HOLMES BEACH: Commission candidates FROM PAGE 1
ment committee, form of government ad-hoc committee and dog park committee • Owned and operated an executive search firm for 28 years in Princeton, New Jersey, and as president of her professional personnel association • Volunteer work includes the Golden Retriever Rescue of Mid-Florida, Anna Maria Island Historical Society, Suncoast Waterkeeper, Friends of the Island Library and Roser Memorial Community Church • 11-year resident of Holmes Beach Q: Why should voters cast their ballots for you? A: “My civic responsibility to make our city the best coastal city in Florida is evident in my resume. For 11 years I have stepped up and served. I have been appointed to committees, volunteered at city functions, advocated for the city dog park, and attended and participated in commission meetings and work sessions. I have done hours of research in order to address areas that I felt needed resident input or clarification. I have committed myself to my city and its residents. I am a team player and a good listener. I strive to achieve fairness and compromise. My background is in Human Resources and this has taught me how to develop partnerships to bring people together for the betterment of all.”
• Formerly served three terms as a Holmes Beach city commissioner and five years on the planning commission • Worked as the Monetti general manager of the Columbia Restaurant on St. Armands Circle for 27 years • Part of the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association for 20 years, served three years as its president • Volunteer work includes The Center of Anna Maria Island, Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce and Anna Maria Elementary School Parent/Teacher Organization • 26-year full-time resident of Holmes Beach Q: Why should voters cast their ballots for you? A: “To elect a well-rounded
individual who will try to offer a balanced approach to issues. I am a 26-year resident of Holmes Beach that can see perspectives as a family man with a wife and five children raised here, but also cognizant of our business community. They are not mutually exclusive.”
• Formerly served for 17 years as a Holmes Beach city commissioner, was first elected in 2003 • Formerly served with the United States Morton military and currently works part-time at the Holmes Beach ACE Hardware • Member of the Florida Emergency Preparedness Association and certified by FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute • Previously served as Holmes Beach city commission liaison to Waste Pro, Holmes Beach police pension board and Manatee County Emergency Operations Center • 23-year Holmes Beach resident Q: Why should voters cast their ballots for you? A: “Because I have a tremendous history and proven record in supporting our residents and business owners. Balance is key. Too much legislation to benefit only one aspect of the city will tip the scales in only one direction. I will continue to look at the entire picture. This, after all, is a wonderful place to visit but an even better place to live and raise a family.”
• Incumbent commissioner, first elected in November 2019 • Serves as city commission liaison to the Anna Maria Island Chamber of ComSchaefer merce, Anna Maria Elementary School, The Center of Anna Maria Island, Holmes Beach police pension board. Alternate liaison for legislative matters and the Manatee County Emergency Operations Center • Worked for 35 years in banking and business management • Volunteer work includes 16 years as a public school board member in Belleville, Illinois and 12 years as a board member of the Southwestern Illinois Development Authority • Member of the Key Royale Club and served on the Holmes
Beach Form of Government AdHoc committee Q: Why should voters cast their ballots for you? A: “I believe voters can have the confidence that my deliberations and opinions are based on solid research, fact-finding and the ultimate effect my decisions and vote will have on our community. My knowledge and experience of our city’s operations, gained over the past years’ service, provide the basis of evaluating each issue and deciding what the net benefit to our community will be. I also believe that it is vital to listen to my fellow commissioners’ statements concerning issues prior to my ultimate decision and vote. I have the time and desire to serve the city and will continue to invest the time in preparation for meetings in order to be fully prepared to discuss all agenda items. In addition, I have the lifelong desire to help when and where I can be effective.”
• Incumbent commissioner, first elected in November 2014 • City commission liaison to code compliance, Grassy Point Preserve, Manatee Soustek County Emergency Operations Center, planning commission and parks and beautification committee • Worked as a corporate accountant for more than 50 years • Volunteer work includes Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch and Shorebird Monitoring, Serving Anna Maria and Friends of the Island Library • Served as chair of the Holmes Beach Island Congestion Committee in 2013 Q: Why should voters cast their ballots for you? A: “Much depends on your commissioners taking the right path for you. Please look at my voting record and you will see the ordinances I have voted on. Limited bedrooms in structures to four, larger setbacks between properties, house sizes to lot ratios, noise restrictions, safety on our roads and in our homes, protection of wildlife, dunes and sea oats, reduced parking in our residential areas, better site plans, mask regulations, vacation rental regulations. These are just a few of hundreds.”
SEPTEMBER 29, 2021