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AZURE SHORES: Ordinance will resolve inconsistencies

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but a formal board recommendation was not requested because the proposed ordinance had not yet been properly advertised, as required by state law.

Prior to that August meeting, Serna sent a memo to the Planning and Zoning Board members that summarized and accompanied the proposed ordinance that contains the text amendments that will alleviate any existing or potential inconsistencies with the Azure Shores’ zoning and FLUM designations.

Serna’s memo notes the proposed ordinance will revise sections 302 and 307.4 of the city’s land development code (LDC) while retaining Azure Shores properties’ existing R-3 (Multiple-Family Dwelling) zoning designation and the existing R/O/R future land use designation.

“We have prepared a draft ordinance which adds R-3 as an implementing zoning district for the Retail/Office/ Residential (R/O/R) future land use category, adds bed and breakfasts and hotels/ motels as permitted uses in the R-3 district if the underlying future land use category is high density residential and updates terminology in the Land Development Code for clarification purposes,” Serna stated in his memo.

“As discussed at the June 7th meeting, based on our research of the 1989 comprehensive plan and the 1990 land development code, it is our opinion that the revisions proposed in this ordinance are consistent with the purpose and intent of the R-3 zoning district and the R/O/R and high density residential future land use categories and the areas of the city in which they are applied. The proposed revisions are for the purpose of correcting inconsistencies and for providing clarification; they will not take away any existing development rights nor introduce uses that are not currently permitted.

“Regarding the proposed addition of bed and breakfast and hotel/motel uses in the R-3 district, please note that hotels and motels are currently referenced in several areas within the land development code in reference to the R-3 district. Therefore, the proposed addition is being provided simply for clarification purposes. As proposed, bed and breakfasts and hotels/motels in the R-3 district will be limited to those areas that are within the high density residential future land use category,” Serna stated in his memo.

The proposed ordinance presented to the planning board on Aug. 2 contains the following language, “Commercial - Bed and Breakfast; hotels/motels: These uses are only permitted on sites with an underlying future land use of High Density Residential.” Serna’s memo states: “These uses would not be permitted in the Azure Shores subdivision, the area that was the initial focus of this discussion, which is located within the R/O/R future land use category.”

During the Aug. 2 Planning and Zoning Board meeting, Azure Shores resident and homeowner owner Evelyn Stob expressed her support and gratitude for this approach to resolving the zoning and FLUM inconsistencies. The remaining inconsistencies that still exist throughout the city will eventually be addressed as separate actions as part of this ongoing process.

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