1 minute read

What Happens to Stomach When you Don’t Eat?

What Happens to Stomach When you Don’t Eat?

Our stomach is full of ​digestive juices​ and ​hydrochloric acid​ to mash up our food. These acids digest everything in our stomachs. But when they found nothing to digest they start digesting mucus.


Mucus is a layer of special neutralizing agent that protects your stomach from digestive acids. But acids start digesting stomach when mucus fails to protect it. This cause ​ulcer​.

This is why you should not keep your stomach empty.

How to prevent Ulcers?

● Avoid foods that are not good for your stomach. For example, if chili in food is disturbing you after eating. Avoid spicy foods. If fatty foods are irritant, avoid them.

● Don’t smoke to prevent duodenal ulcers.

● Keto Breakfast​ is a perfect diet to prevent ulcers. It is low carb and easy to digest.

● Say goodbye to alcohol. It grows ulcers.

● Control stress, anxiety, and exercise regularly.

● Take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

● Drink ​Master Cleanse​ to remove toxins from your body.

● Drink ​Chicken Bone Broth​ to heal your gut.

These are some of the ways to prevent and heal ulcers. But consulting a doctor is crucial.


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