How Much Time a Broken Bone take to Heal? It depends on various factors. Lets discuss it in details. The healing process for all bones is the same. The process is the same even if a bone is broken or cut for a surgery purpose.
On what Factors Bone Healing Depends? It depends on various factors: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Type of bone(foot, arm, thigh, etc). The health of the person. Point of fracture. Type of fracture. Quality of food after a fracture. Quantity of food. Type of surgery. The severity of the fracture
Process of Healing: The process of healing a bone has 3 stages. ● ● ●
Inflammation. Bone production. Bone Healing.
Inflammation: It starts after bone fracture and lasts for several days. When bone fractures, the body starts clotting and inflammation at the point of fracture. This works as first aid and provides framework and stability for new producing new bone.
Bone Production: At this stage, inflammation is replaced by cartilage and fibrous tissue. After some days the soft callus or cartilage gets converted into hard callus or hard bone. A hard callus is a new bone that is visible on Xrays after some days of fracture.
Bone Healing: Bone healing is the final stage and it takes some months. While remodeling, bone continues to form and compact. This keeps the bone in original shape. After bone healing, a little work
on that bone encourages remodeling. Improved blood circulation in the area of fracture aids bone remodeling.
How Long it takes to heal a bone? To heal to a significant degree, bone generally takes 6 to 12 weeks. Bones of children heal faster than adults.
How Bones can Heal Faster? By taking special care, treatment and food, the process of healing a bone can become faster. Collagen peptides and b one broth can make the process work faster. By providing essential nutrients for the bones. Bone broth and collagen provide ligament, calcium and other essential nutrients for the bones.