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Proclamation honors BBPD
In honor of Law Enforcement Officers Week and Peace Officers Memorial Day, the Bradenton Beach Police Department was honored with a city proclamation read aloud by Mayor John Chappie on May 5. According to the proclamation: “Congress and the President of the United States have designated a national Peace Officers Memorial Day during Law Enforcement Officers Week. The members of Bradenton Beach Police play an essential role in safeguarding the rights and freedom of the citizens of the city. Members of law enforcement recognize their duty to serve the people of Bradenton Beach by safeguarding life and property, by protecting them against violence and disorder and by protecting the innocent against deception and the weak against oppression or intimidation. During Law Enforcement Officers Week, and throughout the year, the city of Bradenton Beach recognizes and appreciates the critical contributions and sacrifices made by members of law enforcement at all levels and honors their courage and dedication. The Bradenton Beach City Commission hereby proclaims May 15-21 as Law Enforcement Officers Week and May 15 as Peace Officers Memorial Day in Bradenton Beach and commends its observance to all citizens.”
JOE HENDRICKS | SUN Officers Roy Joslin, Devon Straight and John Tsakiri join Police Chief John Cosby and Lt. Lenard Diaz as the city proclamation is read aloud.
Hurricane Preparedness Expo May 17
The Manatee County Emergency Management Department will present the Second Annual Hurricane Preparedness Expo on Tuesday, May 17 from 4-7 p.m. at the Bradenton Area Convention Center, 1 Haben Blvd. in Palmetto. The free, educational, family-friendly event will cover insurance, evacuation levels and much more. Vendors, an emergency vehicle showcase, door prizes and giveaways are scheduled. For more information, call 941-749-3507 or email steve.litschauer@mymanatee.org. Hurricane season in Florida begins June 1.
Incident sheds light on city’s policing challenges
The events of April 26 raise larger questions about the increased demands and financial challenges faced by the Bradenton Beach Police Department.
SUN CORRESPONDENT | jhendricks@amisun.com
BRADENTON BEACH – A recent incident involving a stolen car, a stolen gun and a skirmish brought residents and police to city hall to tell commissioners about fear and inadequate funding.
On April 26 at 8:50 p.m., Bradenton Beach Police Officer Kyle Orms responded to a report of a possible fight in progress at the Summer Sands condominium complex near the 1100 block of Gulf Drive North. On the way, Orms was advised that a gun and 10 or more people were involved.
“Upon arrival, I observed approximately 10 subjects gathered in the street around one male subject on the ground. The male subject, later identified as Jonathan France, 17 years old, appeared to be being held down by a female subject later identified as Laketa Taylor. After the group parted and Mrs. Taylor let Mr. France go, Mrs. Taylor began yelling that Mr. France had stolen her vehicle and a gun and was trying to get away; and that she had been holding him there for the police,” Orms stated in his report.
While speaking with Taylor, Orms learned she had previously filed a report with the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office in which she alleged France stole her vehicle and a gun from her residence.
“While attempting to detain Mr. France, he began slamming his head into a nearby vehicle. I then took Mr. France to the ground and was able to secure him in handcuffs. After securing Mr. France, multiple subjects began getting into their vehicles and leaving the scene,” Orms stated in his report.
Officers from the Holmes Beach Police Department arrived to provide additional assistance. Bradenton Beach Police Officer Thomas Ferrara also later responded to the scene.
Taylor had learned on Facebook that France was on the Island and brought several people with her to confront him, according to the report. When confronted, France tried to run, the group stopped him and he fell, "yelling that he wanted to kill himself" and slamming his head into the concrete.
Taylor held him down while her husband, Dwight Evans Jr., grabbed a gun that was laying on the ground. Evans left, returning when Orms asked Taylor to have him bring the gun back to the scene, according to the report.
According to Ferrara’s report, Taylor’s husband found his stolen handgun – a loaded 9-millimeter semiautomatic pistol – while searching for the stolen vehicle that was found parked at the nearby Bridgeport condominium complex. Ferrara’s report notes Taylor’s car had a dead battery but was otherwise undamaged.
Orms ran a check that revealed France had been reported as missing and was the subject of multiple arrest warrants issued by the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office and one warrant issued in Sarasota. France was placed under arrest and transported to HCA Florida Blake Hospital in Bradenton. After being medically cleared, he was transported to the juvenile assessment center.
“I was advised that due to Mr. France’s statements, he would need to be transported to Centerstone for Baker Act,” Orms stated in his report.

JOE HENDRICKS | SUN Resident Ken McDonough described the April 26 incident to the city commission.

Battle at Bali Hai continues
The city’s special magistrate ruled against the owners of Bali Hai in two cases, but the battle continues.
SUN STAFF WRITER | kswain@amisun.com
HOLMES BEACH – Special Magistrate Michael Connolly ruled in the city’s favor in two code compliance cases against the owners of the Bali Hai Beach Resort, but attorney Louis Najmy says the fight’s not over.
Closing out an April 26 code compliance special magistrate hearing were two cases involving Bali Hai – one for having more units than allowed and another for renting electric low-speed vehicles on the property.
The first case involved renting GEM cars on the property without the rentals being an approved use under the site plan. Representing the resort’s ownership, including majority owner Shawn Kaleta, Najmy said that while the GEM cars are on the property at any given time, they are not rented by the resort. Instead, he said, they’re owned and rented through a third-party affiliate business, AMI GEM Cars, and he provided communication from the owners stating that they’re not otherwise involved with Bali Hai.
After looking at documentation from code compliance officers showing that the cars were available for rent through the resort’s front desk, Connolly ruled that the resort’s owners cannot rent or store the cars on the property and they cannot advertise them for rent through Bali Hai. He did acknowledge that if a guest of the resort has rented a GEM car and it’s parked on the property that it would not be a violation.
The resort’s website has since been updated to reflect that GEM cars are available but are rented through AMI GEM Cars, not Bali Hai.
The second case, concerning the existence of a non-permitted 43rd unit on the property, caused Najmy to ask Connolly to recuse himself, saying that he feels the special magistrate is biased against his client, Kaleta. Connolly said that he’s sorry Najmy feels that way but if the attorney puts his concerns in writing he’d have to consider it.
After hearing statements from code officers along with City Planner Bill Brisson, Connolly ruled that the resort’s owners are in violation of city codes, having one unit over the maximum of 42 that Bali Hai is grandfathered to have. While the various building plans presented by city staff and Najmy showed the unit in question as a rentable unit on some and a flex space without sleeping quarters on another, staff noted that they had observed the unit to have sleeping accommodations. Najmy argued that while the unit does exist, it’s used as a backup in case one of the other 42 units is in need of repairs and is unable to be rented. He said the resort never rents more than 42 units at a time.
City Attorney Erica Augello said it doesn’t matter if the resort only rents 42 units at a time; having a 43rd unit available puts the resort over its maximum density because of the ability to rent 43 units.
Connolly ordered that the resort’s owners come into compliance by removing the 43rd unit on the property and provide documentation to the building official proving that there are only 42 units available on the property.
The battle over uses at Bali Hai isn’t ending with the special magistrate hearings. Several cases are pending in Manatee County court appealing Connolly’s rulings against the resort owners and the site plan approval granted by Holmes Beach commissioners restricting uses on the property.
As of press time for The Sun, no hearings were scheduled in any of the pending cases.

SUBMITTED | BALI HAI A page on the Bali Hai Beach Resort’s website shows GEM cars available for rent at the resort. The page has been updated to note that the cars are available through a third-party affiliate company, AMI GEM Cars.