Importance of Functional Fitness We spend most of our time at home. But staying physically inactive is not good for our health. Even we spend most of our time at home we should remain functional. Functional fitness is a great way to keep your body physically active and healthy. But do you know what is functional fitness? Everyday activities are the part of functional fitness. These activities may include ● Doing some routine work. ● Walking. ● Carrying different households. Doing these types of exercises improve quality of life. It also reduces the risk of bone injuries. It strengthens muscles and increases muscle elasticity. Staying inactive throughout the day will decrease your strength. Exercises will increase your overall strength.
In this article, we will discuss some exercises. These exercises can improve your health by improving functional fitness. No matter even if you are following a specific diet such as keto or paleo (read more about p aleo vs keto). These functional fitness exercises will increase your strength. Here are some exercises.
Squat: The squat must be in your functional fitness routine. Your squat movement must be controlled and slow. You can make squats more challenging by holding light weights in your hands.
Plank: Plank is a great way of functional fitness because it requires more balance and mobility. It can improve your overall health because this exercise use many muscles.
Step Downs: Step down is another great exercise. Descending a set of stairs can improve your stability. It can increase the strength of your legs.
Stationary Lunge: It is crucial to add this exercise to your daily activities. It can increase mobility and strength in your knee joints as it is a split stance.
Single-Leg Lift: You can improve your balance by doing this exercise. This could be beneficial in many ways. It will even improve your walking. Doing this exercise will strengthen your legs and prevent falls.
Other Exercises: Other functional fitness exercises include: ● Single-leg Dead Lift ● Downward-facing Dog ● Lunge with Bent Over Row ● Side Plank ● Step up ● Row ● Wall Squat ● Incline Chest Press
Conclusion: All the above functional fitness exercises can increase your strength and improve overall health. What you eat plays important role as well. You can try bone broth made by bone broth powder.