Anna Maria Island so special and different from other islands in Florida! I hope it all works out!”

Grant Smith wrote: “We love the service and the Monkey Bus family. We hope you can reach an agreement with a company that will allow you to resume this outstanding service.”

Lori Michelle wrote: “Monkey Bus put my mind at ease when my kids would go out. They had a safe ride home. Thank you!”

Dena Johnston wrote: “You do a fabulous job and service to our community. As a local, we will continue to support you.”

Bonita Norris wrote: “We used Monkey Bus several times two weeks ago and it was such a treat! Great service, on time and great music! Hoping you all can work through this bump in the road and get back to cruising up and down AMI.”

The Monkey Bus announcement was shared on the Island Ratz Unite Facebook page and generated several more comments there. Slicker’s Eatery owner Bob Slicker wrote: “Please let us know if/how we can help!”

Tera Gunter Lemus wrote: “You are keeping our community safer by keeping drunks off the roads. This is so sad.”

Shelly Crouse wrote: “Insurance in Florida is out of control in every aspect.”

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